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Killer points vs. Survivor points

Like, what is actually going on? Killers gain so many points quickly and easily. I'm not talking about the games where the killer worked for them and deserved it. but these killers that are going against non-swf teams that have just about zero competition(as they brag "EZ") They will run bbq and camp/tunnel farmbllod points. I'm not a great survivor but I'm decent. No I dont want to play swf but often times I'm the only survivor in the end of a very short lived game and dont get crao for points while the killer leaves with about 30k plus? And no I'm not just hiding, I'm making moves and lucky to get about 20k. At the rate of bloodpoints killers are gearning up and leveling waaay quicker than survivors which ultimately throws the game off balance. I'm all good with killers getting lots of points as long as survivors have more option to get better points(and not by farming their own teammates)

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I mean take in mind how you get BP in the first place.

    The killer is alone, so as long they perform decent, they will get a good amount of BP.

    Survivors on the other hand are competing against each other, you will get more BP based on how much you did yourself, fixing gens, getting totems, getting chased, saving others, healing them, etc.

    The more you play "solo" the less BP you are likely to get, gotta be bold to get a large amount of points.

  • Member Posts: 674

    Think about it this way, collective survivor blood points vs the killers. The killer is limited to 32,000 while survivors can get much more than that...collectively.

  • Member Posts: 455

    If a killer is having a bad match, he still has to stay in the match until it's over.

    If a survivor is having a bad match, they die and can move onto to the next match immediately and start earning BP again.

  • Member Posts: 566

    If you view it in another way, survivors earn more blood points than killers. The game is 4v1, if you add up the survivors score and compare to killers, usually they earn more as a group but less individually.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I dont think I quite understand tho so maybe you can explain. So you're saying that there is a difference between unlocking Dwight's perks and them being available in other survivors blood webs as opposed to unlocking Trappers perks and them being accessible to all other killers blood webs? They dont work the same? The killers arent also just skins once you've unlocked a certain killers teachable perks?

  • Member Posts: 647

    "At the rate of bloodpoints killers are gearning up and leveling waaay quicker than survivors which ultimately throws the game off balance."

    LOL no.

    That's now how anything works.

    Each survivor is literally a pallet swap, all have the same abilities and stats. Learn the teachables you want then just level a main survivor and boom, you're done.

    Killers have to level up optimal perk layouts on EVERY killer that they plan on playing. The grind is extensive and way longer.

    Also this has little to do with balance, maybe this week and next week while people grind perks for their new survivor mains it's a minor issue but that's not going to last long as people get what they want out of their bloodwebs.

    The solution is pretty simple, want the same BP generation as killers? Play killer. Be good for you to see it through their eyes too.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Thus doesnt really matter tho since whatever points my teammate gets doesnt benefit me. He isnt giving me his points. Like one person replied in this thread, when you play survivor you're also playing against other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Last tune I checked if you want any survivors perks to be teachable you have to level them up and unlock them. They arent just accessible

  • Member Posts: 22

    So you're saying that once you've unlocked a killers teachables they arent open for other killers to use?

  • Member Posts: 674

    If your teammates point gain doesnt matter to you why does the killers? They dont take away any blood points you earn so why care how much they earn?

  • Member Posts: 674

    Ah yes resort to insults for no reason whatsoever. I understood what you posted perfectly but if you're that stressed about points then how about you play killer since its easy bloodpoints, instead of complaining about it...

  • Member Posts: 647


    Ok try to follow with me.

    Let's say you want an optimal loadout for survivor perks, let's say Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, and Adrenaline, pretty standard very optimal build. This would require leveling at most 5 survivors. Bill, David, Laurie, Meg, and whoever your "main" is that you're going to put all them onto. Hell you could cut this down to 4 levels if you decide to main one of the four. At this point you are done because survivors literally all have the same stats and access to the same perks, so there's nothing left to do unless you want to play more survivors for strictly cosmetic reasons. If a new survivor comes out that has a perk you want, you level them up, unlock the teachable, immediately switch to the main to get that perk, and done.

    Now let's flip this on the killer side. Let's say I want a relatively standard build of BBQ and Chili, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Undying, and Corrupt Intervention. First I'm going to have to level the 4 killers to get the teachables (Leatherface, Hag, Blight, and Plague) ok cool, except now I have to grind through bloodwebs until I get those four perks ON EVERY KILLER I PLAN TO PLAY.

    Now you may be thinking "But kwikwitted you handsome devil you, you only need to main one killer". In a way that could be true, except it likely doesn't happen because of two reasons, Solo vs. SWF and the BHVR devs. Depending on balancing decisions, it's not uncommon to see killers go from A tier to C tier very quickly (just ask the Hillbilly) meaning that a backup killer at minimum is almost mandatory. So at a bare minimum I'm doing twice the leveling to keep two killers ready to go.

    And then we've got perk nerfs that have to be accounted for, or new killers that come in that we want to play, or new killers we don't want to play but have absolutely amazing teachables, we're doing that re-grind on every single killer we plan to play as they all have different powers, abilities and playstyles.

    Do you understand now?

  • Member Posts: 22

    Oh and you're gonna play the "let me be condescending and expect no reaction but when I do get a reaction I'll just play reverse psychology" typical response. That whole whatabout answer isnt really an answer either.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Probably related to the grind.

    As survivor, you need to only get the perks you want on your preferred survivor.

