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General Discussions

Hurry up and buff nemesis please

Member Posts: 16
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Its the launch of the resident evil dlc and the star of the dlc is so underpowered its not even worth playing him.

Make his first hit, infect and damage and he’ll actually be playable. And instead of waiting 2 years to change him do it soon. What a bunch of useless devs, sure hope other companies are looking at this and having 2nd thoughts about having their brand in this game in the future. Seeing how bad youve managed to treat the resident evil brand is sickening

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  • Member Posts: 130

    A change I would like to see is to give infection a purpose. Zombies should be able to lock on to any survivors that are infected whenever they are within a certain range. However, they can only injure and not down. Add-ons could be changed to increase the radius that zombies can see survivors. From the zombie's point of view they should be able to see the auras of infected survivors within the radius.

    Also maybe just have 2 tiers for Nemesis as the 3rd tier feels pointless. If Nemesis had only 2 tiers then there would be less stress of trying to max out to tier 3 and Nemesis players can basic attack more often.

  • Member Posts: 95

    He's fine for the most part but they just need to make tier 3 worth using. Who gives a damn if the tentacle is longer? Surely there's something better than that. Take away the speed boost for infecting as that makes zero sense.

    But they'll nerf something along the way if they make any adjustments anyway so might as well just learn to use him as is.

  • Member Posts: 252

    Here you are... another whiney post... showing you dont know how to play the game. Try being a productive member and not a whiney child.

  • Member Posts: 252

    His power is strong at tier 3... if you think its detrimental that is because you miss alot.

  • Member Posts: 22

    What if to make infection more worthwhile, after infecting a survivor you get another zombie? Extra zombies wouldn't respawn if the infected player heals. 6 zombies could be broken and hard for consoles to run though, so I'm gonna say it would cap at 4 zombies without addons.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 288
  • Member Posts: 683

    Did you not read what I said after the speed boost part? Getting rid of the speed boost still doesn't fix him because the hindered status is only applied for 0.25 seconds, and when Nemesis connects with his tentacle he always goes through an attack cooldown animation for 2 seconds. It's not just the speed boost, it's him and his power that needs to be looked at and fixed.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I want to actually be able to play him, and I can't really right now because of the horrible fps drops, before I start talking about him needing a buff or not. Wait until the frame skips are fixed, then we'll talk.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    please keep learning to play him and actually play against him too. he is so ######### oppressive in a chase, it's not even funny. you need to give it time.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Most games release new dlc characters broken OP to make new players want to buy them.

    This is the only game that doesnt seem to and its probably because for every 1 happy killer, youd piss off 4 people

  • Member Posts: 647

    Cannot honestly tell if trolling or seriously didn't read the post you responded to.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Is not oppressive at all. All you have to do to extend a chase for 90 seconds is do a couple vaults and not try to pallet stun, like PH except with him you can hit through walls.

  • Member Posts: 111

    No it does suck. Survivors vaccinate and then in T3 you have to hit them 3 times to down them still, with the all powerful T3

  • Member Posts: 647

    The only change from T2 to T3 is 1M additional range, that's it.

    The detrimental portion is the part where has to land a courtesy hit before actually doing damage, not to mention upon infection they get a speed boost and we go into power recovery animation.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited June 2021

    it's nothing like ph mang. PH has a 1 second charge up time with a massive delay for his attack. takes about 1.5 seconds to fully send out, maybe more? nemesis hits you in under half a second whenever he wants.

    go against it man. I've been both playing and playing against him. his counterplay is just holding W. you cannot loop him if he has any idea of what he's doing.

    like, you can't tell me you're playing PH and getting ranged shot after ranged shot through walls all the time. those are gimmick shots. PH literally just zones and waits for you to animation lock yourself.

  • Member Posts: 499
    edited June 2021

    PH's power is pretty easy to control and has a large hitbox. Nemesis has hardly any hitbox with his tentacle. Also PH can run nearly full speed with his blade down. Nemesis slows to a craw with his tentacle out which is why survivors simply fake the pallet drop during loops.

    Here you go. This is Nemesis - so OP. I am not sure what you are complaining about - outside of end of game camping scenarios, my survivor teams always escape with 3 or 4 every match. Buffs are coming.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited June 2021

    Nemesis slows to a crawl for 0.35 seconds...not really a big deal.

