Good Blood Point Build?

Just curious I am trying to go for a blood point build and current have these perks at tier 3. Is this a good blood point build or is there something better? I am at the point where I own every survivor and killer and my next goal is just to get everyone to lvl 40. Also this build is on the Huntress. I just got lucky getting her to lvl 40 with these perks.
- BBQ and Chili
- Beast of Prey
- Distressing
- Hex: Thrill of the hunt
Run bbq and distressing on doc, if youre decent at the game hitting 30k wont be a problem. Pair it with double calm for extra salt.
Legions also good for points if youre good with him, youll easily max out your stabs and chaser. Bbq on him obviously
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I find Doctor the most usefull for the BP grind. I should drop the hex and use something else, since you chase the survivors anyway and get max points on that with ease.
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I would say you don't really need thrill of the hunt and beast of prey, at least not both. because maxing out chaser isn't hard.
Distressing can help maxing devoiusness on killers that don't get many points for using their power but you have to remember it also makes your tr bigger.
BBQ is great. I always use it on all of my killers.
You might wanna use at least one gen slowdown perk
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I just play matches as legion. You quickly max chaser deviousness and brutality by just smacking every survivor over and over.
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Just apply pressure constantly and try to maximize hooks. You will max out bloodpoints almost every game this way.
Dont tunnel, Dont camp. Maxed point no problem
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Only problem is my doc is lvl 1 and I have never played him before. What is Double calm?
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I have a survivor bloodpoints build if your interested
We're gonna live forever
Prove Thyself
No one left behind
Detectives Hunch or small game.
It's good I like it.
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you only really need bbq. everything else just gets you to the cap faster.
use freddy, doctor or legion. get get a bunch of bps.
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He has an add on called calm. It increases your terror radius when your static blast is ready to use. So if you use 2 calm add ons (like green and yellow) and couple it with distressing, your terror radius is ENORMOUS. On some maps, like the game, it virtually covers the entire map.
Docs a good killer and hes great for bp farming, i highly recommend grinding him out. Even without double calm and distressing you should do really well with bps. Just dont forget bbq.
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Okay I will drop thrill of the hunt!
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I guess I am still learning how you get deviousness and brutality
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Okay I will keep that in mind thank you!
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The best one is WGLF, Deliverance, DS, and PT. PT for early game objective points, you get chaser on your own, but it's not that hard, you save to get Deliverance, WGLF, and altruism, at endgame, get hooked, Deliverance, DS and escape as the obsession for max survival. You'll almost always get 32k with this
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Deviousness you get for using the killers power. Like the shock with Doctor. If you shock and hit a survivor right after, you get 250 points for bonus attack. With distressing it gives you 500 points.
Brutality are earned with destroying breakable walls, pallets and getting hits on the survivors. I find that one the most annoying when going for a BP grind. And hooks, some matches you don't get many hooks.
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Deliverence gives you point? Ok then thanks I will try it out
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Wraith and Doctor are BP machines.
I usually use BBQ and Surge (to hit gens for extra brutality), then 2 other perks depending on which killer is being used.
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Yup. About 1,500 in survival.
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Brutality is pretty easy on legion :)
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run all of this on nurse and run the BP perks on her. fly past = points.
hooks = points.
conclusion = POINTS
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whats DS?
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I guess my next question is are survivors or killers better for farming BP?
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Killers are better for BP farming
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Decisive Strike
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Oh that makes sense
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Distressing and BBQ on Doc is the absolute best BP build.
Both perks are very, very useful on him already. Plus, it leaves two open slots for Ruin and Undying or Pop and whatever perk you want.
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That build does offer the most theoretical bloodpoints.... but it is a stupid build to run. The only other one you might run is Distressing, but that doesnt synergize with most killers. Just use BBQ and have a strong or more lethal build that helps you end games faster. That is far more productive.
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I actually use 3 of the 4 perks you've named here on a Clown best ######### in my life when I also thought of this build a few years ago. It's just a B.S. build nothing special nor crazy most survivors do not expect this build from most killers but I can get roughly between 30k-60k a match depending on my survivors and the fact I don't get any Red Rank Survivors.
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Just run BBQ on wraith with any other good perks you'll get 64k a game easy
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What makes wraith so good?
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Wraith just naturally generates a ton of bp
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I'll have to look into that. My build with huntress gets me 60k BP sometimes but I almost have to have a perfect game with her.