Can we remove dc penatlies until hot fix?

I play on Switch and I have gotten 4 software errors since the update. This isn’t an uncommon thing, the tens of us that play on switch are having this error even more frequently since the update even without the map.
its fine and all but the penalty is very annoying on top of it.
That would be least they can do until its fixed
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Yes until it is fixed with all the performance issus. Totaly Thumbs up
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It needs removed until everything is fixed.
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Well there’s punishing because of overwhelming purposeful dcs and then there’s patch issues causing dcs. One of these groups are being punished and should not... so it should better to make sure they are not regardless if some ppl will get away with dcing.....
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You are advocating to remove the DC penalty forever.
Because this 💩 will never get fixed.
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Are you not understanding ppl are getting disconnected a lot because of this patch. Entire platforms...... then getting a penalty on top of the issues with the patch post map’s not about not liking a patch, did you read the post?
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I'd like less dcs, not more.
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Ok so you’re advocating for them disabling ps4 and switch from playing until hot fix? Is that correct?
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I’d you don’t want the penalty removed then two platforms will be unable to participate in the game.
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Why are the unable to play the game if the DC penalty isn't removed?
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Because since the update we are getting constant software errors during and at the end of matches then getting penalized for them.
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Yeah but we want games with less dcs, not more. Right?
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But getting rid of dc penalties won't fix your problem...
It'll just create a bigger problem for the rest if us.
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Ok like I said, just say “I’d prefer these platforms being disabled until fixed”
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Honestly I don't know what they could do to circumvent the issue. I've decided to just stay away/play less until the hot fix.
I *tried* to play the game yesterday after the release, also a switch user, from 12-3 and then again from 7-8 and was only able to actually play a successfully smooth match not even half of the time.
The other half I spent in penalty limbo. About 2 hours. Now I'm a rank 7 from rank 4.
I wish they could do something about the de-piping since it doesn't seem viable for the game, and players as a whole, to remove DC penalties completely because now I'm more frequently getting matched with low rank players all around.
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No, it makes no difference to me if they are disabled or not; it hasn't been effecting my game. If it's effecting your game, you can stop playing.
Again, removing dc penalties won't fix your game for you. It'll just remove the (relatively minor) inconvenience you face when your game crashes. Your idea is to saddle all of us, including those of us whose game is working fine, with bad games, full of dc'ing cry-babies. How is that fair on the rest of us? You just want everybodys games to be as miserable as yours?
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It's not a relatively minor inconvenience because each time the game crashes the DC penalty timer increases. Players can get banned for days. People on console are being punished for the game's faulty software, something which they have no control over. Indeed, these customers paid for a game and what they have is a broken product that kicks them from matches, costs them points, and then gives them an ever-increasing time-out.
This isn't a free-to-play game, people paid for it and the product they were given is not only broken but punishing the customer for it being broken. The devs could at least make it so the timer doesn't keep increasing past a certain amount right now as a compromise.
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But, again, you don't have to play at all. If the game keeps crashing, why would you want to?
By removing dc penalties, you would be punishing players like me, for a problem you are experiencing. How can you possibly think that's fair?
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DC penalties don't punish players like you who don't disconnect, they punish the people who disconnect. If more people disconnect while DC penalties are reduced and you feel that it's ruining your matches, then that's your problem, you could just stop playing during that time until DC penalties are returned to normal.
See? This argument can go in circles. The issue is that BHVR introduced this problem and they punish their customers for this problem. That's not okay.
The game doesn't crash constantly for me, but it does crash randomly. The random crashes suck but it's not happening that often (in fact, when it does happen, it's been during the EGC, so no one's game is being ruined except mine), it's not unplayable, but the increasing time-out penalty is a problem.
Could they at least make it so that if a player is disconnected during the EGC, it doesn't penalize them? I shouldn't even lose my damn points when that happens, it's [BAD WORD]ing infuriating.
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Don't get me wrong. I understand; it's not good, or fair, for anyone. But the answer is for the problem to be fixed, not to introduce additional problems.
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You're repeating urself buddy what kind of excuse is "don't play it" did we paid for the game? So we should not play a game we strictly paid money for just because u don't want dc number increase? But saying about fairness in same time the only thing not fair here is how console players are treated dc penalty is banning ppl for day/s and ur response to that it "don't play" if they accept to refund my game I will gladly not play this ######### anymore
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You're right, the preferred answer is for the problem to be fixed. These fixes aren't always fast, though.
I don't think it'd be unreasonable to cap the disconnect penalty at say 15 minutes until it's fixed. If the game mostly works fine for a player but then suddenly crashes a few times, this would prevent them from being heavily penalized for something that was unexpected and not their fault. However, I think 15 minutes is a long enough time to discourage (discourage, not prevent, nothing can truly prevent) rage quitting and disconnecting to give someone the hatch.
Those are my personal feelings on it. I don't see the devs doing that, though. I'm sure the DC penalties are just going to remain as they currently are, so this is all wishful thinking and fantasy talk.
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Yeah, it's pretty sad. I've decided to stop playing until the hotfix.
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Not that I don't care about your plight, but your post is addressing the wrong issue.
Penalties do not need to be disabled, the fixes just need to come immediately. That is all.
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Oh good i thought it was just my switch having issues. I got the error message like 3 times last night and put in time out for 10 minutes then i was afraid to play anymore for fear of higher penalty