Attention Clown Mains: Clown is Broken!

@TheClownIsKing You'll need to hear this.
There is now a bug where survivors won't be slowed down by being hit by bottles. Walking in the gas seems to work most of the time. But others the slow instantly wears off when the survivor leaves the gas.
It completely destroys Clown. Don't play him this patch.
*Sad Nose Honking Noises*
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Well guess killer is off the menu for me
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You ever hear of Source Spaghetti?
It's like that. but with DBD
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not honking but...oh well...
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Yep. Pat yourself on the back.
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You mean a direct hit with the bottle or they are unaffected when the bottle explodes next to them?
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Direct hits and the bottle going off near them doesn't seem to slow them down. If the gas has been around for a while then it usually slows them like normal.
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Nah that team was pretty bad so it wasn’t that impressive but it’s still funny.
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😂🤣perfect described.
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Yup I noticed this last night playing as clown on Ormond.
Survivors were juat running into the gas, yelling, but clearly not suffering from hindered at all. Mind you it wasn't all the time but a significant amount of time the gas did nothing.
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This was a thing before 5.0.0 btw...
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Clown op, confirmed. I guess that settles the debate then, it's time to nerf Pig.
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Darn. Thank you for the warning
Really makes me how it got bugged. There were no clown changes in the update
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Hillbilly is broken too, his turning seems to have been gutted
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Theres a hindered penalty when a survivor gets infected by nemesis. Im guessing they broke the hindered status effect somehow.
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Damn I must be bad if a bugged killer 4kd my team. On this note he isn't bugged he was working fine on cold wind.
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Not to this extent. It's A LOT worse now.
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Well, I don't want to see that for myself. What have they done to my boy...
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Yo what's u- oh...
Well, I hope he gets fixed.
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Wow. Ok. Thanks for the heads up. I wonder if they accidentally changed the global values of hindered with the addition of Nemesis.
Makes me wonder if Freddy is the same.
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I believe Hinderance in general is broken.
Nothin' seems to slow survivors down,
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Already reported it but yeah, sometimes they won't get slowed in the gas also. ######### pissed me off one match. They never got slowed or coughed.