    As killer, you need to get the perks you want on every killer that you play, and it's actually quite rare to see a killer player with just one main.

    In addition, (not related to bp but I thought I should point it out) you don't have to spend that much money to be set on perks as a survivor. On console, Bill Overbeck, Feng Min, Meg Thomas, David King, and Dwight Fairfield all come free, which are survivors with notable perks that are considered good or meta.

    Killers have to buy The Cannibal, The Clown, The Blight, and The Plague just to secure a decent build, and more DLC might be required depending on what killer they want to play. For example, if I want to play The Shape, I would not only have to buy him but I'd also have to buy Deathslinger to get Hex: Retribution (a fantastic perk for Myers)

  • Member Posts: 674

    Excuse me but what? Never said a condescending thing to you, simply gave you a solution to some made up problem you have. You called me and everyone else out for no reason and now you want to play the victim? IF YOU WANT BLOODPOINTS PLAY KILLER OR DO MORE IN THE MATCH TO EARN THEM. Ps: nobody was butthurt about anything, except you being mad the killer earns more bp than you....

  • Member Posts: 22

    Yes I get what you're saying but I'm just failing to see the difference between learning teachable thru bloodweb. I think the main thing here isnt about the teachable accessibility being different but rather the fact that the killers all have different powers? As opposed to survivors dont use powers?

  • Member Posts: 22

    This makes sense as because the killers all have different powers. But if someone wanted to level up every survivor, is the grind very different? That's what I've been doing. I have every trachavel survivor perk possible and so far 4 of them have every perk allowed because it's such a grind

  • Member Posts: 674

    How when that's a driving factor in survivors playing killer and has been for years now? Literally everyone knows killers get more bp, so the common practice is to play killer and lvl survivors with the neck is fine, when you think of an actual problem and stop whining about made up problems we can talk like adults. ;P

  • Member Posts: 22

    Adults? But here you are, you came to my thread to run your fat thumbs. I didnt go to you. Just keep scrolling next time and save yourself some time.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    It's the same grind if you want to max out every survivor, (maybe even more because of the reduced bp you get) but you don't necessarily have to. You can just max out your preferred survivor and you are good to go. The difference with killer is that if you main multiple killers, you may need an entirely different variety of perks for either of them which would mean more of a grind, while if the same is true with survivor you just need to start leveling up both of them until you get your favorite perks.

  • Member Posts: 674

    You posted on a public forum so anyone can say anything about it, you got a problem with that then keep it to yourself. And again with the personal insults, because what, i dont agree with you...real grown of you.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Heard. And the more characters unlocked the longer it takes. Having all the teachables unlocked is satisfying because I'm an achievement oriented player but man it sucks when I want to main someone new like I've been doing with cheryl and the perks i want are taking forver to show! Haha anyway thanks for not getting all butthurt about my simple post. I never said i was angry about killers bo's or wanted then to not receive but just that it sucks being a solo survivor and rarely getting good teams means rarely getting good points

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Being a solo survivor is a pain for sure.

    Also, getting all teachables unlocked can be a pretty daunting task, so I wish you luck.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Why are you still here tho? Do you even see yourself? I'm open to discussion as you can see above but you had nothing constructive to say but rather just condescending replies. You got all fussy when I said that survivors BP arent shared so trying to say that survivors get way more bloodpoints total then the killers is the reason why killers get more? Then you're al like"so what does it matter to you then?" Like, ibaint got time for this. Keep replying because you'll be doing it alone. adios

  • Member Posts: 67

    That annnd, the game kinda punishes survivors for doing too well. Part of the bloodpoints comes from saving others, correlo?

    So theoretically, a team that doesn't need help will reward less bloodpoints. Having played both now, I definitely noticed a difference, but I chalked it off to being unfamiliar with survivors reward systems and not leveling characters.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Killer are all different so you each of them required a different build. Survivor on the other hand are the same if you have jake with all the perk you dont need other survivor to have all the perk because the gameplay is the same vs the killer where the gameplay of trapper and nurse is completly different and both required different perk so if you want to play both of them this will cost you more bp

  • Member Posts: 709

    No killers aren't just a skin, they have a unique power. If you want to have multiple builds on multiple killers, then you need to not just unlock the teachable perks, but also level each individual killer to have all the perks. For a survivor they can grind the teachable perks, unlock them all on 1 of the survivors and now you can play survivor with any potential build.

    Survivors don't have anything unique to them other than their visuals and sounds, while killers are very different in how they play, what they can do and even vary in speeds based on their power.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    The killer is the only player on their side, and they're also ALWAYS there until the end of the match as it's not like they can die or anything.

    Every hit, every hook, every survivor found, every other action that awards them points - they all go to the same player. As a result a killer that doesn't get completely outmatched will get points in all categories, while as a survivor you can end up with matches where you're capped on certain categories and you simply don't get the chance to gain points in others.

    It's not a balance thing, not even a killer incentive thing if you ask me. It's just a part of the nature of 1v4 where the 1 can only truly interact with 1/4 on the other side at a time, and the way the 4 categories with individual 8000bp caps work.

  • Member Posts: 566
    edited June 2021

    I can tell that you're limited in your thinking. The bloodpoints your teammates does not benefit you? Ok, so there is no difference according to you if you get teammates with perks or without perks then?

    No matter how little you think your teammates bloodpoint gain benefits you, the killer still has to face four of you.

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