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Think Nemmy gave Killers another meta.

Member Posts: 613

The perks Eruption and Lethal Pursuit are simply doing WORK for me at the moment. Combo those with BBQ plus Pop and you have one hell of a build.

LP for early game info. Likely THE most important time for Killers and LP allows almost any Killer to go directly to the biggest group of Survivors and start pressure instantly. Sometimes (in my games) you can walk half the map before everyone seems to load in. That or AFK for a few seconds. Either way you get pressure ASAP.

BBQ for more information throughout the game. It's BBQ, no real need to explain how good it is to know where to go after hooking someone allowing a Killer to keep pressure up as much as possible.

Pop for being a good/great gen slow down perk. 25% on a select gen is massive when in combo with BBQ to know where to place that kick.

Eruption makes Pop that much better. A 30 second cooldown means you will almost ALWAYS be able to use it with every down. And it is at every down as there is no condition for M1s or within a limited range like most other perks. (Heavy glares at Surge). So that gen you just Popped gets hit even more and you get told if someone is there at the down instead of the hook like with BBQ all while every other gen you kicked gets hit as well.

Iv lost like 1 game so far with this build on Nemmy. Granted Im playing at the dead of night and the Survivors are, bad, at this hour plus Nemmy is too new for people to know how to deal with yet. But there's something here to the build and should work with other stronger Killers even better.

After getting his teachables Im for certain gonna attempt to grind this build on other Killers to test them out.

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  • Member Posts: 613

    Saying just give it a shot. Can't end up being worse than a few bad games.

    That 8% adds up to a fair amount over as many times and as many gens as you can use it on. Pop's 25% is better by far, but Pop can often have that be wasted if you don't kick within the time limit or don't have a progressed enough gen nearby. Eruption is what Surge should have been.

  • Member Posts: 255

    Lethal Pursuer isn’t that good. IMO time related perks are shite you have them for 2 minutes then you’ve only got 3 perks for the rest of the match.

    For the most part you locate a survivor within a minute into the match. That’s where your pressure starts

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Eruption is good perk on some killers. But Lethal is trash. I only used it for Adept Nemesis. Not it is with other trash perks, never will use.

  • Member Posts: 3,452
    edited June 2021

    I've played 16 games of nemesis. I think only one it took me more than 15 seconds to find a survivor, or their scratch marks or disturbed crows.

    If you know spawn points and tracking, then it's a wasted slot.

    It's good as a beginner's perk, or for some niche use, like trying to speedrun a 4-man slug. You're better off using Discordance otherwise. If survivors spawn together on a gen, you get them. If they spawn separate, you'll find one fast anyway. And you have the perk the whole match.

    As for eruption/pop, I don't see any value on low mobility killers. Too much time spent kicking. You're basically damaging gens and spending 30 sec catching up to running survivors.

    I can see use on fast killers when one doesn't want to depend on hex rng. I reckon it could be meta on Shadow Dance Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Are you thinking of surge?

    Eruption does 6% (4.8 charges) damage not 8%

    It also let's survivors scream telling you where to go next.

    It also makes them unable to work on gens if they were working on it for 16s

    If you hit one survivor then you do 4.8 seconds of damage+ 16 seconds worth of progress for a total of 20.8 seconds. That's already more then pop.

    If you hit 2 survivors on the same gen then you deny 27.2 charges with those 16 seconds. For a total of 30ish seconds saved

    Does not sound objectivily bad once you decide to read the entire perk.

    The only downside is that extreme sweaty swf's can call out before they go down to prevent the incapacitated.

  • Member Posts: 177

    I've been running that build because I didn't have anything else to use and wanted to maximize my BP gain (thus BBQ) for some matches.

    My take on it: BBQ is not needed (I just ran it because of the BP) Nemesis has enough info bc of zombies and vaccines already. Eruption also often enough gives you information about survivors because it shows you the aura of survivors who're working on erupting gens.

