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General Discussions

DBD, what happened??

Member Posts: 1
edited June 2021 in General Discussions


Post edited by assassin_princess on

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Nemesis really isn't that bad, he's pretty average. People were freaking out over pyramid head last year as the most oppressive, gamebreaking killer ever and he's fine (and stronger than nem). They added a killer who can teleport through walls and ignore all windows and pallets in their first year and that didn't kill the game off either.

  • Member Posts: 9

    So... this is written from the perspective of a survivor main... Given your.... opinions on certain things. Yes, the devs do mostly listen to half the community... that haf being the survivors who cry 'overpowered' at every little thing a killer has (hence the Frankin's nerf, key buff etc)

    And it sounds like; if you have played this game as long as you've said then you'd realise you need to WORK for escapes and shouldn't be granted free escapes.. learn to counter a new killer, do the right things. if you or your team does the wrong thing then you can't expect a win.

    Someone getting camped? power through gens? tunelled? do the same. dealing with noed? cleanse totems. And if you can't avoid the incredibly slow zombies in regards to Nemesis (outside of chases) then I really don't think you're as experienced as you say

    You can't say 'Oh I play both killer and survivor' (paraphrasing' then complain about all the things that the... bad types of survivor mains complain about o so constantly and refuse to accept the logical counters they have

    Furthermore, given your account on here. it is safe to say that you are definitely not what you say you are, thusly whatever you wanted for this post... I imagine you've played one or two matches... maybe on Hadonfield, you went against Nemesis both times. And you didn't realise that you can run. as such getting downed/camped/tunnelled is from your own shortcomings.

    Good day.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Sometimes I get that feeling. It feels like this game has turned into both sides racing to end the game as fast as possible.

    I really hate the hold w gameplay, but when I think back to all of the killer releases this year, a majority of them sum up to:

    Hold w, throw pallets early or die.

    Though as killer, I love anti loop powers, it also throws a wrench in balancing because they always have to keep in mind that some killers can down you near anywhere.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't really know what to say here, because I understand how it is to be extremely frustrated with the game, but I don't agree with a single word of what you've said.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Okay, typical post from someone who says to stop playing DBD and decides to remove his frustration by posting a thread on the DBD forums but the OP comes back to playing the next day..

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    If you don't like killers using their powers to hit you through pallets, you're just gonna have to deal with it. Because that's half the killers in the game, and not many of them are considered game breaking.

  • Member Posts: 705

    Nothing to see here. Another survivor expecting free wins when they lost because 'I always give someone hatch'.

    that's your fault for being bad, not anyone else's and nobody else is obligated to play that way. Git gud; stop being a carebear and be a Killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The recent map reworks also were a big nerf on stealth gameplay for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 316

    Sounds like a case of git gud. Worry about how the games runs like ######### instead of complaining about how a C tier killer maybe B tier at best is OP.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Other killers may have the same concept to ignore pallets or go through windows, but with nemesis you cant escape. He can hit through pallets windows making it impossible to escape because even if he misses, he doesn't take that long to be back to normal and his tier 2 can break pallets making any loops useless

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I think it's balanced out by a limited range even in tier 3 as well as needing three hits with the tentacle.

  • Member Posts: 10

    But he doesn't really need 3 hits. that's only when there are vaccines and yet there is only 4 that can be used through the entire trial. His tier 3 may be limited but hits instantly so as long as your close enough to a survivor you just swing and they cant dodge, like with pyramid head or huntress. as well as that although the zombies get stuck everywhere, they are the only extra support ever given to a killer that is external to any of the killers ability's. The zombies can attack but they are also used for increasing contamination level, which is pointless since the level never runs out. you just get tier 3 and your done, never having to worry about hitting zombies or contaminating survivors again. Nemesis is one of the most powerful killers mainly because once your found, unless the killer literally has no clue on how to play and somehow loses you, you are dead.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    It's three hits per survivor the first time, all with a speed boost on each hit, and assuming each survivor vaccinates it's another three the second time. And the tentacle definitely can be dodged unless you're in animation lock as with huntress and PH. Slinger and plague are the ranged ones where there's not much you can do when out in the open but the tentacle is pretty short range, thin (although you can flick it somewhat) and kinda janky to use.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Actually i take back my comments. Thinking about it, nemesis only feels unfair because all other killer so far have been very good at close range, where as nemesis only has a short ranges punch that isn't hard to dodge. Thinking about it i may just be tilted because I'm so used to short range killers where as nemesis is long range, yeah you have Deathslinger who is also mostly range but he is all about accuracy and you don't really see many of them in the game anyways. I just feel like the ability to remove escapes from survivors with his tentacle is a little BS because common solutions for other killers cant be used as much but i mean i guess that's the case for every new killer that comes out, requiring a new strat to deal with

  • Member Posts: 683

    I was gonna say, you think Nemesis is bad? Oh man wait until you hear about this one killer called "The Doctor" and see what he can do for not just pallets, but vaulting too.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I mean yeah i would still say nemesis is broken because he destroys loops. With the doctor although you get shocked if you can predict his movement you can use the pallet or window before his shock comes into effect. with that though doctor has to use his abilities to expose your location. nemesis just needs you to be contaminated for you to begin violently coughing every few seconds. So if your hiding when he appears you get caught. Doctor needs to predict where you are to reveal your location

  • Member Posts: 683
    edited June 2021

    I mean...the coughing really isn't as useful as you think it is, trust me. Also Doctor has something better, he has you screaming at random intervals PLUS the illusion Doctor's that give away your location, AND he can hide his red stain and stick it on to you, just to further mess with you. As for Nemesis, I ran a little experiment with me and a friend. I played as Plague and puked on them and counted the intervals between the coughs. You end up coughing every 1-1.5 seconds. With Nemesis and his infection, you cough roughly around every 16-18 seconds on average (had it go off closer to 20 seconds some times, and sometimes had it go off closer to 15, but average was in between 16 and 18). So yeah, the cough...not really as good as you think. Especially when with Plague it's more consistent. And you want to talk about how Nemesis destroys loops when Nurse exists? Nemesis doesn't hold a candle to her game breaking ability. The only time Nemesis "breaks loops" is when you're in mid animation vaulting or throwing a pallet, but then at that point every killer with a ranged ability is broken (see Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster to a degree, and Plague with red vomit).

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2021

    You have a good point. Nurse can also break loops but that's only if she doesn't stupidly blink into the pallet, or if you prematurely drop the pallet so you can trick her into blinking, you can also manipulate the nurse blinking away from you, since most nurses will assume they if they blink past a wall it will get them a hit in but nemesis just has to swing his whip into any action you perform to hit you. With the doctor you only get the red stain attached to you in chase it seems. i have never seen it like that any other time, the screaming can be stopped by snapping out of your insanity and i feel like the fake doctor only really appears, for me at least, when someone is in chase, being me or another survivor.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    They said they were gonna quit the game after all the ######### that’s been happening.

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