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Nemesis is a D tier, bottom 5 killer.

Member Posts: 511

Serious question, who is Nemesis better than. The only ones that come to mind for me are Trapper, Legion, Pig, and Trickster.

The zombies are just wayyy too inconsistent for anti looping purposes. What zombies really do is provide some info. It's like pig traps, they sometimes kill but they are more for game delay. Zombies sometimes shut down loops (2 times in 53 games for me so far) but more often they are free info and thats it. If Nemesis isn't around they are a mild annoyance at best.

So that really just leaves you with his tentacle strike which you need to power up, has limited range until you hit tier 3 (only an extra meter :) ) and you need to a healthy survivor 3 times through 2 speed boosts to down them. They can also get rid of the T-virus just incase you thought you could spend your early game infecting everyone and then having a stronger attack than a m1 as your reward. I don't think it's a stronger m1 because majority of the time my chase is way faster if i m1 someone 2 times than if i tentacle strike them 3 times.

That being said the upsides are he can hit over pallet, can break them easily as well as walls (once he gets to tier two which is like 3 hits without add ons).

The problem is survivors literally need to hold w. If you run in a straight line, don't loop, just straight. You buy an unbelievable amount of time vs him while using zero resources. He only starts to shut down loops once he has already infected you. He can't break the pallet until tier 2, and if you aren't infected he has nothing he can do to you besides be a m1 killer at 115. He also kinda plays like huntress at loops where it becomes a mind game of readying your power if you think they will drop or just keep going if you think they won't.

I don't think he is better than Clown or Myres and i'll explain.

Clown can't hit over pallets like Nemesis can sure, but he is way better at shutting down loops. He doesn't give double speed boosts to survivors when he hits them. And has some potential to have map pressure with yellow bottles. If clown catches you in the open he is going to down you way faster than Nemesis. Clown doesn't need set up to make his anti loop really strong, and it is wayyy easier to hit a bottle than a tentacle. Nemesis has the zombie info over him and the potential for a stronger anti loop if he lucks into a zombie being in the right place at the right time. But that's it.

Meyer's on the other hand has a wayyy bigger payoff for tiering up. Exposed on everyone for a minutes, faster vaults, and a longer lunge is wayyy more of a benefit to hitting tier 3 than 1 extra meter. Now yes, tier 3 runs out which Nemesis doesn't and there are only a set amount of tier 3's you can proc in a match. i don't think those cons outweigh the pros. Myers can instantly snowball and win a game. Nemesis can't do that. Nemesis needs to hit people and let them speed boost away to rank up. Myres just needs to stalk, you don't speed boost the survivors away while looking at them and if you get creative you get a lot of stalk before people even notice you because you are undetectable at tier 1. Nemesis has his loud distinct terror radius, and even if you don't hear that the zombies are a dead give away. Sure Nemesis can play around loops better, but Myere's isn't a slouch with longer lunges and faster vaults.

I originally thought Nemesis was going to be mid b, right around where Doc and LF are. After playing him a little bit i felt C, around Ghost Face, was more appropriate. Now after putting in a lot of games i think he is a bottom 5 killer in the game.

If i am missing something about his power or some trick i don't know please tell me or if you think he is way stronger than he is let me know because i don't see how anyone can rate him as even mediocre let alone low A tier. I think he beats out Pig, Legion, Trapper, and Trickster making him 5th worse. Maybe there is some incredible tech that will be discovered that will make him a lot stronger, but as of now i'm not seeing it.

Otz posted a good example on his community tab on youtube about the lenght of time it takes to down someone when you go for a double m1 as opposed to a triple m2.

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  • Member Posts: 869

    Imo his zombies are fine. A couple of times the AI decides to wander off into zones where they're really useless so maybe that's something that could be improved. His power though isn't that bad. The common complaint is the sprint burst you get when Nemesis hits you with his power, and I agree it's not really necessary. His tier 3 needs something extra too I think because 1 extra meter with your whip is really nothing.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I've personally had a lot of problems with the game just deciding to cancel the power even though I was still pressing the button. Although both need to be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 511

    This is what i mean! everyone is talking about he is low A, high B, super balanced.

