So let's talk about trapper's new buff

If you don't know, trapper just got visual rework and his traps become much darker. Basically baseline tar bottle. What do you think about that?
What buff? Visuals?
I'm still salty there wasn't QoL improvements for...their first ever Killer...And face of the game... On their 5th anniversary.
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Really good buff. Ofc he still needs the bag base-kit, but this buffs makes his traps more viable and allows them to blend in through the reworked maps.
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Yea, I noticed when doing the tutorials, neat shadow buff.
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dark traps is a good qol change
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Just add an extra trap by default and can carry 2 traps and he'd be great. That darkening buff was well needed.
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I have a feeling it's a bug.
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They better say a week from now "Working as intended"
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Instead, all we'll get is gonna be "you're free to speculate".
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Helps. But still needs brown bag base and RNG removed from traps.
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Stay salty.
It was a nice buff. Doesn't mean he doesn't need more.
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Think whatever you want :) Visuals does not equal buffs.
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Yes it should be otherwise they would have announced this since it would make people happy.
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It's quite nice, and will help his surprise factor with traps that aren't in obvious locations, but it's not the buff he needed to be viable - he still needs to be able to carry more than one trap at a time, and possibly a change to the collection mechanic.
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It´s not exactly a buff though? They´re still super easy to spot, especially on coldwind, ormond and any indoor map. If one of us steps on a trap we literally laugh at him lol