The grind isn’t compulsory.

If you don’t like grinding, that’s perfectly fine and valid.
If you think it takes a long time to achieve these lofty goals you have set yourself, yes. Yes it does take a long time.
Stop pretending it’s mandatory though. Stop complaining like you’re forced to do it.
No one perk, or any add on, or item is essential to either winning or increasing your skill in this game.
You could keep a Survivor or Killer at level 1 if you wanted to and STILL learn to play well with them.
Don’t like grinding, fine. Stop behaving like you’re forced to do so in this game.
this is ridiculous. some people might want to play with x perk on y killer/survivor. you'll have to grind for that. in a game you paid for. judging by this post, it seems your only goal is winning games. i enjoy trying wacky builds. obviously you aren't forced to grind to play the game, but that's not what people are complaining about
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I absolutely agree on this since I am trying to prestige 3 all the character and getting all the perks on them. Nearly done.
I also believe that it a huge accomplishment to do so (bigger if all the character progress was reset which happened to me)
3 -
Run WGLF or BBQ every game.
Bloodpoints are more of a "want" than a "need" because I have a compulsory need to prestige every character for no other reason than I can.
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The only problem with this statement is that, if you want to play this game seriously, each side has maybe 10-15 good perks and the rest are trash.
As someone with 1.6k hours, every perk unlocked on every killer, and every survivor perk unlocked on 1 survivor. The grind is too much. It should not take 1.5k hours to unlock something that is a basic feature of the game.
What they really should do, is keep everything the same, but instead of random perks appearing in the bloodweb, you get to pick which perks you have that are unlocked. You get a "tier token" in the bloodweb that you can spend on any perk you want of that tier (you still have to get tier 1/2/3 etc to get to tier 3).
This way you can mostly get the perks you want.
20 -
Once again I agree.
I've tried to make this point to multiple people, on the forum and off, but they don't seem to get it. "I hate how much of a grind this is", they say. I point out that to "grind" is to play the game, and that they can either rush it on purpose and hate everything until they get X perk or whatever, or they can...ya know, enjoy the game.
It reminds me of the South Park episode where the characters are sweating Warcraft hard because they desperately want to level up to macro god tier levels in order to deal with another player who's annoying them. They spend weeks if not months playing to level up to the point at which they can defeat him. Once defeated, they ponder what to do next. "Now we can play the game", one of them says.
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If someone considers the game a "grind" because they're in a rush to play with a certain perk then they're the ones responsible for making the game a grind to begin with.
Since characters gain access to all of their perks with about five or six games' worth of bloodpoints, and since the characters themselves don't change regardless of their level, and since there is no ultimate "win" condition that finishes the game with an awesome cutscene followed by the words "the end", there is no grind. There's just "playing the game". The two are not mutually inclusive. The game was meant to be played over and over. That's the whole purpose. Every match is meant to be enjoyed. As such, robotically rushing through match after match to gain access to a specific perk or achievement is choosing to deliberately make the game a chore until such thing is achieved. I don't understand that logic.
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It IS mandatory if you expect to get far. There are a dozen perks off the top of my head that are required to combat different survivor setups in red ranks, spread out on a half dozen killers. Same can be said as survivor, unless you just want the basic 'DS/DH/BT/IW.'
Besides, it's easy to say 'it's not mandatory' when you've already put in a thousand hours or so and unlocked a majority of perks. Starting out, it's completely over the top.
22 -
I mean, you ain't wrong.
And feeling like i need to unlock the perks via the character has surprised me in which characters I'll like or dislike - so it has it's good points.
I never thought i'd like plague or Demigorgan - but grinding them for their perks taught me I like them.
1 -
I win most Clown games against sweat squads using Coulrophobia, Sloppy, Forced Penance, Deathbound.
Rubbish/bad perks is purely subjective.
0 -
The grind is pretty compulsory
For both survivor and killer, you will lose significantly more often without meta perks than you will with them, especially if you're not playing in a SWF or not playing a top tier killer
15 -
You know that this is like a billionaire telling people that a wage of $5.00 an hour is perfectly viable and that a customer paying for their food and then paying for your employees through mandatory tipping is normal right?
23 -
Gonna have to disagree with this post. The grind is ridiculous in this game. ESPECIALLY when new players look at it. I've put my time into the game so I've unlocked most perks on my main survivors and killers, but I have friends who simply don't want to start playing the game a lot because they can tell it's going to take a long time to get perks.
Even then, I don't want to play the same survivors and killers every game. To me, that's boring. But then the issue arises where if I feel like playing x killer, I simply don't have the perks unlocked to have a good game with them. E.g. I am rank 1 with my mains of Huntress/Pig/Doctor, but if I ever feel like playing say Pyramid Head, or Blight, I am going into a rank 1 game with terrible perks which I know won't be fun for me (and probably the survivors if the game is too easy).
There are so many new survivors and killers since they first reworked the bloodweb, I really don't think it would cause much issue if they doubled the bloodpoints earned per game, or at the very least let the players choose which perks to unlock instead of an RNG web.
