Why Survivor Mains

Almost every red rank survivor I solo queue with is either really ######### dumb and sits their self-caring in the corner all game, or comes to unhook me, only to tbag me at point at me on hook. Why the ######### would you do that? All you are doing is bringing your team along with your own self down. It makes me so mad when I loop for what should have been around 3 gens, get hooked, and only see 3 teammates crouching around the corner of the map
Lots of bad players. Rank means nada towards skill level I feel.
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I get bad teammates all the time, but never anything like this.
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Tonight was a painful solo Survivor night, I feel you. Got body blocked intentionally in one match, about 3 matches where someone got hooked and next thing I know the other two are downed trying to hook bomb or just really bad plays I got to watch with Kindred, one match with someone hugging the edge of the map, gens not getting done or painfully slow at getting done, etc.
Though the Killers aren't making it much better. Seemed like 4/5 proxy camped with a couple multi slugging at 5 gens. Not sure what's fun about loading into a match and it's over faster than the lobby and loading screen. Eww.
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Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I normally don't get this angry, but I had enough when an injured Kate pointed at me and t bagged me on hook until I died.
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To me a more accurate observation would be that rank means nada towards maturity level.
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Just had a match where one Survivor got tilted cause I finished the Gen instead of saving them (they had plenty of time on the hook stage and got unhooked with time to spare) so she followed me around for the rest of her life making sound notifications for the Killer. Killer took the bait to and played like his dang manhood was on the line while a whooping 2 gens got done during the entire match with one Survivor throwing the match.
My hate for both side's player base grows.
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There's nothing worse for survivor mains than salty fellow survivors. Just today I got yet another of what I guess is going to be a bi-monthly complaint about the fact that I prefer stealthy to aggressive play. I did several unhooks, deliberately intercepted the killer to save someone else, and did 1 1/2 gens by myself while everyone else was running around being hard. I knew I'd get less points than most of the others but that's fine, I learned a while ago that the game rewards more aggressive play. Anyway we all survived, and I said "good game". That still wasn't enough to stop some dissatisfied teammate from saying "wow Miketheratguy how'd you get 13K by hiding in a locker all match". I said "I got 13K because I never even entered a locker, idiot".
There are so many entitled survivors it's disgusting. You have to play THEIR WAY or half the time they'll intentional spoil your game. It's to the point that many killer mains on this site have said that if they see a survivor trying to sell out their team, they'll kill that survivor and let the innocent ones go. Thankfully it's not like this all the time - I only see it rarely - but it happens, and it's stupid.
Survivors sabotaging the match as some kind of joke for themselves, or even working with the killer to screw everyone else? That's the worst of the worst. I report every person who does that with video and as many written details as the company could ever ask for.
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If that player was a Kate then I think it was the exact same person, because those were the exact circumstances that happened to me.
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Ok so let's just put this out there. Not everyone can be a perfect survivor as some of you who are getting mad if survivors screw up. Some may be intentionally doing it while others might very well be accident. I am tired of hearing fellow survivors think they are so much better than everyone because apparently you guys don't make mistakes. Sorry but I thought the intention of the game was to have fun? Yes it requires some strategy but overall not everyone is out to get you.
I am by no means a perfect survivor in fact I am terrible 70% of the time but I try. Now I know I will get crap for what I said but I am trying to stick up for the survivors who may not be perfect as some of you are.
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This is why i like playing killer, nobody likes survivors š
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I am beginning to think I should switch to killer. I dislike people who talk down to others because they may not be as good or skilled or elite as others.
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I'm not gonna be mad at you if you are actually trying to do well. If you do your best I can't ask any more from you, but if you crouch around the edges of the map, doing no generators or looping, that starts to annoy me, along with trolling other teammates. But I try not to be toxic to those who aren't very good.
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Do you wear the pride charm?
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Rank just doesn't matter. play time will get you to red ranks but the variance in skill is MASSIVE depending on who you get.
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I don't have the pride charm.