Why do people do this?

This is not the first time I have seen this but as I watched this happen last night, after being sacrificed and spectating, it got me wondering about the mindset of some people.
A huntress downed the last survivor in the match, searched for the hatch which was fairly close, then guided the crawling survivor towards it swinging their axe to show the way. The survivor gets really close to it then the killer closes it and sacrifices them. Why?
This only wastes time, the match could have been over a few minutes ago if you just hook them. I used to wonder why people showed so much mistrust when I was trying to take them to hatch, trying to show them I was doing this by swinging the weapon a few times in that direction before picking then up and swinging again. Some people understand and don't struggle, if they don't they get the hatch and if they do struggle I will hook them. I would never close the hatch in their face though if I took them to it, it seems very sadistic.
Do you do this? If so, why?
If you don't do this then what are your thoughts?
What do survivors think when this happens?
How does this affect your trust of every other killer when you think they may give you hatch?
As Killer, I've done this a few times, only to people I felt deserved it though. It isn't something that occurs often.
As Survivor, I don't enjoy being given Hatch, so I'd much rather the Killer close it, but I know I'm in the vast minority.
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Probably for the same reason why there are full SWF squads that spam click their flashlights at killers and t-bag at the exit gate. It's to annoy the other side. So basically just a childish behavior.
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killer gets bp for closing it 1000 i think
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Same reason survivors BM when they win:
Some people are just sore winners and they'd want to taunt no matter how petty it makes them.
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They looked for it though so they could have closed it immediately without guiding the survivor to it.
I would rather hook them than I would waste time and shut it in their face. Clickers and t baggers are annoying but would not lower myself to their level.
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If you don't do this then what are your thoughts?
What do survivors think when this happens?
When it happens I'm like "Oh wow, look at you, little scoundrel, you reeeally got me there, wow 🙄"
Like, not giving hatch is ok, but bringing me purposefully there just to close it in my face is..childish?
How does this affect your trust of every other killer when you think they may give you hatch?
Don't fill myself with expectations when it looks like the killer may give me hatch and always assume they are not going to do it, that way when they actually give it to you you are pleasantly surprised, as it should be
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People do it because they're sore winners that feel the need to rub their opponents face in the dirt in order to make themselves feel better. As others have mentioned, it's the same thing when survivors be d-bags in the exit-gates.
But hey, atleast the Huntress hooked the guy afterwards. I've had so many killers watch me bleed out while they BM it isn't even funny.
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Me neither. I either carry them to the hatch (if they don't wiggle free before that) and give them hatch or I close the hatch and kill them. Depending on the situation and survivor. I'd never to something so petty like dropping a survivor in front of the hatch and then close it in front of his face. I don't even do that to toxic survivors. They lost, that's enough embarrassment after being a toxic taunting guy.
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Prime example of SDE.
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More like 250 actually. Versus 7500 survivor points for hatch escape. I ay both sides so I often just give mercy hatch to last one simply because how low survivor BP gains are
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I would never do it like that, survivor normally already waste 3 minutes each trial. 1 minute in the prelobby by not readying Up either to last second switch or because they went afk due to longer queue times (thx for increasing mine and 3 other people's as well).
And the other 2 during egc, spamming vault and whatnot to get my attention so i watch them get out but i rather farm points by breaking leftover dropped pallets or breakable walls and then go off screen on yt or check these forums on my phone.
Fyi I don't tunnel, camp or care for kills, the reason why so many are still alive during egc and feel like they stomped me and have to rub it in. (Happened in 90+ percent of my games, only a few i can remember that they leave when they should)
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oh ok well 250 is nothing not worth taking the time to do it unless the killer was pissed at the survivor keeping them in a infinite loop i cant see any other reason to waste time
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because it is funny. I do stuff like this sometimes and have a good giggle.
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I once had a Hag spend about seven minutes carrying me all around the swamp, looking for hatch. At a certain point, I was like, "I'd actually rather just die, but now it feels rude because she's trying so hard." Then she dropped me by the hatch and closed it in my face. In the chat she said it was because I had Borrowed Time.
I recognized that it was rude when it happened, but also it was kind of funny that someone was petty enough to spend seven minutes hiking all around the map for that.
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