    PoP + Eruption looks pretty solid on paper but I've noticed that I couldn't use my PoP on a gen I needed to PoP on many occasions because it was blasted by Eruption a few seconds earlier and nobody touched it yet, so I had to "waste" my PoP on another nearby gen that barely had any progression. It's probably a good combination most of the time though but I'm still not really convinced by the usefulness of Eruption. It could use a small buff imo. For example that it does not longer prevent the survivors to work on the gen who worked on the gen while it was erupting but rather to prevent the gen from being worked on in general.

    I'm also on the fence about LP. I love it and it feels absolutely marvelous at the start of the match but it also feels like a wasted perk slot after your first chase that could be used for gen regression/slow down. So yeah, cool perk and I really like it but I'm not sure if it's worth the slot if you already know where survivors could possible spawn. Especially if you could run something like Corrupt Intervention which seems superior to me because it blocks half the gens which either already narrows down the area survivors could run to after spawning or stall gen progress for 120 seconds.

    CI already kind of does a similar job as LP, it's just not as precise but has other additional features.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Eh, eruption has been pretty hit and miss for me. The "problem" with it is that it's 100% dependant on your skill in chase.... in another game i'd call that good design but you can easily find 2 survivors on a gen at the start with like 2% progress on it, kick the gen to setup eruption, chase one, who procceds to pre-drop every pallet, for a solid minute and by the time you get the down / abandon chase the second survivor popped the gen.

    Problem is if you find a survivor that just pre-drops pallets it's not a ... horriblem idea to chase him, as you'll be creating dead-zones, problem is it does waste alot of time on top of a perk that's allready kidna time consuming.

    On the other hand Eruption has single handedly gotten me 4ks before, had one game where people kept stubournly trying to do the gen inside Disturbed Ward main building, wich led to a chain of downs / pops that regressed the gen from like 80% to 0. Another fun game was on Rotten Fields where i managed to get 3 people on 3 gens to scream at once on a down :P

    Eruption definetly has potential. Keep in mind the incapacitated effect also blocks healing so if Resiliance / IW gamers are trying to greed a gen it's not like they can top each other off either in those 16 seconds keeping them vulnerable. AAAAAAAAAALSO they changed it from "basic attack" to "any means" since ptb, wich potentially means people stepping into stuff like random Iri Bear Traps would proc it....

    If you could kick 0% gens for setup i'd never take the thing off...

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It's still just a kick action. You can even combine it with pop.

    Who cares if it's useless on gens that are not touched? If survivors aren't touching gens then you win by default. Pop doesn't

    Pop is useless to if survivors finish the gen before another goes down and unlike eruption you have to go through the whole hooking fase and walk over there giving the survivors more time to actually finish it.

    You don't make a good case by saying pop is meta and eruption is bad to then start naming downsides that apply to pop as well.

    I also skimmed over that eruption makes gens regress too so that 4.8 charges on the initial blast. 16 seconds of no progress and 16 seconds regression bringing the total for a single survivor to 8.8 charges lost and 16 seconds not worked on which translates 24.8 seconds lost or 34 when 2 survivors were on it.

    The fact that they synergize pretty well is also important. You keep comparing them but nothing is stopping you from running both.

    Undying is also bad if you ignore Ruin exists

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I really struggle to find a reason to use Lethal Pursuer over Whispers, but Eruption is a really nice perk, especially if you like being territorial and defend a bunch of gens. The ability to incapacitate survivors is great.

  • Member Posts: 3,012


    You seriously think Nurse needs lethal? Nurse can take 4K without perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Yes, that doesnt make my statement less true. She can blink on you and down you before the 9 seconds is even done. Watched someone on yt do it. I imagine its really good on high mobility killers like spirit, billy

  • Member Posts: 613

    On the topic of Nemmy. The zombies are unreliable for the most part, but they give great info to boot. Been running a detection range addon for them and if they are anywhere near a gen I know for the most part that gen is not being worked on and can be ignored. The rare times where they help in loops isn't bad either even if they can get in my way as well. That information alone is very valuable, having them waste Survivor time or get the rare hit or down even is that much better

    Out of the 4-5 hours I played as Nemmy today. There has been 3 lost games, as in 2 or more people escape, and many more wins. He has a weak power, needing 3 hits to down is murder, but also likely has the 2nd best information in the game outside of Doctor. If RNG favors you that is.