    Yet no one has answered my question on who he is better than other than the 4 i mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 105

    You should never be infecting a survivor out in the open , always do it at pallet loop with the survivor on the outer trqck of the loop , even with the speed boost they become in range of your next ten-tickle strike very quickly

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    I’ve played a lot of PHead and I’ve been grinding the Nemesis achievement, and I have to say I think Nemesis’ tentacle beats a no add on PHead shockwave in most scenarios once Nemesis is T2. It’s shorter range but comes out faster, doesn’t hurt your turning as you aim like Phead’s, you can flick at the moment you release while PHead locks in place, and if you miss the survivor you break the pallet to let you keep chasing as opposed to recovering, breaking the pallet, and only then being able to move on. PHead only wins in needing 2 consistently to down rather than potentially 3, and being able to hit through walls which while powerful, is situational.

    the one thing I think people underestimate is Nemesis’ power prioritizes the hit over the pallet. I don’t think any other power that can interact with both does this. Chainsaws, shred…if it’s a toss up which it hits, the pallet is always chosen. Nemesis can chase someone, let them throw the pallet down, and act like a huntress to down them as they throw it. No other pallet breaking power does that and it turns it into a win win for him - he either takes the health state or infection, or if he misses slightly or waits too long and they dead hard, he still gets the pallet for free. I’ve seen so many people not realize he doesn’t prioritize pallets and go down very unintelligently as a result, giving me opportunities huntress would love to get.

  • Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2021

    I mean... Otz also has a 25 win streak on Nemesis on the second day of playing him, something he struggled to do with many other killers. What does he have for him? A power that forces you into binary decisions (damned if you do, damned if don't), if play properly. On certain loops, survivors just go down to his power. If a survivor drops a pallet, the tentacle will prioritize the survivor which is great unlike Blight's power.

    He has a lingering hitbox on his power that many do not know of nor do they take advantage of. His zombies occasionally pushes survivors off of objectives, facecamps survivors, or wombo combo's survivors on loops. They also sometimes give info on where survivors are.

    I've played my fair share of Nemesis as well and I certainly think he's better than Trickster, Legion, Myers, Clown, and Pig. I'd put him in lower B tier with Demo. I feel like he's underrated like Demo and requires to some time to be decent at before you can appreciate him. Any killer that can shut down loops and break pallets with his power is already out of C tier.

    Like many others, I feel like his first infection should not give survivors a speed boost. This would greatly help his early game.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    I don't think comparing him to other Killers is the right way to go about this.

    Blight is worse than Spirit, but that doesn't him bad.

    Trapper being one of the weakest Killers doesn't make him bad either.

    And, IMO, Nemesis is a decent Killer.

    Tier 2 infection is where he really shines; Survivors that pre-drop pallets let you break them quickly, Survivors that camp pallets get Injured as long as you aim correctly, and Survivors that pay attention to the tentacle animation can be mindgamed and M1'd or Tentacled.

    He does have counterplay if the Survivors are attentive and competent, but a lot of people just aren't yet. He only came out to live servers two days ago.

    And even if they are, it's a pretty even thing for him or them to win a chase on most tiles.

    His Zombies are RNG, but they will generally help out during a match.

    Even if they never catch a Survivor they'll often deny loops or pathways to Survivors. It's a rare match where they'll completely useless - and there are about as many matches where they carry you (I had a game where a Zombie camped a central room; prevented a gen there from being fixed until I could arrive, ended a chase twice, and granted a free infection once - just as a had a game where a Zombie wandered aimlessly around am empty corner of the map while the other did nothing but get blinded repeatedly).

    The vaccines also provide a not insignificant slowdown. Survivors unlocking chests and running to unlock chests are Survivors not on generators. 8 to 12 seconds of a Survivor not repairing can make a huge difference.

    Nemesis is not going to be the next Spirit or the next Huntress, but he's absolutely a decent addition to the roster. He has AI companions and the vaccines - which is enough to distinguish him from Demo and PH IMO - and has a chase power that is strong enough to be worthwhile to learn.

    Once you get a good feel for the tentacle, and throw on 2 gen regression perks of your choice, you'll be 3-4k'ing 60% of your games.

    You will not be crushing Sweaty SWF Squads, but unless you were playing Nurse flawlessly, running Spirit or Blight with strong regression perks, or getting a lucky early down with a Killer that can camp very efficiently that was never going to be the case anyway.

    Nemesis is a perfectly average Killer with a quirky and gimmicky mechanic to make him stand out.

    Which is something I'm personally very happy for after the design nightmares that are The Twins and The Trickster.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Nemesis definitely isn't D tier and placing him next to Trickster & Legion is just distasteful. I'd say he deserves to be B tier and with a few minor buffs, can easily by A tier given he's just a weaker version of Pyramid Head/and Plague combined.

    With that being said, his kit pretty much covers most of the basics. He has chase ability (including zombies), map information (zombies & vaccines) as well as map pressure (zombies pushing you off of gens, etc). The only thing he doesn't have is map mobility. Give or take, a lot of killers lack more dynamic to their power and just have 1 aspect of it whereas Nemesis has more, just like Freddy.

    You say holding shift+w is the ultimate counter to Nemesis, well I say more than half of the killer roster has the same exact problem. This isn't exclusive to Nemesis as running away from a loop completely negates Doctor, Clown, Pyramid Head, etc.

