Your worst moment in DBD?

For me it was one my first matches. Rank 20 or 19 as a surv. I was the First who got hooked and was facecamped to death. When i was complaining about it, the killer and two other survs offended me with really bad words even i didnt offend anyone. I had two exhaustion Perks, thats why they hated me. I know now that perkbuild was dumb but i was new and not used to all that stuff. I nearly stopped playing dbd forever. But im glad i didnt and now i know better and ignore people like that.
Getting hardcore tunneled by a rank 1 nurse, and once by a stridor spirit.
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Looped a demogorgon for 4 gens. He didn't even camp me aswell. Yet the two remaining survivors left through hesitation.
Messaged them, they said, 'not my fault your bad'.... - _ -
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Getting Corn map, seriously is something wrong with the chance of getting this map? cause for real, out of 10 matches 5 of them are this one.
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Second stated on first hook while Felix and Claudette healed each other 8 m away from me. Yui ran from the other side of the map to unhook me. While she was being chased by the killer.
I had Kindred equipped.
And then in end game chat the Felix had the had to gall the killer a trash camping killer. Like, my guy, absolutely none of that was the killer's fault.
Edit: autocorrect dammit
Post edited by HighwayCatalyst on3 -
I was Duo queuing against a streamer. My friend was watching him while me and a Dwight were left alive, I found the hatch and wanted to show Dwight so I could get myself killed, instead Dwight outs me to the killer, they t bag and bm me while I’m slugged so I disconnected. The killer claims I did nothing that match even though he chased me half the time, I was getting all the saves the rest of the time. I was happy to see his chat not agreeing with him, but yeah, I will never look at randoms or killers the same after that. Felt very horrible, considering I’m a casual, non toxic player who didn’t deserve that.
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Sucked into a locker instead of vaulting the pallet to get to the hatch which resulted in the killer getting there first and closing it.
This memory has buried itself deep in my brain & I hate it.
The fact that it happened at rank 1 does not help either.... Only makes it worse.
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Each and every match when playing as a solo survivor. Only when you play SWF you can have some genuine fun and enjoy the game.
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Nurse on the game where everyone was down in exactly 120 seconds. Fun match :(
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Do not let them get to you.
A part of this game is to keep your cool at all times and never let people get onto your nerves so easy. I know it is hard, I loose my cool too, but working on this is an important skill.
My worst moment? Yesterday I had a match as Bubba. There was a bug that prevented me from going through one of the exits of the main building of Temple of Purgation. I was up against a group of fairly skills survivors and they ran through the main building again and again. I always had to let them go when they want through that exits. It was so frustrating because I could not do anything and when I first tried it my Tantrum triggered as if I had hit something. I lost the game badly because of this and it realy got onto my nerves. I stopped playing yesterday because of that.
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Yeah the greatest skill is to stay calm and cool! I train that now!
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Last Saturday I had three of these moments:
- got chased by the killer and two of my team mates blocked the pallet in front of me, realized it too late, cause I was looking behind me while running, so I got downed and died on first hook, cause no one came to rescue me. Asked them why, they answered "because you were the solo surv".
- got downed and slugged, cause there was another survivor close for the killer to chase, the other two team mates came to me, but instead of healing me they teabagged me, killer came back, watched this scenario and they all left me dying on the ground. Asked them why, they answered "because it's fun".
- got hooked and then teabagged by my team mates, died on first hook. Asked them why, but no answer.
It's weird, cause I've never encountered this behaviour from my team mates so far and then it all happened on the same day xD
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My worst moment has honestly been when the realization hit me yesterday that adding Resident Evil, my favorite game franchise ever, to DBD actually made me like this game less.
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this is awful, I mean I don't care if I get teabagged as a killer, cause it really doesn't bring me down, but when I see survivors being bullied by other survivors for no reason, damn that makes me angry.
Post edited by Paina on2 -
I was attempting the Ghostface adept. I load into one lobby where it was 100% obvious they were SWF: 2 identical Jakes, 2 identical David’s, and they all had Flashlights.
