Why has franklin's demise been made useless

theblimp Member Posts: 158

With franklin's demise no longer destroying items what reason do survivors have to care that they've dropped an item. They now can just leave it until the gates are open pick it up and have lost nothing.


  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    From what I heard and read, the change was due to the syringe with nemesis since he could just delete the syringes. Why they just didn't make it not delete syringes is beyond my knowledge

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 158

    That would have been a better solution

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    They way I see it they're trying to balance things on both sides and make them equal. Similar to survivor add-ons now being lost regardless of escape. I think they view items as "survivor powers" and that's why you can't 100% remove them, like you can't 100% remove a killer power.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Franklin demise nerf is because survivor hate to lose their precious key (sarcasm). Seriously its because they could not make the vaccine immune to franklin demise so they destroy the perk for that. The consequance is if you see a key in a lobby you cant do anything about that exept slug the key holder for the duration of the match

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Against everything but keys Franklin’s has become better

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    They now can just leave it until the gates are open pick it up and have lost nothing.

    If a survivor does that they lose the ability to actually USE the item in the match, unless they already used it, so yeah, Franklin did his job.

    If you ignore the fact that keys can open the hatch even if they have 0 charges left (which is bullshit and shouldn't be the case) Franklin's got actually straight up buffed

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    New Franklin's is actually better than Old Franklin's I think, except against sigh Keys.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    With old Franklin's, the item disappeared in 90 seconds, but if the survivor picked it up then they still have 100% of the charges left. So the survivor can pick it up and use the item fully, which then makes Franklin's pointless unless the survivor really wants to keep the item.

    With new Franklin's, let us assume that an item fully depletes in 100 seconds. If a survivor picks up the item 50 seconds in, they only have 50% of the charges, compared to 100% of the charges they would have with old Franklin's. This is a hard counter to medkits as if you lose the item and retrieve it, you might not be able to get a full heal out of the medkit. Survivors can still pick up the empty item, but by that point the item is useless same as before, with the exception of keys opening hatch.

    With this change, although it doesn't prevent key escapes like it used to, it works better against every other item.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,950

    From my understanding it's only keys that are really being seen as an issue with Franklins and in fairness a lot of survivors don't walk around carrying their keys anyway, they hide them when they start the match or find them in a chest...I do think this version of Franklins is stronger against things like Medkits & Toolboxes though due to the charges that they lose whilst on the ground.

    For example previously I could drop my medkit, then run around again (or get someone to pick it up for me) and still heal myself with it - that's no longer possible, as it loses the charges when you're hit with it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    So many asked for a key buff!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I still think Franklins is a good perk and I'd probably run it if I saw 3 or 4 survivors carrying items.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    Other then not doing anything to keys I like it. you can legit make lower class items worthless now sure they can pick them up but they always did anyways if they remembered for the most part. I am hoping they just plan to make it so keys need some charges to open the hatch. of perhaps the Key change we keep hearing about is them adding actually lockable doors to dbd instead of just the breakable walls and thats why its taking so long. That would be cool just have doors that survivors could lock and the killer would have to break down. Heck even having a closing door would be fun. I never really cared about destroying items permanently anyways because you generally don't see them again so who cares if they escape with an item. I just want that item less powerful in the current match and this seems to do that.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited June 2021

    I do think this version of Franklins is stronger against things like Medkits & Toolboxes though due to the charges that they lose whilst on the ground.

    Anyone who doesn't think that didn't understand the change 😁

    Can you tell if the team is evaluating ways of "solving" the fact that now it is useless against keys? Like making it so that in order to open the hatch a key must have AT LEAST 1 charge left in it?

    That would make it so that bringing a red amber with a dull or skeleton key is an actual risky move, since you could prevent yourself from escaping if you don't use the aura reading correctly

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,950

    Feedback has been brought to the team about this and all the other feedback we've had.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    So new Franklin’s drains charges right?

    Let’s say they have a green medkit that has 16 charges. If that’s left on the ground and let’s say loses 6 charges that medkit can’t get a heal off

    Same goes for toolboxes, maps, flashlights and somewhat keys but only the aura reading

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    It's still pretty good on Hag as well. Not only is it dangerous for survivors to recover their med kit. But once (if) they retrieve it, the damn thing may not even heal them to full.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Yeah the medkits I think are the items Franklin's works best against.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    You never could do anything about the key anyway. Most high-level survivors are going to drop their key in a specific location to avoid FD altogether. This is especially true with groups.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,441
    edited June 2021

    They need to not take months to do it. They need to do a nerf like they did to moris in the meantime. Especially after nerfing the only consistent counter to keys that killers had.

    Game design is hard, but not THAT hard.

    it should not take over a year to create a simple MMR/elo system

    It should not take 2 years to fix spirit and nurse

    It should not take a year to fix moris and keys

    It should not take 5 years to fix the early game.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Probably coming in the mid chapter with trickster changes like they said in the anniversary stream

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    They announce a key nerf like 8 month ago and nothing happen at this point the key nerf is a lie so they could keep killer in the game until the RE chapter so they can make money

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,441

    That is still too long.

    They need to stop with these patches every few months, and patch things every few weeks like every other game does.

    it should not take over a year to create a simple MMR/elo system

    It should not take 2 years to fix spirit and nurse

    It should not take a year to fix moris and keys

    It should not take 5 years to fix the early game.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Survivors now have 2 counters against Franklin's Demise:

    1: Built to Last, the Felix perk that restores 50% of charges on an item if it gets depleted. Sure It only works once per trial, and isn't a complete counter, but If you have it equipped and pick up any item that has no charges left, you get 50% of them back, even if the item was depleted by another Teammate or FD. So, in the best case scenario against FD, you'll have your item dropped/drained by FD when there's less than 10% charges left, and then be able to pick it up later to restore the 50% and continue using it. If keys relied on having charges in order to open the hatch, then this would be the right perk to pair with a key in order to ensure FD couldn't prevent your escape.

    2: As mentioned by others, FD's biggest and easiest counter is to simply drop the item yourself to prevent it from consuming them. This has always been the counter to FD. See your friends Flashlight get knocked out of their hand by the killer? Run over to the Flashlight while the killer is distracted, Pick it up and drop it again to keep the item safe. Realize the killer Has FD while you have a Key? Hide it in a corner of the map until its needed. You suspect the killer has FD and hear their TR approaching? Drop your item before the chase starts. Basically, FD has always been the easiest perk to counter because of the built in item pickup and dropping mechanics, So even if they changed it due to the Vaccines introduced in the latest chapter, It's not like it couldn't have been countered, but I guess new players wouldn't figure that out immediately and probably flood the forums with complaints about it.

    While I will miss being able to potentially take away the survivors favorite toys, especially the most irritating and overpowered ones, this change isn't that big of a deal. However I sincerely do hope that they make it so keys require at least 10% of their remaining charges to open a hatch, so that killers will at least have 1 somewhat decent counter against the less savvy survivors that abuse them. Nothing pisses me off more playing either side than a survivor with a key who does nothing to help the team, and hides out with a key waiting for the hatch to spawn so they can get an unearned free escape. If they required charges, the survivor has to be careful using the keys Aura reading ability, or just forgo using it at all, and the killers will have FD as an option to try and counter them, not that great of an option mind you... but it's better to at least have an option, than having none at all.