Why does Nemesis feel so slow? Is it just me? No?

I realize he's 115% but even from Survivor perspective he feels like 110%. Maybe it's just the hold W effect these days with the new maps but it feels like it takes forever for him to catch up.
its because he has like a straight up running animation which makes him feel slow to people.
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It's probably the decreased movement speed from charging tentacle strike that makes him feel slow in chase. That, or because Nemesis is built like Thanos.
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Taller killers take bigger strides, but they have to move the same speed as the small Freddy killer who is shorter and takes many strides. Just perception... and hiccups / hangups / dropped frames
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Ghostface feels atupid slow to me. Idk why. I hate him because of it.
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And now I want a Thanos skin that can snap half the survivors away.
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He had a bug on PTB where his movement speed would get stuck if someone dropped a pallet on you and you had tentacle charged. It would force you to move at the slow speed he moves while he has tentacle attack at all times, basically making him ~110% hell maybe even 105 who knows....but it was broken.
Theres a chance the bug is still present... /shrug.
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I mean he basically runs and punches in slow motion I find it hilarious when he chases me he can catch up but he just seems to be slow about all his actions except for his tentacle
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I think he is going to need a buff/fix pretty quickly. Something is wrong with nemesis and loops and swf have already figured it out.
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My gf had this bug yesterday. She looked it up cause she was stuck moving slower than survivors. What she found said like 96% with tentacle out.
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I personally think it's because of the power. It's short/mid range and the speed bursts make you have to run people down more. That's when you really feel the speed.
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Yeah, he feels hella slow when playing him.
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It's because he's very tall, it feels that way but he isn't
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Bug aside, his POV and FOV are just horrible. He is really freaking Tall but your POV is your chest not his head and the FOV for Killers is so bad that it feels like he is eating his hands.
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Next killer will fly I heard at 300% speed, and they’re removing all pallets and med kits.
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They could add a rush ability to his Tier 3 on a very long cooldown