Thoughts on nemesis

douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

What are our first judgements on nemesis. I love him he is brilliant he appears to bring back the power to killers.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tentacle strike is very well balanced chase power and is very fun to fight

    Zombies are kinda annoying and just a nuisance on indoor maps

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited June 2021

    He's fun to play as. Haven't been on the other side yet.

    He feels a bit clunky to use, reminds me of Pyramid Head.

    I also reckon there should be another way to get the infection around since it can be quite difficult spreading it via your tentacle.

    Also getting 3 hits to infect -> Injure -> Down a survivor feels... a bit too much.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    He is terrifying to be chased by lol but its fun and what the game needs.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    His main attraction is the zombies. Unfortunately it's not something that players can learn and get good with so he feels a bit bland. He's kinda agile though. A little more spice to his T3 and he'll probably be good enough.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    He does kinda feel like another pallet = free hit killer, but I think its balanced out with the need to hit 3 times overall to actually get the down out of it. I don't think he's OP by any means but he feels like another "counterplay is just hope the killer is bad" killer. Again I don't think he's OP despite that. He seems relatively balanced.

    I enjoyed him a ton in the PTB but haven't played him in Live yet. So far I'm just repping Leon's RE4 jacket.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2021

    getting tentacle strike through the pallets is a bit much ... you either throw the pallet early and waste it or get hit, so there's really no escaping

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    In the right hands do you think he could get to nurse tier or wouikd that be pushing it

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    God no.... Far from Nurse Tier.

    In my eyes, right now, he would struggle to get in A tier.

    He's more of a B tier.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh good lord no. Nurse is as strong as she is because she outright invalidates pretty much every chase mechanic survivors have, and isn't constrained by map design. Nurse is pretty much only limited by the players skill.

    Nemesis clears pallets relatively quickly once level 2 and can get hits over them but he's still limited in the same way most killers are. I think he'll end up ranked relatively high though. Maybe around Demogorgon's level.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Another weak killer

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    Well...he only does one thing and that's tentacle whip which gets boring fast.

    The three hit requirement is tedious and wastes alot of time.

    Being contaminated doesn't feel at all threatening.

    Zombies are useless on open maps and get stuck.

    I'll give him a month but I doubt I'll feel any different.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    You face him the same way you face huntress: You can drop the pallet, or just run through it for another loop. Readying his power will slow him down enough for you to reach the pallet again. So if you think he'll ready his power, run through the pallet. If you think he's just gonna keep running after you, drop the pallet. He can't ready his power fast enough to hit you if you've already dropped the pallet

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    The whip would be an excellent tool for chases.........

    If the game didn't freeze every time you pulled it out or a survivor changed direction.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Frustrating tbh, I find in many situations it not worth giving survivors a free speed burst to initially infect them while gaining basically no pressure from the interaction, and the zombies are equally frustrating being either completely useless the whole match to at most making a couple chases easier and unless you're indoors they are almost never gonna get a hit.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The difference there is that once the pallet is dropped, Huntress usually has to respect it and break it or attempt to get a hit over it if possible. Nemesis can miss and still get the pallet break and keep the chase going.

    I've already had a few games where all the pallets that could potentially prevent a hit are gone 2 minutes in which makes playing not very fun for solos.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    I don't know what to tell you dude. It sounds like you want pallets to end up the "be-all, end-all" against killers, which I personally find boring.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    He feels decent when everyone is infected, there's no vaccines left, and he's tier 3. But getting to that point you probably lost all of your gens because the infection speed boost gives survivors so much chase time by holding W it's insane. Tier 2 should probably increase tentacle length by half a meter to give him some help early game.

    The zombies need to scale in number with map size. I find that they're absolutely useless on outdoor maps and ridiculous on indoor maps. It's silly that Mother's Dwelling has the same number of zombies as Hawkins or Wrecker's Yard. Half my games on outdoor maps they just got stuck walking into trees and walls.

    The tentacle also isn't visually clear at all. It's impossible to tell what you can hit over and what you can't other than just trial and error.

    Most of his addons are downright useless.

    Overall, I'm really disappointed but when he gets buffed I think he'll be pretty fun.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Not exactly, I just feel that if a killer is removing a mechanic mostly from play they should add something new. Nemesis "technically" has this but its just making him have to hit you one extra time.

    It doesn't change up a chase in any way, just makes it last slightly longer.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Playing him all night last night I will say, he's so much fun to play. He's got some...interesting strengths and when you know how and when to use your power I can see him being absolutely annoying for survivors to deal with. The zombies I felt like I got some good value out of them overall. Whether they helped me sandwich survivors or they're giving me information from across the map, they're a neat little addition.

    Yes it's true though they are very RNG dependent regarding their usefulness on certain maps. Wide open maps like Mother's they're basically useless. But in small maps like Hawkins, omg the zombies are straight up busted. Because the hallways are so small, if a zombie is coming your way then you need to run or waste a pallet drop on them to kill them because you ain't squeezing by. There was a match I did on Hawkins where someone had just been unhooked. I came from one corner and a zombie came from the other. The zombie hit the Leon that had just been unhooked and ate the BT save for me, leaving me free to down him again. Not gonna lie, I felt bad for that Leon cus I didn't think that zombies could eat those.

    His perks are fine. Personally I think Pursuer needs something more, some kind of mini passive effect. I dunno, I just don't like being left with one less perk after 9 seconds, especially on huge maps where the tracking is kinda meh, cus by the time you get to them they're gone most of the time and I feel like I got no value from it. In regards to his ability, it's fine again in my opinion. I do however think his T3 is very underwhelming, especially since T2 gives you the better more useful ability to break pallets and walls. The extra range is not, but it's really not that big of a range boost you get. They might need to rework how his T3 works, like give him something more devastating that really makes survivors piss themselves scared when he gets it. Maybe if it's a really strong ability have it work like Myers where T3 is a limited thing that bumps you back to T2, and just combine the extra range with the normal T2 effect? It's gonna depend on what the new T3 reward would be to be honest so that it balances out.

    But overall Nemmy is a pretty fun killer and worth it imo. He's not terribly overpowering, but he's not as underpowered and useless as some people are suggesting here either. I agree he's definitely a solid B-tier, maaaaaaybe lower A-tier at the absolute very best, but not higher. Plus if you're an RE fan you'll just get so much satisfaction as playing this guy in general.