    Now if we were to compare killers, I could say once survivors are infected & you're tiered up (doesn't take too long), he's better than Pyramid Head as he can both break pallets with his power and bait his attack a lot more efficiently. Doesn't this remind you of someone? It should remind you of Oni/Myers, because as you tier up/gain your power through the match, you get stronger. Gotta earn it.

    But what if we were to take a look at his downfalls.. I could say Plague is way better than Nemesis since Nemesis's infection does nothing other than allow survivors to be injured; something that should've been available from the first place, compared to Plague's which either forces you to stay injured & loud the entire match or cleanse, risking a use of her Vile Purge that can hit you from far away. Not to mention, his infection gives you a Sprint Burst away, Plague's doesn't.

    Main point is, Nemesis is a good killer with a power that just needs to be tweaked a little bit. Make his "infection" more threatening, his "tier 3" have more to it, and stop giving survivors a Sprint Burst away just because they get infected. If the devs go through with these 3 minor buffs, he'd be a high-tier killer. But just because he has problems from the get-go doesn't make him weak, as a lot of other killers don't have nearly the same amount of diversity in their power.

    P.S. I've played a lot of matches against Nemesis and I cannot tell you how many times I've been forced off of a gen because of his zombies. Good Nemesis players also like to push survivors towards his zombies, so you best bet I got injured a few times by them. They thrive in indoor maps, but even in outdoor, they aren't as useless as you think.

  • Member Posts: 511

    Low b is also putting him ahead of a lot more than the people you named. Also a 25 win streak doesnt mean anything. Otz also got a 50k on Trapper with 3 perks and 1 addon. Does that mean Trapper is op? No of course not.

    Again his zombies are super inconsistent at best. I have had full games where they don't do anything. At best case scenario they shut down a loop if someone is already infected. Trapper traps also shut down loops, but you don't need to infect someone and give them a speed boost while also having no control on whether or not that part of your power actually wants to cooperate.

    Phead also has the cages to prevent hook perks on survivor, the trails for tracking, and his ranged attack while more clunky has a way bigger range, is wider, does not need to hit someone first before it becomes lethal, and can hit multiple people. Yes Nemesis can get you into a damned if you damned if you don't position but the amount of time it takes to get someone there is so bad. Plus once people figure out the pallet stuff his tentacle is just going to be a huntress hatchet loop mind game. It just makes playing around dropped pallets more dangerous because at least you hit the pallet if you miss.

    Finding a survivor in the open and i get punished for using my power. Great design there.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Nemesis is better than Legion, Ghostface, Myers, Trapper, Pig, Clown, Trickster and even Doctor and Freddy. He's a short-range Deathslinger that doesn't have to reel in for hits, breaks pallets quick, and has 4 stacks of STBFL built into his power.

    Could he be better if the removed the speed boost? Absolutely, but he's by no means weak now. He's the most B-tier killer I think I've ever played.

  • Member Posts: 869

    When they remove the Sprint Burst from an infection hit, it'll be worth using your power more on healthy survivors. In other words you won't be relying as much on hitting the zombies with your power to tier up.

    The fact that the zombies are inconsistent in getting downs is imo not really a problem. I found that the tracking potential of the zombies is actually where your true benefits lie. Again though, the AI needs to be improved so it doesn't just casually take a stroll in places where gens are completed or just pays a visit to the corner of the map.

    Maybe an interesting idea is to tackle both problems is by allowing the killer himself to choose where the zombies go to. Let them mark 2 spots on the map where zombie A and zombie B go to. Zombies will be more usefull AND it's a strategical choice if you do get a down, you're being rewarded for your skill rather than just lucky.

  • Member Posts: 133

    i mean i dono if i'd put him A or B tier but bottom 5? neah.

    For one you're overselling how good holding W is, something that works against... 20ish killer on the roster?

    Also something about the zombies i've noticed is that YES they land hits fairly rarely, but i've gotten alot of value out of zombies from suvivors just realizing one is somewhere around / within the LT wall / Jungle Gym and just leaving the loop... allowing me to get a hit in the open on the way to the next tile

    Also the zombie were buffed form beta and provide more mutation, and there are also addons for getting extra mutation of them.

    Overall yeah, i'd put him around PH level, weaker, sligthly, different really. PH can hit through walls, but i feel his power is way harder to controll since you're locked into only being able to move with W, also there's a reactable delay on PH's wave, tentacles are much faster. PH counters hook perks, sometimes but zombies provide some info / map pressure. But if you put PH around the top of A tier i'd put Nem bottom of A tier / high B.

