So now Blight is bugged, cool...

How in the Kentucky fried [BAD WORD] do you manage to consistently bug killers who are entirely unrelated to what you're changing?
His bug isn't nearly as bad as clown's, thank god. But jesus, BHVR needs to outsource their coding, because whoever is behind DBD's is clearly not very good.
What’s his bug what’s wrong with Blight
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Hasn't he always been bugged anyway? What did they do this time?
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After you go through the cooldown of rushing you'll need to do something to be able to rush again. I usually just slap the air, or break a gen if one's nearby.
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they changed blight
he isn't unrelated
- Readjusted maximum turn rate per frame during Blight’s rush at large look angles.
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you realise nurse is bugged for four years we love the m1 bug
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Misread that, my bad.
I forgot they actually changed him. Guess the change barely did anything on console
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Why is chick en a bad word?
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Yep, I noticed it too.
Getting pallet stunned seems to trigger the bug.
Very frustrating.
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I didn't use the word chicken
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Well this sucks. I was so Blighting it up tonight. Now I got to respect pallets? What kind of noob trash is that. C'mon Bhvr you guys eat some bad sushi or some #########?