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Thoughts on Nemesis so far?



  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I’ve also had a couple scenarios where they if you’re injured but not infected and getting chased by him, you can run into a zombie for a free sprint burst as well.

    Nemesis just feels like a far inferior version of plague with no upside if survivors choose to cleanse

  • Member Posts: 226

    He’s well designed killer looks wise, I like the way they have designed him but I just feel he’s a tad too weak. He doesn’t really get anything out of infecting survivors besides being hit by zombies (which don’t really seem to do much anyways besides walk around aimlessly and get stuck). I find it hard to pressure survivors with him and keep them from gen rushing my ass.

  • Member Posts: 55

    His power just seems like a PH, demo hybrid. You can destroy pellets and walls like demo but, can’t go through physical objects like PH can. I like his special attack the only thing I don’t like is the hitbox it just needs to be a bit wider than half a pixel in my opinion. Also hitting non contaminated survivors with you tentacle is so punishing because they get the sprint burst as if they got hit and I get the cool down of a hit but I didn’t get anything out of the chase… also zombies should be fixed on large maps they are not even an inconvenience and on small maps like: midwich, treatment theatre and haddonfield they are just in my face all of the time

  • Member Posts: 55

    That is how the tentacle works I believe. The hitbox lingers around for about half a second. I am not sure if that’s intended or not. And as for the pellets. In my experience I have found that the attack prioritizes survivors and then checks for a breakable object because it can’t hit both. So if you drop a pellet it can hit you through it regardless of it’s tier. And dead heard… well dead hard [bad word] me in the behind half of the times too it is just a wildly unreliable perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    He's a boring, bland, mid-tier.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I think he's a good killer, but his T3 could use a something extra. Personally, I'd like it if he now infected and injured in the same hit and had an additional +1m range, bringing it up to 7m.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I struggled with him while adepting. Once he got a normal build I was back to 4k’ing.

  • Member Posts: 747

    He's weak tbh. He's not too bad like trickster but definitely in need of some buffs. My buffs would be 1. Increase whip range. 2. Increase zombie movement speed for every tier. 3. Remove the speed boost survivors get when you first infect them. They get 3 free sprint bursts per chase if you infect them.

  • Member Posts: 313

    I think because he has counter play that makes him ######### to the forums. Only issue are these stupid zombies that keep getting stuck in the terrain especially on Saloon.

  • Member Posts: 316

    If the game was actually playable I might be able to have an opinion here.

  • Member Posts: 455

    1) He should have had a cosmetic at release. Leon and Claire have a total of 4 (2 of which are Legendary). They couldn't even throw killers classic OG RE3 Nemesis?

    2) Blue was an awful choice to go with for Nemesis VFX. Infected survivors look like they just got done with a really intense paintball match. Kinda comical. The color Purple is generally associated with both the poison status affect in the Resident Evil series and is with Nemesis (atleast in the original RE3). Blue is generally associated with Antidotes in the RE series.

    3) Survivors should not receive a speed boost when being infected; only when changing health state. Just like how it works with Plague.

  • Member Posts: 359

    He IS slower than he should be, on console, unless you are holding the thumbs stick almost perfectly vertical, you feel every step. He slows down then speeds up after every leg move. It's annoying at loops.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2021

    I’m loving him so far. His teachables seem really fun to use. His tentacle attack needs some buffs though. It seems to be really hard to hit someone at times (I’ve had the tentacle touch a Survivor but nothing happened, like it just went through him) and putting it away takes a long time. I don’t want him to instantly put it away, but I think his current cooldown is a little too much right now.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Same. I've zombie tech'd for distance. I don't understand how the same devs that admitted OG Mettle of Man was an issue turn around and release a killer whose base kit gives survivors Mettle of Man procs. It's baffling.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I've only played one game as him and only got a few hooks no escapes which I expected. I'm trying to learn how to use his power.

  • Member Posts: 340

    I like the highs of the zombie combos when I play as him. His power feels pretty bad to use a lot of the time for me though. Triple Hold W is too much.

    To play against I have fun messing with the zombies but the combos feels awful when it happens.

    I don't want to call him bad until I get more play time in, but I don't want to play him anymore :(

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I've gone against maybe 1 good Nemesis player, but he doesn't seem that strong.

  • Member Posts: 67

    He's definitely better than K-pop not factoring in perks.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Im so used to dlc characters being OP to make people buy them, then lower them as the main sales are done. Nemesis is a worse PH

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