    And if that stupid backasswards hindered speed boost (u wut mate?) on infection get's removed... ow boy

    Plus he's honestly just awsome visually i feel, his run, kick, carry, break and hook animations are all unique. Gives him some personallity compared to the rest of the roster i feel. Maybe bhvr would look into giving other killers some unique animations , like nurse could just ... telekinetically carry you around or something

  • Member Posts: 511

    Aesthetics, music, all that is great. The reason holding W is so effective vs him is because you need to triple hit with your power and give them a double speed boost. If not you are just a m1 killer at 115 who can't mind game because you're so large. Everyone else that is a chasing killer has something. Even Legion downs faster because they get a free first hit and then catch back up. Nemesis is literally just M1 man because your power punishes you for using it.

    Also yeah Phead is clunky and takes some getting used to, but once you do how is Nemesis even comparable. Nemesis is less clunky, can hit over pallets, and can break pallets after he already has built up his infection which gives speed boosts to survivors. Phead is clunky but you can get used to him, can hit through pallets, through walls, and can hit multiple people from further away. In what world Is Nemesis being considered near Phead's level of power?

    Also the zombies can be great or worthless. Inconsistency at it's best. I don't think it's asking too much to have my power actually work in each game.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Maybe its just me, but when i play Nemesis i get destroyed most of the time. When See otz playing, he easy Kills much better survs then i was facing. I think he is just not my type of Killer. I cannot say what tier Killer he is. I hope that i get used to him some day.

  • Member Posts: 511

    I mean Otz is what, devotion 26 or something. He has thousands of hours in the game and most of that is on killer. He can do well because he has really strong basic mechanics for killer. That does not make Nemesis good. A good player doing well on him does not mean he is good. Otz can do well on everyone, because he is a good killer player. Nemesis is not the one getting the 4k, Otz is.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    His map pressure being zombies is laughable. Have you seen the Ai on those things? it walks up to you, you do a loop around it, and bam it's not starring at the wall. At best they are a minor nuisance. And yes the zombies and vaccine are map info but since you have no mobility you can't do much with that info a lot of the time.

    The zombies dominate in indoor maps because survivors don't have many places to run to. With that being said, I'm assuming you think they're useless in outdoor maps and while they aren't as promising, they can and will pester you off of a gen and there's nothing you can do about it other than trying to lead them away & bug them out on an object. I've noticed a lot of Nemesis players run Ruin because it's extremely useful as the gen you were on is regressing while you're trying to lead the zombie away.

    Also how is he better than Phead? Because he can break loops with his power? Phead can hit multiple people through walls with a bigger hitbox.

    Base Nemesis with Tier 1 is very weak compared to Pyramid Head, but as his power gets stronger throughout the match, he is definitely better than Pyramid Head, even if it's only by a smudge. Nemesis can easily bait survivors into his tentacle and if they throw down pallets early, can get it out of the way at the same speed. Pyramid Head on the other hand is way different because an early pallet drop and shift+w means trouble as you've now just lost a massive amount of distance.

    his map info and map pressure are minimal at best and his map mobility is worthless.

    Obviously his map mobility is worthless, he has none. As for the map info/and pressure, they are definitely useful. A survivor getting f*cked over by a zombie as well as being hit by killer instinct from a vaccine can be the difference between a free escape or not. Knowing a survivor is on a certain part of the map, especially if it's near a gen is valuable info as you'll know what they're doing and what they're probably going to do next. That's like saying the killer instinct from Victor is useless even though you can put him in some pretty jacked spots to keep track of the survivors.

    Yes he is strong at loops after you have already hit the survivor and let them speed boost away.

    Like I said, he needs a buff to where this doesn't happen.

    But Oni injures survivor on a hit and they leave blood orbs that give him tracking. Myers is stealthed and has a way easier time earning his power because survivors again don't speed boost away. And what do those two get, they both get insta down attacks and can immediately end a game once they proc there power if it all lines up correctly.

    Nemesis can track infected survivors by their coughing, which isn't a huge plus, but it's there give or take. Not as good as Plagues though. As for Myers, he's going to spend a very small amount of time in stealth unless he has addons specifically for that. Not to mention, a survivor going behind objects and cutting corners efficiently is his #1 counterplay, just like how playing safe & staying at jungle gyms is Oni's counterplay. Don't act like Nemesis's power is so easy to avoid if it's the same scenario for other killers as well. It's the same as the shift+w argument, most killers have that problem.

    Nemesis needs to build up his power by letting survivors sprint burst away from him when he lands it to get the ability to break pallets with it (good) and then 1 extra meter (bad) on his m2. Oni and Myers are 1 shotting everyone with insane dash speed, faster vaults, and an extended lunge. Nemesis gets punished for stacking his power while those two don't and they have a better pay off too. How in any world is Nemesis in the same tier as Oni? A weak start, inconsistent zombies providing minimal map pressure, sometimes info that you're lucky if you can use it, and an occasional zombie blocking a loop for you, and pay offs that are barley worth it. Do you think Tier 3 Nemesis is anywhere near as good as Tier 3 Myers? Or a Demon Dashing Oni?

