Lethal pursuer

Guys I confess Lethal Pursuer is my new favorite perk to run I have used it on nemesis and I will admit this is the most overlooked perk ever people underrated it but it’s so good on Nemesis, Oni, Myers, Billy and Plague. It’s very strong on beginner killers cause they need to find a survivor first to get strong later. You should try it it’s great.
Me using distortion :)
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It's honestly a weak but addicting perk. I think the only killers that can get enough value from it for it to be worth it are Billy and Plague. But even then I just feel like Whispers is just way better.
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I'm liking it on Legion, knowing what spawn points the survivors are at the start of the match is so helpful.
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Not really cause with this perk you automatically know where to go in the start but whisperers you know your near someone but you need to find them still this tells you instantly where to go
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It's such a good perk. Alongside IF it's an info perk that acts as a slowdown perk. Never, ever underestimate the power of a quick down.
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I didn’t even think of legion this perk might be also Legions best cause you know where to go and hit all 4 with frenzy
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If i were going to use it, i'll probably stick it on Oni for a quick first hit for power. But i would rather have consistent perks throughout the game tbh. You can generally discern a general direction where survivors will be at the start most of the time anyway, once you've played a fair amount of killer.
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It's not great because you are only getting 10 seconds of value, but that is just my view.
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I can see why but those 10 seconds can win you the game cause once you get your first down the dominos start falling
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It's definitely my new favourite to run on them, knowing where to go right at the very start allows me to start pressurising instantly instead of having to search first - so definitely saves me some precious time.
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I like it because i no longer need to do a gen rotation at the start. Yes you should know a general location of where they spawn but unless you Blight, spirit, Billy it takes quite of bit of time to get there. I had a game last night where I spawned in on blood lodge on the side of killer shack facing the back wall. I immediately turned around (normally would have headed toward the lodge since it's farthest away) two survivors spawned about 20 meter from me on the other side of shack by the crane and the other two to the left of me about 20-30 meter away at most by that trailer looking thing that you can run down and vault out the back of. No doubt in my mind I would have lost 2 gens that game heading to the lodge with this wacky spawn but instead was able to pressure right away before they even located a generator. Not all spawns are cookie cutter anymore. Not to mention pressuring multiple survivors right off the start is immense pressure worth the slot imo.
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Personally I don't like it. I think it needs a passive effect. It just doesn't feel like it's worth being down a perk slot after the first 7/8/9 seconds of the match. Plus on the bigger matches (or if survivors are running distortion) it makes it that much harder to capitalize off of it. I think lower it to 6 or 7 seconds across the board for the info and give some little passive effect for it that sticks around. What the passive should be? Honestly I have no idea to be honest.
That said though, in its current state I can see it being very useful for high mobile killers, like Nurse, Legion, maybe Spirit, and definitely Blight.
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Then the killer just comes for your team, who is following you around.
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I quote Dowsey, who said that Corrupt Intervention and Lethal Pursuer will be great:
"Yes, you are down to two Perk Slots after two minutes, but you are setting yourself up for the win"... And I agree. You can get into a Chase basically ASAP and if you down the Survivor quickly, you have Map Pressure. And better Map Pressure than any Slowdown-Perk can provide.
I really think way too many people are sleeping on this Perk (same with Corrupt Intervention btw, when it came out, not many people thought it will be a good Perk). But it is no Slowdown-Perk, so the majority of Killers will not pay that much attention to it, however, if you are decent at Killer in Chases, you will have more value from Lethal Pursuer than any Slowdown-Perk, because the game slows down A LOT with your first hook.
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Eh, I had more success using the ol' Undying/Ruin combo than I did using Pursuer. I mean hey if others are making use of it, great for them. I just feel like it's still missing something though...
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I love it, I'm pounding through bloodwebs to get it on blight.
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I it should have two uses for beginning and end game when all gens are done
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Then bitter murmur would be useless that perk would be worthless
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i use it to locate those people who always afk for 30 seconds at the start of the match and punish them for the endless times I get stuck with them on my team.
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I guess
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But BBQ and Chill would essentially be the same if you're hooking a survivor and going after the last survivor this is for beginning of the game and end game ,plus it fits the Nemesis lore