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Killers who face camp/tunnel; why do you do it?

As a survivor main, I personally do not understand it so hopefully someone can give me a logical answer rather than "just because". In no way am I disrespecting killer's because they essentially make the game what it is. I have the upmost respect for them as playing as a killer looks INCREDIBLY stressful.

But what is the purpose of face camping/tunnelling? Lately I am seeing this in more of my rounds... Majority of the time killers will personally seek me out despite having, on average, 3 gens fixed in the time they've managed to down me.

Best Answer

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    Answer ✓

    Are you running a perk that makes you the Obsession? Are you the prettiest girl in your group (I notice running flashier cosmetics gets me targeted more as a Survivor)?

    I don't usually facecamp, but I did game before last. Had no kills, one hook, exit gates were powered. So I facecamped her until one of her idiot friends tried to go for the rescue. Interrupted her, got another hook. Did the same thing, interrupted that guy, hooked him, too. Caught the last survivor trying to save her friends and chased her to the exit gates. Turned 0k into 3k in a matter of about a minute, and would have gotten 4k if I wasn't so bad with Huntress (was playing her for my Daily Ritual).

    I'm not a very good killer yet, but I don't think facecamping is a very good strategy unless the exit gates have been powered.


  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Its simple. Bored.

    Its so easy once you learn DBD mechanic to keep your surv/killer rank even when trolling or face camping.

    I see more tunnelers in higher rank as red rank is final and you dont need to work harder for anything else.

    Having rank 1 is as good as 4 - even red rank can play with as low as 16 and you have no challenge at all.

    I am survivor main aswel and when I see camper and dont even care - I wait till i get 3 hook state and rest can escape.

    Second reason is to get as many negative comments as possible. People think that giving someone bad comment affects them in any way - mostly they collect it and love it ;) I would love it aswel. You can beat people mentally and thats how you do it. Killing mentally

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Try playing Killer and Survivor in equal measure. You can ask a thousand of us why we do anything and get hundreds of different answers. The best way to understand the role of Killer is to play it. It is my experience that Players who choose to "main" one role or the other tend accumulate too much bias to judge anything in the game, much less understand (or show empathy) towards the other role. Don't ask; play the role yourself.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    i only face camp when ive been completly destroyed, that one kill is all i really want in the moment and my animal instincts are looking for feng min blood

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156

    I guess its just that desperation play style. As a Killer Main I can see why people adopt that playstyle if your getting spanked you want that 1 kill at least. But with more Hours put in and feedback from community in Forums and Games I just try to make it Fair and an enjoyable experience for all. You don't have to always win but getting in that mindset is hard for some.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    This legion only killed me and when I died they didn't even try to down the other three. They kept hitting me on the hook too. They only wanted me dead and let the others go.

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 158

    At the end of a game with noed camping a hook can turn your 1 kill into 2 or even 3. It turns the survivor on the hook into bait.

  • IridiumGlass
    IridiumGlass Member Posts: 16

    Strategically you have no little to on other choices, you've been genrushed with two remaining, you don't have a viable three gen or any means of getting slow down perk activated. Then the best choice is to place preassure on hook saves, and hope that enough people try to save that you get some preassure to be able to play the game normally.

    As Hag if i'm up against a good team and one gen remains, I'll just set up around a hook and slug and play super campy until i confirm the kill then i play normally.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    I keep saying remove perk tier, and remove character level requirement to use perk slots.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I mostly pretend to facecamp to see if survivor DCs or hook suicide thinking I'm just gonna stand there. It can really win you the game. Same with hitting someone on the hook a few times using psychology, same as survivors t-bagging to get killer of balance. People can see these things as toxic if they want but it's on them. It's strategy to win games.

  • Crolee
    Crolee Member Posts: 40

    I don't camp much but the only time i would is when i hooked someone on basement and i circle around the area for a while because there might be the chance where the survivors go for the save and now i have 2 people in basement.