    Do I think Nemesis is as good as a Demon Dashing Oni or a Tier 3 Myers? Hell no. But do you want to know the difference between the 3? While Myers and Oni have to build up their power just like Nemesis, their power is also limited throughout the entire match and has to be earned time and time again, compared to Nemesis when once he has it, he has it the whole game and doesn't have to repeat the repetitive process of having to do this and that just to get it back. That's what makes his power weaker but more efficient because not only is it easy to earn, but it's available the entire match once obtained.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited June 2021

    Doctor takes longer to down survivors than Nemesis, despite having less counterplay, and though he has better tracking Nemesis still has a decent bit from his zombies and supply crates, and he has better slowdown. Nemesis also tears through pallets and has a built-in 4 stacks of STBFL.

    And it's a similar problem with Ghostface. He was a lot stronger in a previous meta, but now he's just got too much setup for very little reward. It takes him minutes to get into a powerful position at the start of the trial, and then all of his setup is completely removed in one minor snowball. Instadown perks definitely mitigate this, but at the end of the day survivors can and will outplay or outperk you, even just by holding W like agaisnt Nemesis.

    Edit: And once again, it's a similar problem with Freddy. Good survivors predrop every pallet amd all the slowdown in the world cannot overcome that. Having mobility is nice, sure, but now that his power requires more effort and survivor shave gotten that much more efficient his old, mindless playstyle just doesn't cut it

  • Member Posts: 133

    Sure again, the thing about PH is that vs a good survivor you kinda MUST shoot it throgh walls, as it's fairly easy to dodge within the survivors LOS. The only time your hitting on PH is either in animation lock or through walls. Also i feel his power slows you down more on a miss. Nem on the other hand is ... relatively speaking quite easy to land, on survivors actively trying to dodge it in the open. I think the projectile is even faster than DS's, on par with like a Victor Pounce.

    And ye the hitting multiple survivors is a plus... a plus i feel comes up about as often as a zombie hitting a survivor.... What it's reaaaaally good at is closing out games on the last two survivors trying to save in front of you...

    100% Nem's biggest weakness is the whole tripple M2 thing, personally i tend to just M1 survivors to get them off the gen and to a loop then M2 them within the loop itsself. Vaccines are a bummer but fairly limited. Between Corrupt, Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Thrilling Tremors, Tinkerer, Discordance, Surveillance etc. you can burn through them quite quickly.

  • Member Posts: 177

    My biggest issues with Nemesis are the zombies and him needing 3 attacks to down someone with his power.

    His zombie being part of his "kit" makes it so the rest of his kit can't be too strong by itself. If his tentacle was stronger the zombies would probably be too much in theory but the zombies, as of now, are absolutely horrible. The only time the zombies are useful is if they randomly decide to walk into a loop where you're chasing a survivor or when they interrupt unhooking/gens.

    All of those scenarios are quite rare while the second one can be easily countered by survivors because zombies get stuck on basically everything.

    This plus the fact that 2 zombies on Red Forest are basically non existent. 2 Zombies are fine on maps like Treatment Theater. It's a small map and an in-door map. Zombies can't wander around too much without being rendered useless. On huge out-door maps like Red Forest there should be at least 3-4 Zombies imo. Especially given the low mobility of Nemesis. He can't just zoom around like Billy or Oni.

    His tentacle requiring 3 hits AND giving the survivor a speed boost on the first hit is dumb. It should bei either one of those but not both. Especially given how many vaccines are available on the map it gets even worse. Imo there are too many. I find myself needing to re-infect survivors way too much. So his power, which should actually accelerate my kill speed slows me down more often than not.

    Sure, I get Killer Instinct whenever someone vaccines but this actually doesn't do anything on Nemesis if we're honest. Nemesis already has decent information due to his zombies and he probably can't even get to the freshly vaccinated survivor because of his low mobility.

    I think Nemesis would be a pretty good killer if the zombie count would be adjusted on map size and his tentacle hit would be slightly reworked to either always hurt survivors (so the infection basically just makes them vulnerable to zombies and make them louder due to puking) or to not grant the survivors a speed boost on the first hit.

