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General Discussions

Nemesis is a D tier, bottom 5 killer.



  • Sorry, but a killer who is forced to interrupt a chase no matter how good you are is not a good killer

  • Member Posts: 511

    People are grossly exaggerating his anti loop ability (which you need to build up) and even more so they are shockingly exaggerating how impactful zombies are

  • Member Posts: 267

    This. I dont get why he would be considered anything higher than C tier. The zombies are useless 95% of the time and only get survivors off gens for like 5 seconds. His tentacle needs 3 hits to down and has some lackluster improvements on its tiers.

    I've been hit twice by a zombie and the second time it was on purpose. In a chase you can easily force Nemesis to use m1 without wasting a pallet. Just don't predrop pallets and bait his m2.

    I love playing Nemesis but he feels like a budget PH.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Yeah pretty much. His anti loop isn't great. Unless of course you hit them when they drop a pallet thats it. Even that can fail sometimes. And zombies are terrible. Some people be acting like zombies are these unstoppable force like having 3 killers but there they are stuck behind that tree.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited June 2021

    He should be an A-tier killer, but his contamination mechanic holds him back.

    Why the hell does he need to get 8 more hits than any other killer needs to in order to have the same result?

    Because of that, he's no stronger than a high C.

  • Member Posts: 517

    I would mostly agree. I think Nemmy's stronger than Trickster, Trapper, Legion, Clown, Pig, Myers, and maybe ghostface, but even that leaves 16 other killers that are stronger than him.

    Doctor's way better. Nerfed billy is still probably better. I can't really compare Nemmy to any B-tier killers and honestly say that he's better than them in his current state. His early game is almost Myers/Oni levels of bad, and he doesn't have the stronger mid-late game Oni play to compensate. Myers and Oni are probably the only 2 killers that take longer to get the first down, and a bad early game pretty much guarantees a loss with Nemmy. Hard to get 11 hooks with 2 gens remaining

  • Member Posts: 684

    But u know, killer mains, always whining, always needs more.. they might stop complaining the day they got survivors spawns in a game all hooked idk

  • Member Posts: 511

    I mean you and other survivor mains love to think that saying Nemesis is strong makes hims strong. Not the case. I think he is D tier, maybe a low C tier at best. You can say he has strong anti loop, but so does Doctor. No one has refuted my points, they just magnify Nemesis pros and magnify other killers cons if they even get past saying " Nemesis is low A tier saying he's not is a joke".

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Letting them go away basically means they win the chase, and get vaccine. Boom. All your work gone while other 3 survivors are progressing the gens.

    Imagine doing this 4 times against every survivor. You lost tons of time at the start and you're doing nothing to your objective (No infection, no injure, no hook).

  • Member Posts: 133
  • Well, Sonaishinai said that chasing a an injured survivor with a speed boost, which 90% of the roster has to go through win a chase, was not a good choice, so I was simply following his argument :)

    Also, show me an S/A tier killer who is hard countered by W except PH whose cages compensate it

  • Member Posts: 133

    I mean mobility is like half the reason they ARE S tier. Like blight can't shut down a loop like Nurse / Spirit can but you're also forced to loop him or get run over.... That's not gonna change tho ... unless bhvr adds a stamina system or something....

  • Well yes and no nemesis is not that bad he is considered a mid low tier though like a B or C in his worst but you can make him really good with some good builds and stradegyses, he is not begginer frendly obviously, unlike most tiering up and power builiding killers nemesis is the worst due to bad early but a better mid to late game due to not need to do this all again and on top of that you do not actually trying to gether it, you just play and doing it automatically, when on tier 2 you are one of the best if not the best loop ending killer in the game you do not need tier 3 although you will get it eventually, tentacle strike have a long range and a quicker reccovery than M1 they also gain less distance when first contaminated, he can be really terifiyng in the right hands, i am main nemesis and i know i play on high mmr cause in iridescent 1 im winning 4k in 7 out 10 other wise 3k in 8 out of 10 and there will be 2 out of 10/ 3 out of 10 that im losing, the games is really based on rng's and i know im good im playing him since release, and untill now i realised how to play good. Now nemesis have really bad addons few can do much and the zombies are really incosistent and buggy, you can change tha though, use perks that trigger loud noices to attract zombies nearby with addons that enhances speed and vision, they are not becoming gods but you will be if you are good and expirienced to play around them.

    (He is not bad, he is just hard)

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    Why you necro a one year old post?

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2022

    He is better than Trapper, Freddy, Sadako, Ghostface, Myers, Pig, Clown, Wraith and Hillbilly.

    Trapper, Freddy, Sadako = obvious reasons

    GF, Myers = One-Shot ok, but besides that, easy money, because they have NOTHING in chases

    Pig, Clown = bad antiloop, mediocre powers (Bottles/Ambush). Pigs Traps doesnt care much if she cant get downs

    Wraith/Billy = Standard M1 / supernerfed Billy

    Nemmy can M1, if they reach a Pallet, u can still hurt them with the Infection. Get T2 asap to kill pallets faster. His addons however arent really good. For me he is B-Tier.

    My bottom 5: Trapper, Freddy, Sadako, Clown, Ghostface

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    The zombies being faster and smarter would be a start. My labrador could pick up the controller and navigate away from the current ones.

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