I dont wanna play against nemesis anymore

I keep getting tunneled simply for looping the killer. This rank reset is something else, i got face camped 8 times today by nemesis. And im rank 11. Let that sink in.
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Who? @Shraggy idk
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Ruh roh…
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I agree BHVR keeps coming out with killers with m2s that make it a 50/50 at every pallet its just repetitive and unfun
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Seriously tho.i can dodgehis attacts but juking on controller is hard
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I guess you'll have to take a break then. But if you were smarter like the rest of us, you would welcome the many Nemesis matches so you can figure out how to play against him.
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I know how to play against himlol. Killer mains wouldnt know anything tho 🤷 try bothsides b4 u comment
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I do. Do you? I'm just saying this is the best chance we're gonna get to practice as and against him, so take it.
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I literally played the ptb, ik how to play against him
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Many I duuno stop using one loop so much killers get fed up and camp people that abuse certain loops plus his power negates most loops now
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And die? Id rather not. Greeding pallets takes time. If there abusing loops simply force them to drop. Its not hard lol
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He's kinda like Oni in that you're only going to be good against him if your other survivors are. If people don't get infected early (like Oni getting blood) he can be pretty weak and easily looped.
Try SWF until more people learn to play against him better?
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I have no friends.
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Good for you? Not everyone plays the ptb.
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Yer how can you force a drop when they just run a really long building pallet loop against a killer so much your unable to keep los for bloodlust or the people that sit on pallets with such a long way to reach either side they just spam vault for them everytime your near forcing you to move again that’s not skill and that’s abusing pallets and loops
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Follow this guide and you should be fine:
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OP literally said he's getting tunneled/and camped for looping the killer.. I think that means he knows how to play against him.
Sounds like he's complaining more about how others and even the killer himself doesn't know how to play, which is reasonable since Nemesis just came out.
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Yeah I managed to use DS against all the nemesis I've faced today while also getting camped too. We just love to see it.
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I don't see what this has to do with nemesis? Wouldn't this happen with any killer?
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Its not the same killer on the ptb the best counterplay against him was to go to a zombie and get infected like that you deny nemesis power
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So you're upset that you're so good against him and he's so easy to face that its causing people who play him to camp hook against you? Isn't this what you wanted? Shouldn't you be happy?
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If he's getting camped to death, he's not winning and therefore doing it wrong.
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You could loop the killer the entire game and still get camped to death at the end. What are you on about?
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Then you failed at the end. That's what I'm on about - people making excuses instead of coming to the obvious conclusion, which is that they need to get better and change their strategy.
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Sorry to break it to you but you're going to get caught eventually if you're getting chased. The only exception is if the killer is a rank 20 noob or if you have a coordinated SWF at the ready to bodyblock for you to the exit gates.
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I mean it's up to the sink if he wants to come in or not.
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I hear you - been tunneled and proxy camped more times just today by Nemesis than in all my matches over the past few months. I'm guessing these Nemesis killers are letting their inner coward show knowing that most Jill/Leon they come across will be babies right now without defensive perks, so easy tunnels.
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Or they're playing to win because they know all those Jills and leons are experienced players just leveling them.
That's possible, too. Also, not being super biased is also possible. but clearly you can't do that.
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Not if you....get this...
Break chase. Like lose the Killer and go do something else. It's a skill few survivors can manage without perks helping and most can't do it with them.
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Yeah.. because a good killer doesn't just lose a survivor, especially without them having perks made for it.
That brings me back to my point, that you're referring to level 20 noobs.
If the killer wants you dead, you're most likely dead. There's no more discussion to it. Of course the killer can screw up, but that's not something to rely on.
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"If you are really smart you can drop your purple flashlight to a teammate you want dead, and watch them get camped!"
My favorite part of the guide. It made me smile.
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Aight. I mean, I guess the people who I've seen manage it countless times at red ranks over the last five years were figments of my imagination.
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I find it hard to believe they aren't trying then all the other times. It's been really bad today.
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I never said it wasn't possible, I said it wasn't likely as it depended on both the survivors perks & if the killer screws up.
Main point is, if you looped the killer the entire game, you did your job well. I don't know why you don't see that, but agree to disagree.
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SAME. Happened to me in the first 6 matches I played against Nemesis. Only had one Nemesis after that who actually played the game. Really sucks and made it not fun to play the game anymore - people are so desperate for kills and focused on getting them, instead of just calming down and taking time to figure out how to play Nem. And I'd like to add, all of the matches where I was tunneled and face camped, I did nothing that would upset the killer, I just played normally - didn't gen rush, didn't have a key or flashlight. It just sucked. But as people told me on my thread about this, we must try and be patient with them. I don't condone face camping and I still think even if you're a new killer, it never makes sense to face camp someone to death and it takes 0 skill, but clearly people feel they need to. When I play today and it starts happening again, I may try to get even and bring keys until the tunneling/face camping trend dies down (I usually never bring keys into matches) 🤣 if they can "play however they want" without any consideration for the fun of others, then we can too. Normally I would take the high road, but apparently now it's: don't get mad, get even 🤣
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IMO try being as unavoidable & play as stealthy as possible until mid-late game. Looping a killer gets harder the longer they chase you, so if they're chasing you when the game is almost over it's alot easier to escape.
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the Killer released not even a day ago and is arguably one of the most hyped characters to ever get introduced into DbD.
you will be seeing him for a while now.
especially since he is actually pretty fun to play.
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I just don't want to play against nemesis because the lag spikes when playing against him are ridiculous and ruin the game.
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First game against a nemesis he tunneled, face camped and nodded at me the whole time… For simply looping him for a while. Took a few more games of being tunneled to stop playing lol. Honestly better to play killer at this point.
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Not surprising
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Tunneling is part of the game, learn to deal with it or stop playing.
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Literally nothing you said here is specific to Nemesis. I have been camped by every single killer in this game. And I am sure you have as well. People will be dicks no matter the killer.
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BHVR lost want semblance of creativity long ago.