Nemesis feels like the worst combination of plague, pyramid head, and myers.

Let's start with contamination, which is the weaker version of plagues power. It provides very little incentive to cure it. Sure, it makes survivors louder and vulnerable to the zombies/tentacle lash. Beyond that, there are no debuffs, nothing else to incentivize using the cures.
Now as far as tentacle lash goes it's a toned down variant of pyramid head's punishment of the damned. It can't go through walls, and has a shortened range. In some cases it is actually beneficial for the survivor to get hit by tentacle lash. Solely because it provides a speed boost, and doesn't injure unless you're already contaminated. That and it is easier to dodge due to how skinny the hit box is.
When hitting survivors or zombies with tentacle lash you fill up your mutation rate meter. The only bonuses provided are the ability to break pallets in tier 2, 1 extra meter to the range of tentacle lash in tier 3, and a reduced tentacle lash cooldown in tier 3 as well. I don't recall the exact numbers but I know it takes about 2 - 3 tentacle lash hits on a non contaminated survivor to get to tier 2. Or a decent amount of zombie kills, again I don't know the exact number. It takes more hits than those to get to tier 3 though. Why does Nemesis go through so much effort for his power to tier up for such little reward?
Myers tiers are far more rewarding due to his power being solely based around the meter. But the point stands that Nemesis's tier ups are hardly rewarding enough for how much effort it takes to level them up.
Now for the zombies... they are extremely hit or miss on non - indoor maps. For the most part they are better used for tracking than wasting addons on something that may or may not be useful. But they are much more useful on indoor maps where they can ambush around corners and body block doorways. But all the same still suffering from crappy AI that gets stuck on corners and inconsistent detection.
Overall, the combination of mechanics from various killers did not come together well. Plague provides much more incentive to cure her status effect, pyramid head doesn't have to hit survivors 3 times to feed into his power. Myers's tier ups provide more rewarding bonuses for making use if his power. The one unique mechanic Nemesis has is highly RNG dependant, either relying on survivors being unobservent, or the zombies being in the right place at the right time.
As much of a cool factor nemesis has, he deserved better than being the malformed bastard child of three killers.
"As much of a cool factor nemesis has, he deserved better than being the malformed bastard child of three killers."
That "What is Nemesis?". Good topic, he is weak as hell.
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Plus with his DBD design it doesn't feel true to what nemesis is.
In RE3 Nemesis was meant to be a more agile and dangerous pursuer than the slow but intimidating Mr. X. He could climb buildings, and come after you at a dead sprint.
In DBD he is anything but agile, being locked into normal killer speed. While having an animation that makes him seem slow and lumbering.
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awww i have a softspot for myers he will never be played again unless i derank myself to the 20s but ya everyone is better than myers these days
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Very well said, I agree completely. I haven't gotten him yet specifically because he's in a rather weak state.
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Didn't say he was worse. I just pointed out how Myers's tier ups are more rewarding than Nemesis's.
Myers is so outdated by today's standards of the game.
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DbD released Two-Punch Man. Not to be mistaken for One-Punch Man
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Still waiting for a clip of him punching the rancid abattoir cows to the rocky theme.
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Plus I play him on console, so it's doubly frustrating to deal with the constant freezing.
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No everyone is not better than Mikey these days. Not by a long shot.
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Dwights love Mikey that is clear
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Some killers still fall short of someone as outdated as mikey.
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Actually T3 doesn't even have a shorter cooldown, just a little bit different animation 😥
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If you can hit his unreliable m2 to rank up, AND using as many 'slow down the game' perks you can muster. He isnt bad. Some minor tweaks qould put him in a good place.
As it is right now. His power is not worth it vs a standard m1. Which makes it lame to just play him
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I disagree because I am talking about the bonuses themselves. Not about how myers as a killer is. So with that in mind let me lay them out.
Tier 1: undetectable by aura perks, and has no terror radius.
Tier 2: gains a 0.2m/s buff
Tier 3: gains a temporary insta - down, and a bonus to action speed such as breaking pallets or vaulting windows.
Now compare those to nemesis
Tier 1: no bonuses
Tier 2: can break pallets and breakable walls with tentacle lash.
Tier 3: 1 meter increase to tentacle lash range, reduced tentacle lash cooldown.
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Wait, really?! I could have sworn it's shorter.
If not then jesus he is worse than I thought.
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I agree, some minor adjustments and he'll be set apart from the killers he has borrowed mechanics from
For on I'd slightly widen his m2 attack. Make it take less hits to level up his mutation rate. And improve the shoddy zombie AI.
One larger change could be to provide debuffs from being contaminated. Can't really think of anything off the top of my head though.
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He is actually the best version of those 3 killers.
Tentancle lash breaks pallets, and still goes over pallets and window vaults, COMES OUT FASTER than judgement and has less lag than judgement.
Nemesis is better than pyramid.
Contamination can be cleansed once by each survivor (4 vaccines) and then THATS IT. if you get infected again it is permanent, no more vaccines
against plague there is always available fountains to cleanse.
Nemesis is better than plague
Myers TIERS DOWN and nemesis never does. once he reaches tier 3 its permanent.
Nemesis is better than Myers.
I thoroughly debunked you, now please tell me again how nemesis is worse than trickster?
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I feel like Nemesis should have been a stronger killer but right now he sits in B tier for me.
His tentacles hitbox is just too small and mutation level should be require less hits, the add-ons should have focused on increase Zombie numbers and speed also infection debuffs but being infected actually does nothing for the Killer other than force survivors to get a "Vaccine"
I wish Nemesis had a Ultimate move after getting to Tier 3 he gets a Rocket Launcher for 30 or 60 seconds where he can be a range killer for a short time. I think BEhaviour is just afraid of making Strong Killers to not anger the Survivor Main overlords
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Nemesis has 3 problems.
Infecting survivor should not give them sprint.
Jank as hell hit box for tentacle (its either very forgiving or non existent)
Zombies are just about useless. I've seen them stuck on corners and spasing out over steps more than I've seen them walk.
Fix these issues and he will be good.
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Punishment of the damned goes through pallets and windows as well, but also walls. It is also wider and harder to dodge, it is about the same speed as tentacle lash. As of now tentacle lash causes much more lag than POD.
Beyond being vulnerable to zombies and tentacle lash and making more noise, there is no downside to being contaminated. There is hardly incentive to cure contamination because good loopers won't be affected much. Plague causes survivors to eventually become broken, offering some reason to cleanse.
Also, when survivors cleanse for plague that feeds into her power loop. Offering her one of the best abilities in the game. While offering nemesis essentially nothing but another extended chase if he wants that tentacle hit for his mutation rate.
Myers tiers down because he has a temporary insta down, and increased action speeds. While nemesis only gains an extra meter on his tentacle lash.
That is not a thorough debunking, and I never once said he was worse than trickster. Nemesis can hold his own as most any killer can, but is still outclassed in various ways by the killers he borrows powers from.
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Debuffs i can think of for being contaminated, that wouldnt be to overly powerful
-not working well with others(negative to team support ie gens)
-causing others to scream at the sight of your body, T-virus is mutating you
-attracting nearby zombie due to pheromones (only one, to avoid abuse)
---this would mean more cures would need to be available (possible broken cargo crate, to act like plague maiden fountain)