    I mean seriously... Hold W is super effective on DbD especially against Killers with low mobility (like Nemesis). Having to go through 2 Speed boosts before being able to down someone is ridiculous imo.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I kind of agree with you that he's a monster in chase, if you get to a loop you're basically done for and you're forced to just run in a straight line or else you die. I don't agree that there are too few vaccines, I've mostly ended my matches with a few vaccines to spare honestly. He's better than Pyramid Head if you decide to loop him.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    Using streamer and even more so the bigger ones as comparison is useful as looking at the pro league player in league of legends for their outplay with the exception that lol matches challenger player against each other and not everything down to gold. The argument this Streamer can do a 1000 4k streak holds no value when someone from the top 10/5% of the community gets matched against 70% of the rest.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I think he's way better than people think he is but he's still probably not as good as PH. That may change tho when people get good at him because I think his tentacle has potential to be better than PH's shockwave attack.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Sounds like a gameplay error of you.

    If you know it takes ages to catch up to a survivor holding w after a speedboost why are you chasing them?

    Go after the ones who are working on gens instead and leave the survivor who's most likely sprinted to an area without generators for later

    Chasing through injure speed boost is how most genrushes happen

  • Member Posts: 511

    Leading them away and bugging them out takes like 5 seconds. you are grossly exaggerating how impactful they are when Nemesis ain't around.

    You also haven't said how Nemesis is better than Phead. You keep saying he is but not explaining how,I have said several times how Phead is better than Nemesis. Saying Nemesis is better than Phead does not mean he is.

    Again you can't do much with the info. Yeah it is better than not having the info but there is a reason why most people don't use Barbecue and Chilli on Trapper and Hag because info on where people are is way less valuable when you can't do anything. If i see a zombie aggro onto someone across the map that doesn't help me that much because i can't walk my ass over there fast enough to do anything so while its better than not knowing it does not help much at all.

    Shift w is more effective vs Nemesis than others because you have to triple hit through two speed boosts and if not you are just m1 killer with nothing to help. His tentacle strike is about the same as huntress Hatchet at a loop until the pallet is dropped than he is better but it is not some god tier anti loop power.

    Yes, once you hit tier 3 you have it the whole match. The trade off is your tier 3 is comically weaker than the other twos. That is not a worthwhile trade off.

    What do you mean Doctor is one of the best anti loopers in the game. Shocking prevents vaults and pallet drops. Nemesis has to hit 3 times to down through 2 speed boosts, if not he is just a m1 killer. GF has stealth and 1 shot. Nemesis has a decent anti loop you need to build up and inconsistent zombies. I think GF takes it over him. Not as weak early and at their strongest GF one shots everyone and Nemesis still needs to 3 hit people

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    He’s B tier, to say he’s even close to the bottom tier is ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Good job @Steah , that was well explained ! I don't know about the ranking, but I agree, he feel terribly weak and designed for new players / low elo survivors.

  • Member Posts: 511

    You can hit two people everytime there is an unhook or healing. That is wayy more consistent than zombies.

  • Member Posts: 511

    Saying something doesn't make it true. How is he any better than someone like Billy or GF?

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    (Different person here) For starters, to me Billy is A tier, so better than Nemesis. As long as you don't over use your chainsaw then itll never overheat and with IF he can gain momentum in a game fairly quickly. Add Whispers, BBQ and Ruin and you've got a killer that can pressure extremely well. Even without those perks his chase ability alone when used right aswell as his map traversing is arguably the best in the game.

    As for Ghostface, he's an M1 killer that's power only let's him get early suprise hits. Ghostface wastes too much time trying to stalk usually so ends up being a weaker Wraith in a sense. His power is almost useless during chase as his red stain being hidden can be done with any killer by turning around. Nemesis has a ranged attack that over time not only makes most loops hard too loop (as he's ranged and destroys pallets at T2) but also his attack is quick and more forgiving as a survivor can run into it after the release animation.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I can't agree that he's a bottom 5 killer.

    The zombies may be weak but they give you free tracking on where survivors are. The infected survivors cough a lot so they can't hide near you. He can break pallets very quickly also.

    Mid tier maybe but not bottom 5. I would like to see a few buffs to him though.

  • Member Posts: 511

    So yeah GF is gonna be weaker when people are looking out for him, but you don't how much he's stalked you. He could surprise insta down you at any time and you might know hes there because he's stealthed. Hiding his red stain in chase can be done by anyone but GF stealth gives him more mind game chances. I think at their worst GF is better, and at their best he is his still better.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Leading them away and bugging them out takes like 5 seconds. you are grossly exaggerating how impactful they are when Nemesis ain't around.

    I'm not exaggerating at all, it takes way more than 5 seconds to bait them out to an object because of how ridiculously slow they are, and there's no guarantee they're going to get bugged. They'll end up pestering you at the gen again. I've had it happen to myself more times than I can count, you're downplaying it way too much.

    You also haven't said how Nemesis is better than Phead. You keep saying he is but not explaining how,I have said several times how Phead is better than Nemesis. Saying Nemesis is better than Phead does not mean he is.

