Killer survivor working together

Nice to see that Behavior Games allows survivors and killers to work together against fellow teammates. My husband and I both reported a player and killer for working together. Funny how its a ban offense but nothing is done. This makes the game unenjoyable for anyone. Not fun when the killer and your teammate are working to kill you. It was very noticeable.
What do you define as working together? Because I've seen people report the killer for giving the last survivor hatch, saying the two clearly worked together
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I know this sucks, had to go through this many times. Did you send video evidence or just used the report system in-game?
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Ok so the example tonight The survivor while infected followed both me and my husband and blocked us in a corner each time just so the killer could hit us. Each time that same person would point at either me my husband or our other teammate. That is way obvious.
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Actually no its not. Its rare but it does happen. A co worker of my husbands was playing as a survivor and his son was a killer and they accidently got in same match. When they both seen it they immediately left the game because they knew that could be classified as working together. Also if its not possible then why would Behavior even have it down as a bannable offense?
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Ya ive had that happen to me yesterday wish i wrote down the players but they kept following me and pointing to teammates as well as purposely failing skill checks over and over
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Actually no its not. Its rare but it does happen.
Yes, that's what "extremely unlikely" means.
A co worker of my husbands was playing as a survivor and his son was a killer and they accidently got in same match. When they both seen it they immediately left the game because they knew that could be classified as working together.
It can't, unless they actually work together by, for example, the survivor leading the killer to other survivors and the killer allowing that survivor to farm other survivors. If they played normally, nothing would happen.
Also if its not possible then why would Behavior even have it down as a bannable offense?
Working together is a bannable offense. Happening to get into the same lobby is not.
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Either way it doesn't change the fact it makes the game suck when you have a fellow teammate helping the killer out. There has to be a way to counter this.
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There is a way - report it in game and then follow up with a report online at
If you don't report them - then they will continue to do it. If you do report them - the incident will be looked into and action taken.
Stating that "but nothing is done" is inaccurate and just makes others not report. If you don't take the appropriate action - then that is on you.
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So just report them and move on.
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Save a video of it happening. Report it ingame.
Create a ticket to report them and add the video.
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I didn't realize until yesterday that you had to report it outside of game. Learned that with my son losing majority of his Stranger Things DLC and his cannibal and Oni. I thought you just reported it inside the game. I am not trying to be rude I am just frustrated. Everyone gets that way.
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This actually does happen. I’ve had times in the past where I assumed it was the case because one of the survivors would blow every skill check, and constantly vault over anything nearby, and the killer would come directly after me. The guy would unhook me right in front of the killer, and then he would just instantly down me for another hook, rinse, repeat, I’m dead. You spectate, and this person does the exact same thing to everyone else. The killer then just starts farming with the guy. I got a message asking me to ######### over survivors not too long ago, so now I know for sure it happens. Remember the killer has a full minute to message a survivor they are in network with, and I can message anyone directly on my phone with Xbox, or PlayStation apps. I’m down to farm is someone messages me, but I’m not throwing other survivors under the bus unless they do it to me first. I’m looking at you Dwight mains running bond that will bring a killer right to me every time you’re being chased.