I knew I should have put on Lightborn, or dodged the lobby, but dammit I wanted to get my Ghostface adept. So I ready up.
Oh boy...
We load into old cow shed, and here was what all 4 survivors loadout was (all identical): Saboteur, No Mither, Tenacity, BT. This was before the changes to sabotage, So hooks would remain broken for a few minutes, and my memory is foggy on this but I think Saboteur also gave a bonus of hooks taking even longer to respawn.
It was truly the most awful, frustrating, bullying killer experience of my life, and of all perks to cause MASSIVE problems, it was No Mither.
Any body downed was difficult to pick up without 2 flashlights in my face. If I avoided the blind, didn’t matter, nearby hooks were already sabotaged. If I left anybody slugged they could just crawl off, disappear, and recover. The 1 or 2 occasions I was lucky enough to hook somebody, I had to deal with hook rushing BT saves, and it didn’t matter if I downed any body because they can just get back up on their own.
It was the single, most awful match I have ever experienced in my entire life. This team could do their gens at a snail pace because it didn’t matter. It was close to impossible for me to make any headway in killer objective in that kind of match without Lightborn.
My mistake. A big one. I should have lobby dodged.
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Oh god, that sounds /awful/.
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When i get tunneled every single match for two days. without meta perks.
I felt bad leaving with barely 3k points. it always feels like something personal.
Also, i really don't like it when i can't help teammates.
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Getting tricked by a pebble coming from the same person in the same spot for 4 gens. At rank 4
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The other day when i was running an unhooking build with second wind, borrowed time, kindred and desperate measures. I spawned next to the killer. (The pig)
She left me. And no one saved me. It was 3 really immersed players, i think it was a meg nea and a dwight. All in the corner of the map.
The pig sent me a message after the game saying how they were bad teammates. So in conclusion killer mains are usually nicer than survivor mains.
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not a thing anymore but going against old iridescent head with 1 hook mori's wasn't a fun gaming experience I'll admit I disconnected from games like that in the past
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First time I was close to red ranks as killer, early in playing. Had my first depip squad and wasn't ready for gen rush/flashlights/looping and the group teabagging all the way to the end.
It was also before endgame collapse so one of them hid in the map after so I had to leave game.
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Playing old Freddy (pre rework) vs 4Men with 3x medkit with instant 2UP :) back when picking someone up from the ground would wake them up (and you cant hit survs that are not sleeping)
But in the end i won this game by slugging them all
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My first match with Reworked Freddy. It was awful, I was disheartened and everything felt wrong.
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Didn't unhook a David because the killer was right behind me (to the point where if I tried to unhook, I was probably going to get downed before it completed), I lacked BT, and I figured the other survivor could run and handle the unhook while I took him away - but I messed up on a spin and went down shortly after. The other survivor gets David. David runs up to my hook and just stares at me until I die while survivor #3 is being chased.
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Mine was oddly enough last night. Was streaming the game, got an unhook on someone, was running from Nemesis, glanced at chat, ran directly into the female zombie because from a certain angle she looks vaguely like Meg. You could audibly hear the collective facepalm of everyone including myself. It did make for a funny moment though lmao
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Playing survivor to the point i can't play killer any more because i know how simple it is for them.
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Getting abused by a person using the Entity window block bug as an exploit on a window that was an infinite without it, even in BL3. Then they flamed me in chat. It wasn't the first time I experienced it but it pushed my frustration to the limit. I quit playing for quite a few months. The bug that causes downed survivors to glitch into objects and become unable to be picked up is pretty annoying too. But luckily I've only had a handful or two that have exploited it.
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Yeah I've stopped playing for some days, because it was too exhausting to play against a killer and three team mates, but today my games have been a lot better though :)
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played against a deathslinger around the time he was released. I stood at the exit gate, he shot me reeled me in and smacked me down with NOED. 😂 I played myself
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survivor. most games have been over or down to one gen by 3 hooks. I am even struggling to pip because the games are over so fast.
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I'm so sorry about that. I feel bad for all Freddy mains.
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Thank you, I appreciate it! Losing your favourite is not a pleasant experience, at all.
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Nope sure ain't