The chapter that keeps on giving

As if the game wasn't already at a point that it was barely playable now I can't even log in. Guess I'll play Friday The 13th, wish that game was still going strong. Dead By Daylight needs some competition.
I wish it was still going too, that game was so much fun.
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Unless their player numbers and cash flow from DLCs both drop, they won't address game health any time soon lol.
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I just got home was ready to put some more time in the nemesis and mine says cannot connect to store that's the reason it's given me for not being able to login to the game. I'll go play some for Honor while I wait. Can anybody give me a shout out when it's back up?
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I'm so sick of dbd I reinstalled Friday the 13th and I've been playing it almost every day for about a week.
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I tried it again recently and while it still can be fun, too many griefers that team with jason ruins it completely for me.
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Incoming "DbD HaS A mONOpoLy In ThE HorRor GenRE" saying that is just going to make devs scared of making competition to dbd. All they need is a video game based around a specific iconic killer/franchise like- f13 the game (D:) or the new evil dead game, and it will easily be competition for dbd. as long as its a goodly made game.
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I love the game dearly, but I cannot find lobbies for the life of me.
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..which is why we should encourage more people to play it! I expect to see you both in my lobbies by tonight.
On a serious note, the outcome was such a shame because not only was the game amazing, but the devs had so many plans for it in the future, as seen with the roadmap they made. It's just pitiful.
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We will never forgive the person who killed f13.
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Teamers have always been my number 1 issue with Friday the 13th. They're frustrating to get but I still find the game tons more fun than dbd ever will be.
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Redownloading now. Hopefully I can find some lobbies. Thank you for the suggestion <3
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What's wrong with the game's health?
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I suggested that earlier, must be careful about the words I use, I said the dreaded B word and the post was removed and I got a warning.
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Funny enough, it was F13 that made me aware of DBD's existence.
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F13 is the og
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It was one of my favourite games aswell.
Such a shame what happened to it 😔
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He had a reason but it does hurt I agree.
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That reason
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Yeah, it had its flaws but it was a good game.
And I didn't have to worry about devs suddenly reworking my main :(
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It's his story.....I never said that I agreed with what he did. I really miss that game. I tried it last week but it's not the same.
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F13 was and still is my favorite multiplayer game of all time. If any other game died like f13 I would've just left but I'll literally play f13 until I physically can't anymore.
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I love that Friday the 13th has really big, immersive maps. Loads of topography and height changes, actual woods, a lake, tons of indoor locations with loads of places to hide, etc. They're not very different from each other so DBD gets points for variety but for sheer "this feels like a real location and not a battle arena" I give the edge to F13. I just found the game boring after a while because Jason was so OP (understandable but still), I didn't like the griefers, and there was no real bot mode (other than playing as the OP character against victims who were even MORE unskilled).