Keys ..keys everywhere

Seriously, every second or third game I have at least one person with a key. Sometimes multiple. They know there is nothing a Killer can do about keys now and they are abusing that fact. Something seriously needs to be done about this lickety-split.
Bring Franklin = EZNevermind.
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I played multiple matches today as survivor and not one of my teammates brought a key.
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Same, seeing tons of keys in every lobby so stopped playing killer for now.
Its just one bad thing after another with this update :/
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The same can be said about killers camping and tunneling or using noed. You don’t nerf one sides toxic mechanic without nerfing the other sides too
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They already nerfed mori's!
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Something needed to be done about them years ago, they're taking their sweet time. They don't care that game quality for killer is bad. It's all about making survivors happy.
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Moris aren’t what I’m talking about
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Just do the 4 man slug, it may be "scummy" but it is the optimal way of dealing with keys
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It’s always about making survivors happy. But how happy will they be when it takes half an hour to find a match?
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You remind me of someone else on these forums...hmm, can't quite put my finger on their name...
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Sick bait
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Can't punish playstyles.
NOED isn't even good.
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Jesus christ dude, what did you smoke? No rly, i want some.
Keys are not broken? They are straight up ######### cheat/crutch. They just let you make shorcut and ignore objective! In which point you stopped and decided "yep, thats completely fair"? They are literally old mori, but for survivors, same rules. Skip objective.
Right now stacking gen regress is only way for killer to retain map pressure, especially when there is no counter to gen tapping except of ruin. And for every killer that has broken add ons there is another with worthless ones, like PH. And something should be done about that, i agree. But keys? Really. They are most unfair thing that this game currently has. You play perfectly well, you apply pressure, your loops are on point, aaaaaaaaand someone opens a hatch, 4 escapes, entity displeased, goodnight sir. You complain about stealing items and THIS doesnt bother you? Seriously?
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Those things are not even close to the Key my man, camping wastes the Killer's time, while the victim is screwed, so is the killer, all other survivors should just Gen rush him.
As for tunneling, it depends on the survivor tbh, if the survivor is good its the same thing, it will waste the killer's time and give a lot of freedom to the other survivors, theres also perks like Borrowed Time on top of body blocking.
And Noed while annoying can be countered before it even activates, they just added a perk made to find totems easily btw.
6 -
Survivor spasms are broken af. More often than not, survivors spawn separated and right beside gens. This maximize their time on gens while minimizing their startup time.
So, the killer still has heavy startup time and is then stuck chasing a survivor down while the other survivors are on three separate gens.
While survivors may not be completely separate every game, it happens more often than not, especially in larger maps.
Survivor is the power role if both sides are equally skilled, and there’s no real challenge for them atm.
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sounds like survivors are taking advantage of the franklins nerf.
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Stop taking the bait.
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NOED rewards bad killers and that should be changed. They are gonna have to figure out a way to punish those play styles because more and more players quit everyday because of camping and tunneling.
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Camping screws over everyone since no play will pip up thanks to the killer not interacting with everyone. Also no one is gonna run a perk just to get a totem counter when it should just be base kit.
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I forgot that your a newer player.
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Well no one was talking about camping, tunneling, or NoED until you decided to.
The response was fair to your "You don’t nerf one sides toxic mechanic without nerfing the other sides too", especially since we're talking about keys, and Keys and Mori's were/are seen as equivalent for their respective sides.
You know what isn't seen as having much of anything to do with keys by the vast majority? Tunneling, camping, and NoED.
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Why should it be? Survivors get enough free info for no work as it is. In fact if I had my way they wouldn't even get a HUD. Oversaturation of information between SWF, countless detection perks including the entirely foolproof Spine Chill, free aura reading of anyone downed or hooked - survivors know too much for zero effort. Killers have to equip perks for information like that.
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Slug them and if you run bbq hook them ounce before you slug them for the rest of the game its the only counter available to killer
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I mean do you blame them? They’re confirmed to be getting some sort of nerf in the near future, mind as well use them before they’re useless. I know killers would’ve done the same with their moris if they knew about the nerf in advance
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But they didn't. BHVR nerfs Killer stuff with no warning; Survivors always get a grace period. No matter, though; Once I get nemmy perked up, it'll just be a slugfest every game.
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You can’t compare keys and moris
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Yes, you can.
Both are unfun and unfair mechanics that prematurely end matches, even when one side is clearly outmatched.
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Yes, you absolutely can. One shortens the game by removing someone from it after two hooks. The other ends the game completely if you manage to successfully do what you should be doing anyway. One is a 'make the game easier', the other is 'win the game instantly'.
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How do keys prematurely end matches? You know you still have to repair all generators for everyone to escape with a key, right? And if all generators are repaired you have lost, even if the survivors have a key or not.
6 -
Oh really?
The Hatch becomes visible after the following condition is met: Number of completed Generators = Number of alive Survivors + 1
More specifically:
- 4 Survivors alive: 5 Generators completed, Exit Gates are powered
- 3 Survivors alive: 4 Generators completed, 1 Generator left
- 2 Survivors alive: 3 Generators completed, 2 Generators left
The exception to this is when there is only 1 Survivor left alive anymore, in which case the Hatch will immediately become visible and open automatically, regardless of how many Generators have been completed.
As soon as the Hatch is visible, it can be opened manually using Keys, as well as be revealed by Aura-reading abilities..
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Yes! And survivors have to do GENS to get that to happen. It’s not like they are just hiding in a locker for 5 minutes waiting for the hatch to spawn to escape with a key. They have to do their objective.
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Guess BW and NOED don't exist?
And if I hold a 3 gen, 3 people can get out even if I was going to win otherwise.
Even if only two people get out, it's still at least one person who shouldn't have escaped.
Keys need to go and anyone who says otherwise is ignorant
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So tunneling and camping isn’t enough for you? Guess we have to nerf anything that ruin your chances of getting a win because you can’t dodge a lobby with a key.
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And a Killer has to two-hook a survivor to mori them. But let's look at direct key counters.
Franklin's Demise - Does nothing now.
Oh hey, there's nothing else at all.
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You can leave the lobby if someone has a key.
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Unless they switch at 9 seconds. Which they always do.
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This is so unbelievable that i...don't believe you. You are lying, period.
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If you close your game while in the loading screen, you won’t lose your offerings, addons or anything so you can do that too, and you won’t get a penalty.
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Last second switch, remember?
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And that is cheating. I won't cheat; I have self-respect.
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Don’t complain about keys then. And self respect? You are not doing anything illegal. If you don’t like keys no one will stop you from leaving. And it’s not cheating.
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NoED is a perfectly counterable perk, survivors and SWFs just hate doing totems
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Disconnecting explicitly is cheating, actually. Better solution: Make keys reasonable. They're way too good right now.
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It’s like survivors are not aloud to have anything good in this game. They already nerfed Decisive strike and Object of obsession. Keys are perfectly fine as they are.
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I agree with you. The fact that tunneling and camping is still a thing shows how killer-sided this game is.
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Honestly don’t treat keys as a big thing and just play like you normally would, tunnelling the key holder will just make you lose the game.
Play normally, if you have pressure they won’t have a chance to use the key.
Killers have this absurd mindset it must be 4k for you to win the game.
Entity Displeased: You lost
Brutal Killer: Draw
Ruthless Killer: You played well
Merciless Killer: You played really well
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But comparing keys to moris doesnt do justice to any of them, because they do completly different things, and thus have a very different impact on the game.
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Yes, they are seen as equivalent because a lot of people dont understand the fundamental difference between the two.
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Both end the game prematurely and both are essentially uncounterable.
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Yep. I guess people really like their free escapes.