10% Sale on the Leon and Jill skins.

Why would you put these on sale the day you released the chapter? This may not sound like a big deal, but it is. At best, it's a bad look. At worst, it's ######### illegal. I will be keeping an eye on this. If the price of the skins doesn't go up 10% I will be reporting this to the BBB and any Canadian entities that will listen. For Shame Behavior...
I would also like to add the Claire skins looks ######### terrible. I don't know how Capcom gave the go ahead for this.
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I highly doubt there's any law governing when something can be put on sale relative to its release date.
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Dont they put a 10% on all linked skins on release? I'm sure the 10% just gives the impressions of a deal, but It was always going to be that price.
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why not?
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Scummy or not, they're currently offering full refunds to anyone who purchased those skins. Just refund them.
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As far as I know all the DLC, or close to it, is on sale right now.
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I don't buy skins. And that's not the point. It's a bad tactic to use to push sales and if they don't raise the price it's false advertisement which is illegal. I'm assuming they will raise the price. It won't stop me from being annoyed and perturbed about a company I care about using scummy sales tactics.
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Say what? Why would they raise the price while it's on sale?
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Its the same price as it was yesterday and the same price as any non legendary full set...
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When the sale ends my dude.
I was not aware of the global discount. Makes much more sense now. Thanks for letting me know. I don't look for things to be mad about btw. It's a bad practice to put things on sale that you literally just released.
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It's a bad practice to put things on sale that you literally just released.
No, it's not. Many businesses do it, particularly games.
You are literally complaining that you have to pay less for something. Does that seem logical to you?
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Well I did a little digging for you, OP.
Section 74.05 of the Competition Act states that it's illegal to sell a product above it's advertised price. Nothing about if it can or can't be on sale and when.
Subsections 74.01(2) and 74.01(3) of the Competition Act "prohibit the making, or the permitting of the making, of any materially false or misleading representation, to the public, as to the ordinary selling price of a product, in any form whatever". Basically, you can't mislead or allow others to mislead the public on the RRP- Regular Retail Price.
The "ordinary selling price" can be decided in 2 ways. There's the volume test- if the supplier has sold "a substantial volume of the product was sold at that price or a higher price, within a reasonable period of time"- and the time test- where "the product was offered for sale, in good faith, for a substantial period of time at that price or a higher price".
It has nothing to do with having a product be discounted, only that you cannot sell it above the usual price.
I'm no expert in Canadian law, so if there's someone who is please do correct me because I'd love to know more, however I don't think it's illegal to have a sale on items put together in a bundle, as has been the case for the entire store, ever.
Nice try, though.
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Show me 3 games that was put on sale the day they were released? If you really don't see the issues with putting something on sale when it releases then there is no sense in me explaining it to you. That being said this is global. So no harm no foul.
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You're right. I did not know this was global.
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Show me 3 games that was put on sale the day they were released?
- Humankind (it hasn't even been released yet, but as far as I've known it, it's been with a 17% discount)
- Every Minion Masters DLC thus far has been released as free to keep (for a set period of time, of course) since the game was launched
- https://i.imgur.com/pQFDcHZ.png (that image is from Nov 21, 2015)
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What are you talking about??? You white knight so hard for BHVR it makes you look silly. None of those games you mentioned fit the criteria for what I'm speaking of. I've already conceded it's ok if it's a global sale. If you really don't see how releasing on sale is dishonest, then as I said nothing else needs to be explained, cause you can't or won't take the time to understand.
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It's not even really a sale -- it's just that the way things are priced in the store is that you get a 10% discount if you buy the whole set together instead of mixing and matching. 365 days a year, always. I think the idea is to make you feel like it's a better deal to buy the whole set, even if you only like two of the pieces.
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Violating their own EULA, interesting.
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The hero we dont deserve 🥲💖
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How do you get a refund for the skins?
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Theres refunds?
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There was a tweet about it. The message itself is kind of ambiguous though; says for anyone who purchased in the 'first 24 hours' but the issue was only for like the first hour. IDK.
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They said themselves this is incredibly rare and only for those who bought the skin within 24 hours. A lot of companies change their refund policy temporarily in face of massive backlash- just look at Cyberpunk 2077 and Sony.
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The image I linked you to was taken on the day those games were released. You'd know that if you'd clicked on it. Note that all of them are being sold at a discount.
I'm not "white knight (sic)" for anyone, I'm giving you the facts.