15 -
"You're not forced to do it" is the worst argument for not reducing the grind I've possibly ever heard. Yes, you can play a level one survivor. If that's what you want to do: Go for it! But for those of us who do want to use varied builds and try out different perks on different characters, the grind is too much. To suggest otherwise is completely ridiculous. Just because YOU aren't interested in getting all the perks, doesn't mean there aren't people who ARE. And those people deserve to have it reduced. Why should the game be catered to YOU? You're the one that wants All-seeing-Blood nerfed. Surely you can beat it with your level 1 survivor no problem.
22 -
I know I said he's technically right, but I do believe it's starting to get unwieldy
Frankly they need to just do away with perk levels and do away with 2/3rds of the grind. That will make things reasonable for another year or two.
2 -
That is a complete fallacy. Sorry. I’m not criticising you personally, just this belief/myth that some players share.
It’s limited thinking, and it can potentially prevent players from bettering their skills.
I hardly ever use anything meta, and I pride myself on being pretty good at this game. This isn’t a flex. I’m not trying to show off. Simply demonstrating that the game allows it to be possible to successfully be good at the game regardless of a chosen loadout.
This isn’t to suggest that particular load outs and strategies have no merit or any bearing on a match whatsoever. They’re just not as influential on the outcomes of matches as many players invest themselves into thinking that they are.
Another way of looking at is to make do with the hand you’re dealt. I.e. try to learn to milk as much advantage from what available perks and add ons are currently available, rather than stressing about what isn’t unlocked yet. Almost all perks are nowhere near as bad as many perceive them to be, and most of that perception is borne of sheep mentality anyway. Make do with what you got. It teaches excellent skills in this game over the long run.
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Actually that’s not a particular good comparison at all. I’m playing the same game as everybody else. There’s nothing exceptional about my version of DBD that I’m playing compared to anybody else’s, other than I’ve got better frame rate than older console users, which I was also using up until November, and I was still good at the game then as well.
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Then they weren't top tier survivors.
5 -
Eye roll.
I forgot about the psychic connection you have to all of my matches...
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Honestly the amount of grind is horrible. I cannot now afford buying or redeeming the killer just because of the exponential amount of grind.
I wanted to buy Nemesis. And I was prepared for the grind. I have accumulated 1,000,000 bp in my checking account and 2,000,000 in savings in 3 past rifts. And 90,000 daily's. Guess what? After spending all that bloody BP -- I did not get BBQ. Even level 1 -- just no BBQ for you.
I wanted Nemesis to make money on his own, but no. Now he has to live in HillBilly's basement and let Billy make BP. Goddam I just want to play a killer with the perks I already own.
4 -
You would lose against marth's depip squad.
0 -
Ah yes, because spending 150€ on a game and DLCs is not enough to play with character you want and with perks you want.
Perfectly fine indeed, just pour 3k hours in, easy
6 -
You're point is sorta irelevant i think. Chase perks arn't really meta right now, running standart slowdown perks isn't really an impediment in you learning tiles and mindgames and "getting better". Also the way you apply pressure doesn't really change, it's just numerically more efficient with a meta build. You can be good and have a 90% winrate, chances are tho every game you've lost, you would have played exactly the same, except the extra pressure from a meta build woulda tipped it in your favour. Adding 2, 3, 5 minutes to a game is fairly significant.
I'll admit playing off - meta really throws (some) survivors for a loop. I've used some pretty meme builds for challanges and have gone on pretty dominating winstreak with them. The issue is MM... isn't really a thing tho, anything can work thill you hit that 1 squad that has 99% gen uptime...
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I dont think we can just deny that psychology and skinnerbox ideas are worked into it.
If its isn't compulsory why is it designed to be completed.
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What does Pernida Parkgnjas have to do with the grind? 😂
It's not ridiculous at all. They're right. The grind is not necessary. Also, this person is known for doing unorthodox builds, usually involving No Mither.
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Although I agree with a lot of your posts Clown, if I may call you that, I must say I disagree with you on this one. The grind is way too much in this game IMO. It should not take a player more than 1000 hours to "complete" the game.
I do believe that this grind is the very reason why some new players decide not to commit to this game, which is very unfortunate because we need new players coming into the player base to make the game stay alive for as long as possible. Most of my friends gave up after a few months.
I've been through one grind on PS4 and I am now on my second on PC (since December 2020). I am no hardcore gamer, but I spend about 15 hours a week and still I am not even close to getting my survivor builds ready, let alone Killer where I only have BBQ unlocked on Bubba. Starting to level up the other killers is of course my next thing to do, but OH MY GOD do I not look forward to it. It's now 24 killers and counting. That is an insane amount of bloodpoints needed, let alone playing time. The grind also steals a lot of the fun part of the game, having to constantly running WGLF and BBQ limits the builds.
