Claire Redfield eyes is bugged?

She is blind or something?
Scary killer looking eyes
Pretty sure her whole face is bugged, seriously. Who the hell said "yep that looks good".. I mean look at her.
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She looks like a newborn with those cheeks lol
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She looks like a zombie tbh. I wonder who saw that and thought that looked good, especially after Leon and Jill look so amazing, they just chose not to give a ######### about the skins
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This looks scary not gonna lie
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Yeah she looks like someone who leaves you in dying state and laughs at you from the exit gate.😂
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Well the skins look good, including Chris, its just Claire that looks off
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We know that the best face is still Cybil's one ( jk )
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I really hope those eyes are a bug… the mouth also looks a little bit off.. duckface-y. But I think that would be tolerable if the eyes were okay
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Maybe we should report this to Capcom, I'm not sure they agree with what they did to their Claire.
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It is just her eyes that are affected by cataract.
Also she stole boots from Shrek.
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Pretty sure anything licensed from Capcom had to be approved by them kn order to bring it into the game..
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So it's terrifying that Capcom agreed with this abomination...
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She looks like a fish XD
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Yeah it is.. if it’s not a bug.
and even more terrifying that Konami approved Cybils face…
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Its just her 10 years older version with meth addiction, that would be 1400 auric cells, please come again