    Except.. I did? Read this again: "Nemesis can easily bait survivors into his tentacle and if they throw down pallets early, can get it out of the way at the same speed. Pyramid Head on the other hand is way different because an early pallet drop and shift+w means trouble as you've now just lost a massive amount of distance." If you still don't get it, it means Nemesis can get pallets out of the way by baiting compared to Pyramid Head who has a much larger CD for baiting as well as no pallet breaking included in his power. Shift+w is a lot stronger against Pyramid Head than it is Nemesis. I think the only thing that is better than Nemesis is his Punishment of the Damned.

    Again you can't do much with the info. Yeah it is better than not having the info but there is a reason why most people don't use Barbecue and Chilli on Trapper and Hag because info on where people are is way less valuable when you can't do anything. If i see a zombie aggro onto someone across the map that doesn't help me that much because i can't walk my ass over there fast enough to do anything so while its better than not knowing it does not help much at all.

    While I agree with this, info isn't always going to be across the map. It's heavily dependent on the survivors but if they vaccinate right next to you, you'd know. I say this is still useful no matter the situation because other killers simply do not have it, and if I know someone vaccinated near a gen, you best know I'm going to go check on that gen. It's better than nothing.

    Shift w is more effective vs Nemesis than others because you have to triple hit through two speed boosts and if not you are just m1 killer with nothing to help. His tentacle strike is about the same as huntress Hatchet at a loop until the pallet is dropped than he is better but it is not some god tier anti loop power.

    Once again, I partially agree but a good Nemesis baits his power just like Pyramid Head (which brings me back to my point from earlier) and most survivors wouldn't get away with a shift+w because of it, given he can break pallets with his power and be right back on the chase.

    Yes, once you hit tier 3 you have it the whole match. The trade off is your tier 3 is comically weaker than the other twos. That is not a worthwhile trade off.

    At the end of the day, everyone has their own opinions and while I personally think the trade-off is worthwhile, but you might not. Killers are subjective because it mainly relies on that persons playstyle which is why I can understand why people such as yourself think he's weak. But as I've said before, with a few minor buffs he can become top-tier, but that doesn't make him dirt-tier now. A lot of people in this thread seem to agree with that.

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  • Member Posts: 1,867

    He’s strong in most loops in the game, Billy and especially GF are not.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Most Ghostfaces wont go for that stalk for three reasons (me included when I do play him).

    Number one, Spinechill exists and is highly rated. Not every survivor uses it but its prevalent enough to not take the chance and instead walk sideways to the survivor, which leads me onto my second point, his cooldown.

    Due to his high cooldown for his power if you dont land that sneaky first hit then you're in big trouble as you are now an M1 killer that needs two hits. And if you do get it back in chase, then you're after wasting so much time for that second hit.

    Finally, like mentioned slightly above, he's an M1 killer. Even if you expose the survivor, you have very little to help you in the chase. And as long as that survivor is beside a good loop or two, you're unlikely to get that hit off unless they're poor at the game or you are using a 99 tactic which doesnt even work that well against great survivors.

    A killer with a chase power will almost always be better than a killer with no chase power like GF.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2021

    The main reason why stalking is useless is because hitting someone directly is a 99% instantly and that a incomplete stalk is same as no stalk at all in current iteration because hitting someone resets their stalk meter, so why even bother with it. Ghostface has too much punishment for failure and the reward is mediocre to say the least.

    Don't really agree with OP post. Nemesis isn't bottom 5. his ability to hit people through pallets and windows at near perfect reliability gives him a really strong 1vs1. I can't say the same for like 50% of the killers in this game. Its more that his add-on list, zombies, infection and tiers leave much to be... desired. Its a lot of fluff with very little purpose. I still can't understand what the point of hindering someone for 0.25 second is after an M2 attack is for. His variables just so bad.

    Very sad for such a horror icon to be so bland.

  • Member Posts: 511

    If you think zombies are a huge issue when you['re repairing a gen then i can't convince you otherwise. It is literally a small little loop and they are walking to the corner.

    So the argument is that nemesis can get pallets out of the way quicker than Phead even though you need to tier up to 2 first. That is what makes him better. Pre dropping pallets is pretty effective vs everyone though. And once you see Nemesis is tier 2 you just don't pre drop and you're good. And no, shift w is better vs Nemesis. It takes me 3 tentacle hits and the other option is 2 m1's. He is the only killer whose power activly hurts him in a straight chase with no looping. You can argue that you can miss on Phead but you can miss on Nemesis too.

