I'm sorry behavior but how are you proud of this

I get it dbd is a great concept and it worked out great but what is the point of a game where anything you do make your game freeze
I thought I was just bad at nemissis until I started counting how many times my game freezes 16 times in 1 match
I know your looking into it "following the latest release" well maybe look into it overall and not just this release
Also console player 16 is unacceptable
8 -
It's because they keep trying to patchwork the code instead of starting over from scratch. What they should do (and it pains me to say it because I play on an older console) is just create a permanent offline bot mode like what Friday the 13th did, but do it for the older consoles, and then create a true successor that is only on next-gen consoles and PC since this game clearly isn't optimized to work on everything.
Resident Evil brought in a lot of new players, and they're seeing for themselves just how fundamentally broken this game has been for 5 years. When you have to pull a brand new map hours after release because your game is that much broken, then clearly something big needs to be done. I like playing with my friends in this game, but not when the game runs this poorly.
10 -
Even survivors freeze and it's hard to just keep your rank from going down let alone geting a point from a game.i do everything I unhook get in chase protection hits do some Gene's but on thing that you dont do in a game we dont get a point or we just lose one this is bull crap ash is the only reason I'm playing this game and they keep on messing with mettle of man.
I cant whaet for the evil dead game.
It's going to blow this one out of water.
Ash deserved more in this game. Buckle up is trash. Mettle of man you keep messing with it and flip flop is crap because of hook being 10 feet from echuter.
This hole thing is stuped.
This is my third year playing this.
6 -
I too hope that Evil Dead game is good. Seeing that survivors can fight back has me excited to play the game! And I also agree that Ash was handled really poorly in DBD. How the hell can you not incorporate the chainsaw or the boomstick? I get the chainsaw not being in the game, but you mean you can't give him a perk that gives him a one-time get out of jail free card with the boomstick?
0 -
What a great update!
18 -
here's one of the things:
it's very likely that bhvr HAS to present rising numbers (money) to their investors and the licenseholders. Right now the only way to make money are chapters and cosmetics.
If they have to deliver numbers every quarter they CAN'T afford to test stuff proper as it has to gotten out there.
What we as players can do is stop asking for licensed stuff.
1 -
It would be cool if his perk one time negated a mori and stun the killer. And you get up with a inmun hit that would of been perfect for mettle of man.
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It even crashes on PC?!
8 -
What platform are you playing on?
0 -
Pretty good job so far, buddy :)
3 -
Dbd turns into a sh*t show after EVERY chapter and its getting worse over time. I would be embarrassed if I were them
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I was doing the plague challenge (scourge of the purge) and it crashed when it got it.
they need to sell it to a company that would better the game or get a team to code the game from scratch.
seriously I don't think they deserve to have this game if they can't fix the many problems
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It's getting stupid now my game lags because a gen gets done the game lags cause a teammate gets hooked I actually think every action in the game freeze the game
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Yes, we are not immune from being Behaviour'ed , though no where near as our console brethren.
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Yo almost congratulations on 10k
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The og xbox1
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This is really stupid.Why should they only create a new game for next gen consoles and PC?
This game doesn't have insanely detailed graphics,pretty much has 0 AI or anything else that would make it impossible to run on old gen console.
2 -
I used to play there too but I moved on Series S 1 month ago and it is way better, the only real problem is controller still but fps are really good
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"Just pressure the gens lol"
1 -
Yeah you're right. Balancing across old generation, new generation, pc, and switch isn't that difficult of a task because everything's been working swimmingly so far. What was I thinking?
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Buy new gear
0 -
Sorry I didn't realise my £1.3k PC from June 2020 was classed as "old".
8 -
It's not simply "Buy new gear", it's BHVR making DBD's code the equivalent of spaghetti due to them not thinking DBD was going to be successful (they admitted it at one point, don't have a source though) and not wanting to/being able to fix it. They need to pull a Hide or Die, shut the game down for 2/3 months, rework the entire game and fix the code, then re-release it (as the same game of course). Either that or pull and Overwatch 2 and make a new 'version' of the game where all your stuff transfers over, but it's reworked from the ground up with better graphics and code.
*I say this in the sense of *if they want to fix the code*, not *I want them to do this*.
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I was just joking with "buy new gear", because it seems like that's what BHVR's approach is currently.
5 -
Ahh, I see.
1 -
Worse part is they don't even have time shut the game down
first they port the files they allready have in to a test system
sort the code and then have. A second copy of the code as a backup
Rip the current code out from live and if it dosent work use the backup until they get some that dose
I'm no coding specialist but I know how to think
1 -
I can't understand why they wouldn't keep the current version running as is and pass a copy of everything to a separate team to rebuild\rewrite it all, and then swap over once its all tested.
I can only assume that the problems arise because of the game being kept live while parts are done at a time and there's always weirdness with it trying to all work together.
1 -
The reason I state that the game would shut down is so you don't have a skeleton crew either A: Maintaining the Live version or B: working on rewriting the code. Having the full team, all hands on deck, on fixing the game as a whole would make it easier/faster than just part of the crew. If we got absolutely no updates, no bug fixes, absolutely nothing for the 2/3 months they rework the game then it could work, but splitting the team would make things take longer.
0 -
I can't play killer on PS4 right now. I mean I can, but it's pretty terrible with the constant lag spikes. Happens as survivor too, but it's not as debilitating as it is with killer.
Fix your game please.
2 -
this game is almost unplayable for me right now that I needed to take a break for a few days. Tired of getting robbed of hits and getting downed because of these freezes.