Why bubba tho?

I play rank 5 survivor and a lot of the killers I play against bubbas. Why tho? Easiest killer to loop and get away from imo. Leatherface has no powers or abilities that let him catch up and his chainsaw is pretty useless unless a survivor is far from any pallet or vault spot.
He's fun to play and easy to use. That's why.
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Bubba is very good against pallets. His main weakness is windows but a lot of Bubba’s run Bamboozle to counter their main counter.
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you clearly dont know how SCARY a good buba is especially with bamboozle, i sugest you to see Mathiiis, the best bubba main so far
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i didnt see his guide too much- he is very good indeed, also very good mindgames with the chainsaw he is the best boob ive seen so far. i only play with yellow addons unless im smelling a sweaty 4 man then i run chili+ beast marks with sweaty builds. Mathiiis is indeed insane, i dont think there is much to learn with boob tho but i will give him props for playing comp with boob.
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Chainsaw spam, slug everyone, basement camp, call it a day.
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That's the Bubba I'm familiar with.
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Same. That’s why I SIGH whenever I hear a chainsaw from across the map.
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Yep. I don't know if it's just a meme now or what but the Bubbas I face just run around abusing the chainsaw all day. They forget that there's a second button. It's just "run or sneak up to people on gens, down as many as possible, and make sure to camp whenever you're able".
I've faced probably two Leatherface players in the last month who have NOT used him in this way. Same with Wraith. "Hit and run, cloak. Hit and run, cloak". I didn't think that I'd welcome Spirit mains, but here we are.
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I make sure to complement the Bubba players who don’t abuse the basement or slug. If I ever see a Wraith player that doesn’t play big bong tag like you described, I’ll compliment them too.
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1v1 me and i'll prove you wrong very fast
one of the strongest chases in the game, esp with bamboozle
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Ok but to be fair, what do you expect a Wraith to do? Drop out of cloak, then half way in to a chase start to tap dance, and challenge you to a rousing game of UNO? It's kind of his strong suit to cloak, whack, cloak, whack, cloak, whack.
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It's not that I expect the Wraith to play any differently, it's that his recent buffs made his typical gameplay more cheap, more difficult to anticipate and avoid. That's another topic though.
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CAMPING BUBBA is my whole reason for talking bout this. I have my S.R reduced because of it.
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Why do you think so. Bubba can catch up to a Sprint Burst with his chainsaw and still hit the survivor if he plays it right. His speed can become quiet insane even without add-ons. A good Bubba who knows the perfect way to run loops while swinging his chainsaw can be pretty scary. Also Bubba can use his chainsaw for mobility across the map if played right.
The sad thing is that most Bubba players are either bad or try to slug and camp. This drains all the fun out of an otherwise pretty good killer. A good Bubba that does not camp or slug but rather chases you and knows how to manage his chainsaw is a fun opponent to face. Sadly they are rare.
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He is fun.
Why do you play survivor?
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Bubba is very strong in good hands. But he does have weak things. Like maps with many windows together.
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🤔 not a nerco post.
Bubba can out chainsaw a Sprint Burst. Unless you have a vault or pallet you're good as dead.