    Yes, info you can't act on is better than no info, but it's so inconsquential most of the time that i barley factor it in terms of his power. It's like saying clowns yellow bottles a huge impact. I did mention they provide some map mobility but it's so little that no one takes it into account or even mentions it. The info is usually a non factor, good to have, but most of the time it does nothing.

    This talk of people not getting away with shift w only works if 1. You have tiered up to tier two. 2. You have them already infected. He is super weak early (the time when killers need the most help) and if people use vaccines they are getting a free speed boost for you to have the opportunity to injure them later. Phead just injures them, not set up required.

    We can disagree here but tier 3 for Nemesis, while permanent, does not hold a candle to the temporary tier 3 for Myers and Oni. The power differeance between those three tier 3's is comical

  • Member Posts: 511

    He's like a huntress at loops. Predict if they drop the pallet. Guess right you get the hit, wrong and they loop again. Only upside is once you hit tier 2 you can break the pallet, that is if they drop it. If they just do the normal loops your power doesn't do much. Especially when survivors can crouch and dodge pretty safely.

    Billy has map wide pressure with his saw run, and if he catches you out in the open you're downed. If Nemesis catches you out in the open he gives you double speeds boosts for using his power.

    GF of course is a bad looper. Nemesis is clearly a better looper. However GF has stealth to sneak up early and has the potenial to one hit and snowball if you build up the stalk correctly. Plus Nemesis at tier 1 is probably worse than GF at looping. At least you can crouch and use your power to get rid of red stain. It's not great, but it's something. Until he has tier two, Nemesis is just a basic m1 looper that can hit with his m2 to give the survivor a speed boost away while not injuring them. Great. He is also huge so mind games around a lot of tiles can't happen because the survivor can see you. GF is short and can be even shorter.

    I mean worst case scenario right there for GF. Yeah spine chill is a back breaker for him ill give you that, but you can still use your stealth at worst you get a free hit, maybe even a grab. But the upsides are so much higher to a GF than a Nemesis. You can 99 people to get everyone to one shot, or proc it on multiple people and if they catch them in a dead zone you can insta win the game. You may say that is unlikely and not gonna happen every game, but neither is a damn zombie blocking shack window for you.

    Before he tier's up Nemesis has literally nothing going for him. His m2 gives survivor a speed boost to get away while not injuring, it does not break pallets, and he is so big that you can see him over short loops. If GF gets the expose on you, you can maybe get to a loop in time and stall until you're safe. Unlikely at best. If Nemesis get's the tentacle hit on you, you speed boost away, and he still isn't tier 2. Great.

    Also i kinda get the chase argument, but not always. Hag is a set up killer and in everyone's top 5 basically. Legion is a chase killer and is bottom 5 for most people too. Anti loop is great, but look at the best killers in the game. Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Hag. What do they all have in common? High map control. Nurse can blink to get around fast, spirit can phase walk, hag sets up her web and can tele around, and blight moves fast too. Look at Freddy compared to clown. Clown has better anti loop than Freddy, his tonic slows when they touch it and his antidote speeds him up. Freddy can slow with snares only if they are asleep. But everyone rates Freddy better than Clown because of map control.

  • Member Posts: 777
    edited June 2021

    His zombies are bad without the detection add on, and so is he without his mutation rate add on. Slap those two add ons on and if you can be precise, I don’t see many flaws in chase.

    i just made a discussion about it, but they’ve got to make a slightly weaker version of the add on base kit, as well as the detection rate being added onto it. Remove sprint burst from infection or make it so that you can injure + infect at the initial hit, you have 3-4 changes that make him into a really strong killer.

    He’s just mediocre without the add-ons, but just like we’ve seen in the past, all they probably need to do is integrate his two best add ons (said perks because I’m half asleep). into his base and there you go.

    I’ve played 20-30 matches in red ranks, as well as maybe 10-15 as survivor against him. I did lose games, as I consider those 2ks. Out of the them let’s say 30, 5-6 were 2k’s. The rest were either 3k’s and 4K’s weren’t an infrequent scene either.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    yep D Tier confirmed....hes a way to weak and his power is pain in the ass

  • Member Posts: 511

    I just don't see how people are putting him high B, low A.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Nemesis is definitely not A or B imo hes C or maybe even D tier. Theres alot of problems with his power 1 being the free sprint burst survivors get just to use your M2. His zombies are bad and they don't provide free tracking because by the time you reach the zombie they'll either reset or be stuck. His range is terrible in tier 2 and 3. Yes he can break pallets but thats about it. Billy, LF and oni can break pallets but they can still 1 shot you with their ability. Nemesis also is a a very tall killer so looping him isn't hard. He slows down on using his M2 so faking your power isn't worth it at pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    The problems come when every survivor knows to hold W. You go near a gen, they’re gone and uncatchable. Meanwhile other survivors are doing gens.

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