Nemesis is so strong now lol

Friendly117 Member Posts: 32
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So... Nemesis is in request of having a fat nerf because everything you do as a survivor is absolutely pointless.

Yes you can dodge his ability but like... majority is him actually hitting you and hooking you when its a good Nemesis which makes the game literally unplayable. There's no such thing as getting good. Nemesis is broken at the moment.

Pallets are completely useless now, so perhaps make it so he can't destroy them with his ability.

He hits you first before breaking a pallet which is also extremely dumb.

I've also noticed that he now can level up his ability whenever he hits a fresh player or a infected player with the ability. On the PTB it used to be only hitting fresh players and not infected players. I think that should come back because it takes him literally 2 seconds to max tier his ability.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Friendly117
    Friendly117 Member Posts: 32

    Obviously you lack the knowledge and experience of this game. You are most likely rank 15 or something because none of what you said makes sense. Nemesis is extremely strong right now. Like... legit. C tier? more like ######### A tier. Hes literally broken asf. Hes like bubba when it comes to unhooking someone. Oh whats that? everyones down because bubba can literally chew through BT and then down others at the same time. Nice balance.

  • HipnoE
    HipnoE Member Posts: 68

    Dude his power is useless, if he uses it he gives survivors an extra healable healthstate for most of the game. And once theyre all infected his power is still not good enough to warrant the time you lost infecting them. The small amount of antiloop it gives doesnt even matter because it will be an infection hit. youre giving the survivor on the other side of the pallet a speed boost and extending the chase even more just so maybe if they dont cleanse you can hit them across a pallet the next time they drop one in your face or hit them from a meter furthur away than a lunge if theyre running in a straight line. Its nearly useless. Idk what you mean about him dangerous at an unhook. He can M1 or hit one guy with a tentacle and gain almost nothing from it. Its a joke.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    He can level up from infected player, because players got infected from zombies on porpose and he wasn't really able to get even tier 2...

    Whatever he gets his power fast. Tier 3 is useless. +1 meter oh so broken....

    He can hit you over pallet oh no, so broken. Looks at Nurse, Huntress, Plague, Trickster, Pyramid head... So broken, right?

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    His power is not that speed boost for survivors. He can break pallets at 2 but 3 is 1 meter length increase LUL. Addons are trash his tier up addons are the best and will get a nerf because they are being used too much (see Demo). It has been proved that M1 is the fastest way to get downs instead of his power. The design team dropped the ball, again. The only thing that makes him popular is "Nemesis from RE". I will say this its a good thing that he is licensed because we probably would have gotten more trash like Trickster in this chapter.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    His power is definitely flawed while not garbage. It's not S tier. Downs take a while to reach with infection. And the tiers upgrade is rather minor. And extremely inconsistent hitbox.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    not good bait try a bit harder why dont ya

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    when you got people saying he's op and hot garbage at the same time that's a good sign means he's balanced

  • snakestrike92
    snakestrike92 Member Posts: 17

    lol this post is a bait, dude its not even worth it to use his ability or hardly worth it with 3 attacks and 2 sprints and a 4 meter attack, i mean at that point u can just m1, zombies are so easy to dodge and deal with and with time they are going to be even less useful u'll see, much weaker than other ranged killers, that much am certain of.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Here's how you counter him:

    -Find the W key, or otherwise use the joystick to move your character forward.

    -Find the Shift key, or the button you have bound for sprinting.

    -Press and hold both at the same time.


    Also, if you're decent, you can just like, learn to read when he has to go for a tentacle hit and when he will likely go for a fakeout, just like you do against Huntress... He has even less range and his tentacle is very thin compared to hatchets so irregular movements make it very very hard for him to hit even up close, and if he misses the punishment is pretty severe.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Nemesis is strong, but not unplayable against as a survivor. He just requires you to think differently like nurse and huntress do.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Come on now. He's literally worse than Pyramid Head. Tentacle is more precise than PH's AoE, requiring tighter aim, doesn't multi-hit targets, and requires 3 hits to down instead of 2.

  • 707Melchior
    707Melchior Member Posts: 6

    I have struggled against nemesis and I do agree he needs to be nerfed, but not in his ability. I think that personally the zombies that proximity camp are dumb af and that his speed plus ranged attack are very bs, but his actual attack giving an extra health state plus speed is actually a bit of a downfall. The only difference between nemesis and the plagues specials with the illnesses is that t-virus doesn't make you injured after a certain period of time like Plagues does. Plus, Nemesis's whip isn't very accurate (which I'm still learning how to dodge it but it's gotten better). Nemesis does need to be fixed but his attack is actually not the issue IMO.