This game is not made for competitive gaming. I know that it doesn't matter what survivor you play, everyone is the same. But, many buys this game to play as their favorite character. In the state of the game newer players will have to pick 1 survivor and stick to that survivor only to make builds. It gets boring, I need to change things up sometimes.
One solution could be dropping the 3 tiers of every perk, because that is really what makes this grind so bad - the amount of perks having to be unlocked. Every perk have to be unlocked 3 times for each character, and a fourth time for the teachable. Dropping to 2 tiers of each perk would help a lot actually. That and making each bloodweb smaller.
Would this be like giving the finger to older players that already has been through the grind? I don't think so. It's more of a helping hand to newer players wanting to be a part of this welcoming community :)
9 -
There is perks not just to win. Some perks are required for challenges, some perks needed to make challenges easier. And some perks just for fun.
When new player asking for help, we often advise to unlock some perks. Yes you can play without perks, or only use default perks. But there is a lot of unlockable content. And it's natural you want to unlock it. And unlocking all of the content is highly time consuming. Even if you buy this stuff, you need to grind a lot to make it available to other charachters.
New stuff coming every 3 months, making grind more and more tidious for newer players. Last time bloodweb was updated at patch 3.2.0, Stranger Things, September 2019. Since then there was added so much new stuff. 7 killers and 8 survivors. 45 new perks total.
Game is growing. I believe we need another update to reduce grind.
6 -
Different types of gamers are motivated by different things. If you're motivated by wanting to collect things, and that's what makes a game fun for you, then the grind is compulsory in order to have fun -- and probably has the wrong effort/reward ratio to be satisfying.
If you want to experiment and be creative, and that's what makes the game fun for you, then the grind is compulsory in order to get new perks to experiment with -- it's really frustrating for that kind of player to have an idea for a build and not be able to try it unless they grind another 20 hours first.
When people complain about the grind (and I'm one of them), what they're saying is that the amount of grind they have to do in order to engage with the parts of the game they enjoy is too high relative to how much enjoyment they get. But, if we stopped grinding all together, there'd be even less to enjoy. :(
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This is an absolutely ridiculous stance. The grind is real and people are forced if they want any decent perks and/or any form of variety.
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People do not want to just use a single build or a less optimal one or a less meme one all the time even if they can win with it. Games are about fun and part of the enjoyment is switching up your build, add-ons etc. You cannot claim no restrictions are in play on the gameplay you experience by not having the add-ons or perks. The grind is mandatory if you want to be able to play the game without restrictions. The fact that one cannot play in the manner that they seek without spending thousands of hours is ridiculous by any standards. Having some grind is fine, most people don't mind it... the one in DBD however is off the charts demanding.
I am a gamer that enjoys trying out new things, having a variety in game and all that. The fact that I am unable to do any of that is a detriment to the potential the game has to offer. I want to be able to play more than one killer and I want to be able to play these killers in different manners and builds/add-ons are how you achieve this.
The grind is mandatory if you want to be able to enjoy the game to its full potential. Games are not just about the end result, it is the enjoyment of the match.
2 -
"No one perk, or any add on, or item is essential to either winning or increasing your skill in this game"
But a wide variety of perks on at least one survivor and as many killers as possible is essential for interesting + varied builds, which is where a big part of the fun comes from for some of us
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The difference is that you started years ago and new players need to start from scratch. I hope you play perkless from now of if this is how you actually view the game.
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Sure the grind isn't real. I will destroy the opposition with my level 50 nemesis (that I totally not have to grind for) and the useful perks I picked up while leveling him. Let's see... we have meta staples here like hangman's trick or cruel limits, maybe blood favor and fire up will pair nicely with them? Gen regression perks or tracking perks? Haven't seen them but I'm sure they'll show up once I hit level 90 or so
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Man I just want to have my main build on multiple different characters but it's impossible when you have 90 perks unlocked.
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correct. it is not necessary to advance or enjoy the game at all.
it is still insanely long for no reason.
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P3 - optional
All perks on survivors - one would do
All perks on killer - sometimes BBQ is the last to show.
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Would this be like giving the finger to older players that already has been through the grind?
Here since Dec 2016, 3k hrs, and still grinding away at this mountain. I welcome removing perk tiers.
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Playing the game isn't mandatory or "compulsory" either. Saying that you aren't forced to grind its a lofty position to take one you've already played for 100s or 1000s of hours, unlocked the majority of perks and have the experience and game knowledge to preform well when without them.
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I'm going to disagree with you and do something i rarely do by saying you are wrong.
One of the best points about this game is killer variety, and trying different things. Some perks are better or funnier to use on different killers. It's not normal to grind for hundreds of hours just to try something on a killer. And we're not even talking about P3'ing here.
If you really think the grind is fine, especially for new players, than you don't have a good state of mind.
Just for info, how long have you been playing for?
And dude... You gotta tone down on the whole imposing you're way of thinking on to people. If it's a fact then it's a fact, but for a while now you have this "if you don't think like me you're in the wrong, no discussion possible" mentality and it's really not positive.