They were quick to nerf Demo again, weren't they?

Yet keys are still unresolved. Rather interesting, no?
It honestly didn't bother me.
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What I find funny is it took them years to buff him and weeks to nerf him again.
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4K ratio is over 70%. They can’t build a game around red rank players who play 6 hours a day. Mmr might help you match with players who are equal skill wise.
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Game balance is a tricky beast to sate. Too often variable combinations that werent exactly thought of before come into play and if they are quick than they end up hurting the games rep more leaving it in
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You make it sound so nefarious. Like it's some killer conspiracy
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It's funny how you're trying to argue one point but your evidence actually supports a different argument.
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What's the changes ? If you don't mind
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Black Heart and Barb’s glasses, his two best add ons, were nerfed from 20% to 15%. I don’t really spot much of a difference in my gameplay, though.
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where did you get the data?
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Man who cares, they were too oppressive anyways.
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I had to jump in a match quick as hell to see it's nothing major,he's working great as usally
Thank you,it doesn't to be a total gut to the add-ons, but why nerf his stealth add-on.You already get a notification when he's entering his portal's and exiting?
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And they sort of buffed them if I'm reading this correctly
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They didn’t nerf demo. They nerfed two overtuned add ons that is hardly noticeable this patch. Also let’s just forget that they buffed his other add ons too.
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"Keys are in a very powerful spot right now, so we reverted Franklin's Demise to make keys stronger to balance." -A BHVR dev 110%
Demo was the most balanced killer so they have to make him a bit worse to fill in their barren patch notes.
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As someone who used the nerfed addons religiously, I physically cannot even tell the difference. Its fine.
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Who cares? Oh no, 2 addons were changed ever so slightly. What ever will we do?
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Those stats have been proven unreliable
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What did they nerf? Haven’t played in months.
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I agree, there isn't MUCH difference.
However, it's the principle of the matter. It took them YEARS to buff him but they nerf him within weeks for no balance related reason.
They just didn't like people only using those add-ons
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Imagine needing add ons
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2 addons reduced by 5%. Those shreds absolutely burning through the pallets was powerful.
Demo is still capable of doing that y'know, just slightly slower.
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I don’t understand why they would nerf demogorgon but spirit and wraith are fine. They need a change asap!!!
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Well yeah obviously, they didn't like it because all 5 demo players left defaulted to using those two add-ons and nothing else because why would you. They're much better than almost every other add-on he has and they're only brown and yellow so you can run them indefinitely. Imo, I don't think it's such a bad thing, but BHVR don't like it, so they made some changes in the hopes that these 5 Demo players use a wider variety of add-ons.
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Those add-ons were fine.
In typical BHVR fashion, they don't look at WHY those add-ons are good, they just nerf them instead of trying to buff other add-ons to be on the same level
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Tbh I've given up hoping for BHVR to look at the "why" as well as the "how", I don't think that's ever gonna happen lmao. At least the change did virtually nothing so we have that to be thankful for. There's no way they'd nerf them twice right?
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What does ACTUALLY BUFFED Franklin's has to do with the demo? And in what world it countered keys, because I'm pretty sure once survivors knew you had it, they would actually COUNTER your Franklin's by dropping items themselves...
Why do you bring keys into this, as we all know they are going to be changed in the next 1-100 years?
Demo is fine, his addons gave him too much oppressive power in chase, they were basically "free" STBFL and Brutal Strength.
Overused meta should be changed one way or another. All demos used only these two addons as there was literally no reason to use any other.
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Yep and referring to the buffed add-ons:
The developers are also not aware enough that it doesn't matter how much undetectable you give demo when Demo is loud enough to effectively have a "Lullaby" from just walking.
Also rat tail is still WEAKER then it was before they nerfed it for no reason in the add-on pass so people STILL won't be touching it.
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Lol how can you guys say they nerfed Demo? They just changed 5 addons, two of which have been buffed and one is still extremely good. That after they overall buffed him the last patch. Honestly, you should take a chill pill.
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Take off the blindfold and look at what happens in your game. How many times have you finished all 5 gens with all 4 survivors still in the game and everyone suicides trying to save one guy instead of just leaving?
Kills vs escapes are a terrible metric to balance the game on, especially since survivors have nothing to lose by being killed if they did enough for their pip while killers pips are literally tied to getting kills.