Stop making me play with laggy VPN Killers from China

AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

I'm getting sick of getting hit from a mile away because the killer has really bad ping to the server and the hit detection prioritizes making the hits look right for the killer. All this does is encourage people to play on VPNs to connect to servers outside their region to get an unfair lag advantage. It's simply cheating and needs to be addressed.


  • LilCrapper
    LilCrapper Member Posts: 89

    nothing DbD can do about VPN

    This also could be tied into the FPS/performance drops from the latest release

    Me personally, I only ever find problems with lag when I am killer, and I am preforming a grab action. Almost ALWAYS freeze in position for 30+ seconds, while the survivor tea bags me

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    probably not from china but this sorta thing happens in a lot of online games not just this one and they have no way of preventing it if they are using a vpn client with masking as far as im aware

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    The steam name is in Chinese and they are super laggy. Pretty sure it's a VPN from China and to fix the issue they just need to correct the hit detection to a proper server side hit detection that doesn't favor the killer. When they do that a laggy killer will be penalized instead of the survivor who has a good connection to the server and if the survivor is laggy then they'll be penalized instead of a killer with a good connection. The point is to stop favoring the killer regardless of how bad their latency is. Hit detection should not be one sided. That's what dedicated servers are for. As it is with hit detection always favoring killers point of view all they've done is add a middleman between the survivors and killer that masks the killer's latency so we can't tell that we are connected to a laggy killer like we used to be able to do with peer to peer connections.

  • LilCrapper
    LilCrapper Member Posts: 89

    the problem with that is. If you do not do a hard wired internet. and use Wi-Fi. the connections are unstable, and bandwidth varies greatly.

    Consoles using wi-fi will suffer tremendously, because consoles do not use the best of parts. In order to make the price cheaper. Non-essential parts are budgeted first. With a ping limiter, this will abruptly stop majority of console players. This would be bad business, after opening it up to multi platform.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Hit detection is server sided. Did you check your ping during the match? Because the servers are at their limit since the RE chapter was released. Seen all players with a 200+ ping.

  • aroell
    aroell Member Posts: 477

    I mean this is the only game I have seen where you benefit from having high ping.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    also dont forget some of them are cheater, i've encountered several times from speedhack to maphack