General Question for the community

What is the community's thoughts on stacking a 4 man SWF with a rank 1 and rank 2 then 1 purple rank, and a brown rank in order to face off against much weaker killers?
Do you see this as bullying?
Is it acceptable behavior?
When people do this, is it acceptable for them to berate and demean the killer in the post chat?
Has this happened to you and, if so, what's your story.
Bullying? No.
Acceptable? I'm not against it. You must allow for experienced players to play with their friends. So I always give groups like this the benefit of the doubt.
It's NEVER acceptable for anybody to berate ANYBODY in chat for ANY reason PERIOD
Yes it's happened to me several times. I moved on and don't even remember the names of those who did it. Just another nameless angry person who can be safely dismissed.
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It comes down to their observable behavior. Maybe they just happened to be 3 high rank guys with a low rank teammate who's trying to learn the game or hasn't played in a while, and they aren't intentionally smurfing. But if you see them flashlight clicking and tbagging a low rank killer, you better believe they're smurfing/bullying on purpose. Hateful messages from them would make it more apparent.
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Hmm, I dont see the problem here. Of killer can learn the difference between a bad Survivor and a good Survivor, he can learn who to focus on to put the good Survivors in a bad situation.
Just don't bully post chat.
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To me it depends on one thing.
Is that brown rank a genuine new player playing with his friends? Or is it someone on an alt so that they can all bully a new killer.
If it's the former I have no problem with it. People shouldnt be denied the opportunity to play with their friends especially if the more experienced ones are trying to teach their newer friend how to play.
If it's the latter however, I am against it. The whole intention at that point isnt even to win like gen rush squads, it's just to bully a new killer and be a dick.
I've never been messaged so I don't know the context of what type of berating messages.
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I've played with friends who are new to the game and were in brown rank multiple times. I don't do it because I want to go against easier killers I do it so I can play with my friends.
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Rank tiers should have more weight - 3 red ranks and 1 brown rank 20 should only be facing red rank killers.
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When I first started, red ranks would pair up with one 16 rank just to get into my lobbies. They always made fun in the messages.
Then I got better. The salt mail is less frequent.
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To Quote:(names changed to protect the guilty)
-Richard1-: "Lightborn won't stop the gen-rush, Trash"
Me: "I was just after the 4th stack of BBQ, well played, though"
-Richard1-: "Then unistall the game, you suck too much to play this game."
-Richard2-: "While you're at it, uninstall yourself from life. Nobody will miss you."
(at this point I took the appropriate measures, no need to direct me to those)
Definitely bullying. when I tried to chase the rank 17 I got swarmed and farmed for protection hits.
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Yeh that's another form of bullying that's unacceptable, glad you took appropriate measures and I hope you agree when I say that Richard 1, and especially Richard 2 are speaking bullshit.
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i see it as a pretty futile attempt seeing how SWFs are being matched by the highest rank available.
anything you got that wasnt +/- 6 ranks of the highest ranking player was just DbDs matchmaking system being bad
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I think that, if it's done with the deliberate attempt to exploit less-experienced killers (which of course there's no way to verify) then it's lazy, cheap, and actually kind of selfish. I'm sure that the less-experienced killer has a crummy time against a team that's leveraged their collective ranks against him or her.
Bullying though? No, I can't quite see it as that. Just people taking advantage of a way to get easier wins. Which, again, I find lazy and cheap.