We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

What is fair exactly?

I am a survivor main, my rank is between 11-14 and I have only been playing for roughly five months. I chose to play this game because it was horror themed and I am a huge fan of horror. I have my own struggles with the game as survivor and killer, but when I really think about it...what is there to complain about?

It is a horror game and in horror... survivors aren't meant to survive. They are meant to be murdered, tortured and sacrificed. Killers don't care about your feelings or what it takes for you to escape...all they care about is ending your life whether it be fast or slow. Killers in horror movies seem unstoppable so as much as I hate how killer sided the game is... the movies and the killers in real life...are strong, quick and extremely intelligent and/or brutal and very rarely does a survivor make it out and if they do it's usually only one.

With that being said...why complain? If you love the game as much as I do...keep playing and keep trying and don't get mad or give up even if you think someone is camping or tunneling or not playing the way you'd like. I know I prefer longer games where it feels like I'm actually trapped in a movie...and I hate games that end within five minutes, but I have no control over anyone but myself, so...I decided to not complain and to just play. You should too.


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,826

    It's a 4v1, which means they have to allow some agency to both sides to be able to influence the match. Depriving survivors of skill means its meaningless to play survivor, likewise with killer.

  • Daisymoon87
    Daisymoon87 Member Posts: 68

    I understand that and I think the game is fair enough, but yet there are constant complaints from both killers and survivors.

    I don't understand killer complaints at all because I think the game is killer sided (but being a horror game, it should be). What I don't understand is the survivor complaints other than maybe when our perks get nerfed or killers constantly complain and we lose the few advantages we do have. However, again...it is a horror game so if we don't get a lot of advantages, I get that because we aren't meant to have them. However it would be nice to have more abilities that feel more life-like (more than just crouching or vaulting) that allow for us to hide more. I'm not the best at running a killer and since our only defense is pallets (which after they fall and get broken...they're gone) or flashlights (which I'm awful at), it would be nice to have more life-like actions to have more hiding spots because closets fall me almost every single time. Other than that...I don't understand why people complain so much about a game that's based off of a genre where killers win.

  • Daisymoon87
    Daisymoon87 Member Posts: 68

    I can understand the struggle with something being underpowered or overpowered...however, most survivors complain about killers being too strong, but if it were real life and Nemesis was chasing after you...more than likely, you won't be making it out. You feel me?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I love your aspect on the game. I agree with most of the things you said however the game only looks killer sided because of your rank. Spirit and nurse are the exceptions

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    The game loses it's ''horror'' ambience after you play like your first 3 matches to be honest.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236
  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    The only surivor who should never be killed is Laurie strode Myers tried so many times its sad she deservers a clean escape in my eyes

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    True the issue is killers have perks and add ons that can take the entire game hostage and ruin any chance of fun for other players. With a toxic community, that leads to problems. Killers only want 4K easy games and devs cater to it because most forums and Reddit are all killer mains. Try saying killer is op or suggest a nerf, and watch the response.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    I understand you are new to the game but you will see when you get higher the game is survivor side for a multiple of reason but i will just name 1 reason to you and its the fact that survivor can 1v1 the killer in a 4v1 game

  • Skaty
    Skaty Member Posts: 66

    I don’t believe the game is killer sided at all. But I see your point. As soon as I stopped getting annoyed over it I started to enjoy the game so much more.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I generally agree with this. The only part that I don't really see eye to eye on is the concept vs reality comparison (meaning that one should expect to die because it's a horror themed game. Lots of people survive horror movies after all. It's a minor quibble though, and it's mostly just because it reminds me of arguments I've heard defending how cheap the Wraith is. "He's a stealth killer. He's supposed to get free hits". I don't think that logic is 100 percent solid, but alright.

    Anyway yeah, I don't get why so many people can't just relax and enjoy the game. People hate "the grind" (sorry folks but "the grind" is just another term for "playing a game that's entire structure is built around playing it many, many, many times"). People hate certain maps. People hate certain killers (including myself, obviously). But I mean, is it really that hard to just chill and have fun? Does everything have to be perfect and exactly what you want and go your way 100 percent of the time in order for you to enjoy yourself? All of us win. All of us lose. All of us get maps we hate mixed in with the ones we love. All of us go against killers we hate when we'd rather be facing someone else. All killers wind up dealing with annoying sweat squads sometimes. But it's a GAME. It's just meant to be your side versus the other side, trying to outwit and outplay the other. It's supposed to be fun. It's not supposed to be a stressful chore. And if it is, maybe it's not the game for you.