Killer is too easy

I thought killer was supposed to be the hardest role from forum users here. I've been 4King every game with little effort with The Nemesis and I feel bad for survivors. They have no chance. I'm not sure if Nemesis needs a nerf or just the killer role in general, but the tentacle definitely needs to be looked at. It has a massive hitbox and deceptively long range, and he barely gets punished for missing it. It's basically a guaranteed hit at any loop. And it breaks pallets too?
Seriously, what were they thinking when making this killer?
Obvious troll is obvious.
Ive faced 9 nemesis' since last night. Only seen 2 kills. But nice try anyway. It got your post count up by one.
19 -
Thought I'd hear the "bait" sooner or later. Just because an opinion is different from yours doesn't mean it's some coordinated attack dude
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True 100%. Every killer on the roster will seem overpowered between the ranks of 8 - 20. Assuming you're not actually baiting. Also if you don't play killer hardly ever your opponents will be trash. The bots in tutorial will play better.
6 -
weak bait; 2/10
11 -
don't worry dude. that's all these people's defense is. they just say "bait" because they dont want to believe that nemesis is actually stronger then they perceive. jsut you wait until people actually get good with him.
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What rank?
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First off, Nemesis literally just came out. People don't know how to play against him yet, not even myself.
Second, I highly doubt you're 4King every game if you're in high ranks, which I'm assuming you're not.
8 -
I was going to ask what rank and work my way to that exact beat me to it.
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This is such bad bait it hurts.
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Survivors can make it easy and coordinated teams make it difficult.
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What rank are you playing at? That makes a huge difference in performance.
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Well, in my opinion the killer role is on its easiest state and on its worst state at the same time.
And I am not saying this only because of my giant dissatisfaction with the current state of the game. I am saying this because I doubt any killer genuinely wants to deal with survivors holding W and pre dropping pallets while gens fly across the map.
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It has a massive hitbox and deceptively long range
Neither of these are true.
The hit box is small and easy to dodge, at max mutation the range of the tentacle goes to 6 meters.
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"...the tentacle definitely needs to be looked at. It has a massive hitbox..."
5 -
Except he is obviously baiting and anyone with more than half a brain cell can tell that.
4 -
Reasons you are talking nonsense.
1 - Nemesis' tenticle does not have a huge hit box. Its extremely easy to avoid.
2 - Its range isnt that long. Pure and utter lie. If you cant handle the range on the tenticle then how on earth are you ok with Huntress?
3 - You used the phrase "Not sure if Nemesis or Killer role in general needs a nerf". Anyone whos played this game longer than a month understands killers are not feared, especially at higher ranks.
4 - You joined the forum in November 2020, so you're not a new player and you fully understand how this game works. If you are getting easy 4k's maybe play him at ranks 1-10 instead of rank 18 - 20.
4 -
Let me join that. If he gets a 4k on nemesis against me, you and two others, we all have to change the names on our birth certificates to Betty Humpter and dance naked wearing Legion masks. If he doesnt he has to admit hes baiting. Fair offer.
3 -
"the tentacle definitely needs to be looked at"
Well I for one am not going to listen to the balance suggestions of a pervert
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"the tentacle definitely needs to be looked at"
Well I for one am not going to listen to the balance suggestions of a pervert
1 -
Seriously, what rank
0 -
Not eve funny...
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Yeeeeaaah... you lost all credibility when you mentioned the tentacle's hit box being too big when in reality it's really not. That's not even an opinion, that's just fact.
That said, 2/10 rating for this bait post. Do better.
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sometimes survivors make dumb decisions, which makes games easy for killer. those games are easy, that’s true. but if survivors rarely make mistakes (like high level gameplay), it’s a lot more difficult.
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You gonna post your survivor gameplay then?
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Nemesis is weak imo