    PH slows to 92% while charging for 1 second, then 110% while dragging his sword with limited turning and no strafing, which means you cannot flick at all. He actually slows down far more than Nemesis does considering the 92% speed drop.

    also...I never called Nemesis OP, nor was I complaining. I'm fine with him being strong, as I like playing him. I main killer. He just doesn't need to be any better in the 1v1, that's all I'm going on about.

    "my survivor teams always escape with 3 or 4 every match." that's definitely not a problem with nemesis.

    these videos makes a lot of sense though. I'm very unsure about some of the decisions you're making. you're first showing off a buggy healing hitbox which is a problem for all killers, you then show a tapp running into a pallet, and you don't charge up your 0.35 second tentacle for some reason. all you had to do at that pallet was charge up (again, takes 0.35 seconds), check to see if he's dropping - which he did -, and just whip the tentacle. he cannot react to it and would've been downed (he was also close to stunning you, so you would've just eaten a stun as well if he was 0.1 seconds late on that pallet drop). then you fall for a dead hard, nice. then you whiff a tentacle, also very nice. it happens though, so I'm not gonna ######### on you. i just played a game and fell for a dead hard and later whiffed 3 tentacles in a row at a car loop. that's not on nemesis being bad though, that's on me. this is also on you.

    i feel you could be having confidence issues due to lack of aim control with a controller (and i have confidence issues with several killers myself, and that affects my view on their viability). I'm on PC, so I now understand why you're so adamant about how ######### you think he is and why his hitbox (which is great, as it's a skillshot) is such a problem for you. again, I'm not shitting on you, i get it. it's bold to share some gameplay clips. but either way, it is absolutely no surprise that you're getting 3-4man outs. i'd like to see a full match to see how you're playing, and maybe some tips will help you get a little better and you may change your mind.

  • Member Posts: 21

    What the ######### are you on about? You can’t just come into a discussion and call the “entitled” card just because somebody made a genuine point: Nemesis is weak.

    You are punished for using his power, and the optimal way to play is as an m1 killer, which is bullshit and boring and weak.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Yes because clearly a killer with no mobility that needs to get three hits to down people for their first eight chases is overpowered.

    What is wrong with you people?

  • Member Posts: 1,858

    i really love the Zombies! it really makes it have Resident evil 2-3 remake vibes also if bills there, Left 4 Dead as well!

  • Member Posts: 723

    Just remove the speed boost survivors get from the first tentacle infection hit. That’s it.

  • Member Posts: 68

    It’s detrimental because using it gives survivors an extra healable health state. Using it outside of anti loop is stupid for that reason and tier 3 just makes that slightly easier.

  • Member Posts: 819

    The zombies already lock on - without the infected effect

  • Member Posts: 819

    are you forgetting that the top rated killers are the ones that deny loops (Spirit/Nurse)

    thats literally what Nemesis is, denial of looping. His power demands for Deadhard and he has the power to completely deny loops or vaults.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    I dont agree with your buffs but he dose need small tweaks

    Like his t3 needs more range or a different effect

    The ai needs improvements to not get stuck on a pole every 2s

    And maybe extra hinderd on infection that's about it

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    "Already op?"

    I'm not gonna say you're wrong, but I'm curious as to what makes you say he's OP.

    Or did I misread that?

  • Member Posts: 657

    So what?

    He gives the survivors eight extra health states to work with.

    Survivors can just hold W away from him and he won't kill them in time.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    I agree with some of these, personally I wish we could just test some of these changes ourselves. I personally think removing the sprint burst upon infection is just fine and covers.. I'd say a good portion of the issue. But, it's hard denying what you said, even then if you remove it, it'd just be the same as hitting them normally except needing to hit one more time.

    I think a neat feature would be if his tentacle could rip people off of objects, much like a grab. Probably never gonna happen, but it would be incredibly nice.

    Or have tier three be more threatening.

    Like multi hit as if the tentacle was lashing out or if they're not infected and you whip them they get infected and wounded.

  • Member Posts: 177

    That's a pretty obvious issue though, isn't it? Apart from the fact that "holding W" should never be a viable counter play to any killer since there is literally 0 skill involved and even my cat could pull that off without breaking a sweat, the fact that Nemesis grants you TWO speed boosts in one single chase (one on infection and one on hit) is making "lul hold W" way too strong against him especially since he has absolutely no mobility.

    This issue absolutely breaks his neck. Hold W to the other side of the map. If he follows you, he easily wastes enough time that 2 gens fly before you're able to get back on some maps.

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