Depleted ink Ribbon

bibibib8 Member Posts: 843
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is a very rare offering for nemesis and its said when 5 gen are repaired, any destroyed zombies respawn in an exit area. I kill 27 zombie in a match and i let the last survivor open the gate because i wanted to see the reaction when all those zombie were going to spawn when i saw that only 1 zombie had spawn i was pissed. 6k bp and a lot of time wasted to kill all those zombie and i see only one zombie this was a huge dissapointement.

I think they should change the wording asap because that wording is confusing

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121


    If 27 zombies had to spawn at the same time, I'm pretty sure your pc/console would just melt.

    Do you understand what it means now?

  • Gottlos
    Gottlos Member Posts: 106

    I definitely agree this is how it should work.

    They could spawn them at the exit gates when you kill them instead of all at once at the end, thus not needing to melt your computer. There could also be a max number that could spawn.

    It would be a much cooler moment for survivors and would still be a weak add-on, just a cool one.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,755

    While they were developing Nemmy they had an iri add-on that spawned in a third zombie, but three of them tanked game performance so badly they scrapped the add-on and changed it.

    Supposing they use top-notch PC's during development, how do you think mid- and lower-end PC's would have handled the strain, let alone the various consoles?

  • Gottlos
    Gottlos Member Posts: 106

    Well, there are games that somehow manage to spawn literally hundreds of detailed zombies in open-world environments. I know it's a big ask but perhaps they could clean up the spaghetti code enough to manage more than 8 character models in a controlled area lol

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,755

    Might as well ask for $10 million and one of their kidneys...

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited September 2021

    Depleted Ink Ribbon is a pretty decent add-on overall. The 2nd part of it that is being debated here is simple enough to understand:

    Any zombie that gets destroyed AFTER the gates are powered will respawn behind a gate.

    Since there's only 2 zombies, in order to take full advantage of this, you as Nemesis need to kill the zombies as soon as the last gen finishes in order to have each zombie spawn behind a gate. When nemesis Kills a zombie they take 12 seconds to respawn, when a survivor does it however, they take 45 seconds to respawn, so your worst case scenario for getting this to work is if none of the survivors are contaminated and injured, and they kill the zombies with pallets instead of you with a punch or tentacle whip. Admittedly its mechanic for working, and wording is a little convoluted, but overall it can snag you a surprise down at the gates if the survivors don't react in time.

    TBH the best way to use this add-on isn't really about the circumstantial 2nd part, and more about the .5m/s movement speed bonus the zombies get. If you combine the Depleted Ink Ribbon and Mikhail's Eye or even the Shattered Stars Badge, you're zombies will be cruising around the map at 2-2.5m/s all game, which allows them to catch up to survivors faster, apply pressure to gens sooner, and come across survivors more often than when they move at their standard (laughable) 1 m/s. It's because of this that the Movement Speed add-ons for the zombies Trump the Detection range add-ons entirely... I mean, Come on, what is the point of giving a zombie a 24m detection radius, when it will take them 24 seconds to reach a survivor as soon as they enter it? Sure the Detection add-ons give you more information on which direction a survivor is running from a zombie, but they do nothing to aid them in being tools that will put pressure on the map for you.

    The big reason for why we can't have more than 2 zombies is that the coding for their bot/AI has to synchronize with the servers, and isn't fully client controlled. Basically you have 5 computer/consoles, all synchronizing with each other and the server as to where the zombies are at all times, which directions they are headed, and which player they interact with. When the entities are all player controlled the server receives updates from each client separately and synchronizes that information with what we see in game, but when its an AI controlled entity, all 5 systems have to basically "agree" as to where the zombies are and where they're headed before it reaches the server, and then the server has to update to show this in game. This takes a lot of processing power for the servers, but also for the players systems as well since they all have to sync up with the AI for the zombies. The bot coding for the zombies is still in its infancy, and the devs have said that they've been working on creating bots to take over for players that DC from a match, but until that happens and proves to be stable, don't expect the devs to attempt to add any more AI controlled zombies.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287