crawling away

the game has come to an end, 2 dead youre downed and the other is injured and being chased. theres no way to get back up so the best option is to.... crawl away and hide to waste both your time and the killers, but why? I understand if it was for hatch but what if hatch hasnt spawned yet? or a different scenario where the hatch has been closed?
is it a spite thing? is it a sore loser thing? Im curious what reasons people use for crawling to the opposite corner of the map to try not to be found.
If the survivor can wiggle free they get points. It's all about BP, baby.
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I look for hatch.
If it's closed, I crawl to the middle-ish area.
Many killers have missed me when I "stand" in the open after they closed the hatch.
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but if I cant find them they dont get wiggle points or escape
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If the killer can't find you after killing your mate you have a little time to look for the hatch. Your chances are slim but it can happen.
If you don't move at all the killer will just get you instantly. I've seen a few times the hatch spawning not that far from the downed survivor and if he crawled away he may have had it.
But yeah sometimes some people do it out of spite.
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If the survivor dies to time running out the killer doesnt earn pip points for it. When I play as survivor thats my goal at that point. Take the small victories where you can get them :)
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If the killer slug for the 4k there’s no reason to give him the last hook
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I have managed to lose the killer many times in that scenario, so I could help that dying survivor that crawled away and we both escaped. Same when I crawled away and my team mate lost the killer and helped me. I won't give up before I'm dead.
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Crawling away with no Hatch spawned yet is still a good tactic.
If you stayed, the Killer would come for you.
Also being downed isn't a loss yet, that's when the Entity takes you up to the sky.