    Back to the build. Every game played I find every perk doing work. LP giving me near instant pressure with no guess work. BBQ keeps up that pressure throughout the game. Pop gives me time when/where needed. And Eruption simply works as a gen stall with a side of even more information. Put those on an aggressive Killer and the only moments you aren't pressuring someone is when you choose not to.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Noone will waste one slot for 9 seconds perk. Even Nurse mains.

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    Right. Im making it up, people arent doing that right now

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I am not seeing anyone using this perk. So i do not your experience but for me, i just saw on people who trying Adept Nemesis.

    Also good killers can find survivors easyly. They never needs perks like that lol

  • Member Posts: 1,236

    You can keep being smug and laughing, or you can go to youtube and watch it happen 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Ofcourse i will see on youtube, it is meme perk. People will use it for funny videos.

    But in real life, it is useless perk. I am not using this perk on my killers and i have my 4Ks and i am finding survivors easyly. So why i have to put this perk and remove one of this (Ruin & Undying & BBQ & Pop)

  • Member Posts: 613

    Those 9 seconds are multiplied due to you being able to pressure multiple Survivors at the start of the game.

    Without LP you have to be lucky to even see a Survivor before 20 seconds into a game and by the time you do find someone they have the advantage of gaining ground or seeing you coming. With LP, you are already in a direct chase more often than not at 10 seconds into the game with not just 1 Survivor but up to 3 from what spawns Iv seen today.

    No guessing, no luck, LP gives like 90-100% odds to get in a chase within the first 10 seconds of EVERY SINGLE GAME! Killers having that good of an early game is massive as the early game is when they are at their weakest.

  • Member Posts: 3,012
    edited June 2021

    Nah still useless.

    Blight is already so fast killer. I am so fast on map and finding survivor easyly. And when i saw on of them game ends for them. And also other survivors are not problem. Because Tinkerer will give me info and i will go to them. Ruin & Undying combo will start regression. I am not gonna change my builds for this trash perk. But it is trash for me ofcourse.

    For someone else, this perk can be good and i will respect that. But for me, i have my Adept Nemesis and i do not need this perk anymore.

  • Member Posts: 613

    Feels like Im trying to get a kid to eat his veggies or something. Im only asking for you to give other things a try. Might not work as you think, might work better than your current build. You'll never know till you try.

    Part of the fun in DbD for me is finding new builds. Not a lot work, but you can find good ones if given a chance.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Okay, okay, OP, hear me out. Replace BBQ with Thrilling.

    Eruption activates, kicking every survivor off of a generator. You pick up, activating Thrilling and having 16 seconds where nobody is on a generator, as well as info on their general location due to the screaming from Eruption.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    I have 80-90 4Ks and you are saying change your perks? Why?

  • Member Posts: 613

    If/when I run into Thrilling I'll give it a shot. Though Id think dropping Eruption for Thrilling could be better. Not a fan of Thrilling to be honest due to it's timing being hard to use while also not doing much outside of giving information.

    80-90 is all you got? Is that an overall or just with Blight? Either way that doesn't really mean much. But if you're asking why you should take my advice?

    Took several months away from DbD and this is the first time playing since late 2020. But Iv been a Killer main since the game was in Beta. Still have my Legacy hammer for Billy and even have both of my Beta invites as proof. Been playing a long time in other words and have played against the best and worst Survivors DbD has had as well as played during DbD's best and worst times for balance. Make no claims to be a great player myself, but after this long you'd think Id learn a thing or 2.

  • Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2021

    With wraith's current speed even without using addons at all you could go around cloaked, kick gens, knock somebody's azz out then blow up all their gens throught he power of speed force lol. This one killers gotta work for though, although wraith at current cloaked default speeds is a bit too potentially strong since he can kick alot of gens in a very short time, but having to work for it I think it's a fine perk since you effectively lengthen the cd on it based on how long you wait to trigger it if you wanna involve more gens with it.

  • Member Posts: 36

    if they made it too easy, like removing the kick requirement, the cd on it would go back up most likely.

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