Why's BBQ popular but not WGLF?



  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 109

    I've had people Dead Hard to make the save before me 😂 and they'll have WGLF equipped like I do. It's funny. I run kindred as well so i know when someone is or isn't going to make a save. It's normally not to hard to get the stacks. If I absolutely need the BPs I'll run WGLF Prove thyself and Stake Out with an Altruism offering. Stake Out isn't used a lot but I love that perk! Good BPs!

  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88

    I have always felt that WGLF should reward survivors for doing the things that allow them to escape. So in addition to the current ways to get tokens, the equivalent of every gem completed by a given survivor should count as a token. This would also reduce the losses caused by those WGLF survivors who tend to obviously hang around the hook making it pointless for the killer to move away.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097
    edited June 2021

    WGLF actually promotes some pretty bad gameplay on the survivor side. They should have reworked it to give stacks for completed gens as well. The last thing you want is every survivor going for saves. It's so deflating when I see two or three teammates making an uncontested save and heal. Nothing screams "We're definitely not winning" more than that. There's someone who is in the best position to get the save and they should be the only person going for it unless the killer is camping, in which case a double save might be needed.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    If a survivor disconnects thats 2 potential stacks gone too. DCs hurt survivors more because theyre unlikely to get any safe unhooks after one DC unless the killer is being extra kind. The killer would still get 3 easy stacks in this case.

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    Because I remember when WGLF first released. It was a horrible experience and it soured me on the perk. I have to imagine I'm not the only one that still cringes in fear when I see a David running to unhook me.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The point is, that survivors still can get full stacks. Even when someone disconnects, while the killer won't get full stacks. Doesn't matter what he does.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The problem you're not seeing is that there's only 8 possible unhooks before survivors start dying, which is only enough for all survivors to get 2 stacks.

    Now, here's the kicker:

    • Unhooks aren't always divided evenly. Games are dynamic, meaning not all games will put you in situations where you're able to be altruistic.

    Okay, fine, we can use protection hits to gain the last few stacks. However, taking random protection hits will practically throw the game. With that in mind, taking good protection hits requires you to be in the right place at the right time, pretty rare in other words. Therefore, you can't rely on protection hits either meaning in either case, survivors aren't going to max their WGLF unless they get insanely lucky or throw the game.

    BBQ on the other hand is based purely on doing your objective, which you have a fair opportunity to do. If you can't hook survivors, then you need to start practicing with bots or online matches.

    By the way Tsulan, not sure why you are being defensive over WGLF stacks. Having extra ways to gain WGLF stacks doesn't change gameplay in any way. If Escape Cakes are fine, then so are more accessible WGLF stacks to reduce the grind. Both sides should have equal opportunities to use their perk equivalent to reduce the grind. The fact that you're wanting survivors to throw the game, sacrificing your experience as well as screwing over your team, just to reduce the grind is very unfair on your end.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited June 2021

    I just can't stand it, when people claim that BBQ stacks are easier to get than WGLF stacks. When it's the other way around.

    Should there be more ways to get stacks? Sure! Getting someone up from the Dying state would be a great way to buff WGLF. But at the same time, devs should award a BBQ and WGLF stack, when someone disconnects without getting hooked.

    I'm not advocating to throw the game.

    In fact, I'm advocating to be more altruistic when the game is almost over. I've had tons of matches where I was on the hook during endgame and no one came to unhook.

    Meanwhile I guarantee you, that (unless NOED is active) I'll come and unhook you, even when the killer camps. Just because I give more value to BBQ stacks than to the 5k survival points.

    For example, a few days ago killer camped someone next to the hatch. Gates were powered. All 4 survivors alive. The 2 other survivors used a key to escape. I came back from the gate, unhooked the survivor and we both escaped through the gate.

    Another match only 2 survivors left, 1 hooked, I'm on the gate. Went back for the rescue. Switched places, the other guy wasn't as altruistic as I. But I still got the WGLF stacks.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Should there be more ways to get stacks? Sure! Getting someone up from the Dying state would be a great way to buff WGLF. But at the same time, devs should award a BBQ stack, when someone disconnects without getting hooked.

    Doesn't solve the problem of survivors having to be altruistic, which is pretty dependent on what situation the game puts you in. Of course, I'll take anything to make WGLF stacks more accessible, I'm not complaining, but this doesn't solve the core problem of survivors being forced into a playstyle that won't always present itself.

    As for DCs canceling BBQ stacks, I definitely agree that DC'd survivors should automatically reward a BBQ stack. I'm totally on board with giving both sides equal opportunities to gain stacks.

    I'm not advocating to throw the game.

    In fact, I'm advocating to be more altruistic when the game is almost over. I've had tons of matches where I was on the hook during endgame and no one came to unhook.

    My apologies, should've clarified better. I know you don't advocate for throwing games, but just pointing out that survivors can't always be altruistic. Trying to be altruistic when the situation doesn't call for it will likely, not always, throw the game. When you mentioned having a survivor unhook and take two protection hits after, this is very unrealistic and will throw the game. I'm not sure if you realize this or not; maybe you're talking about an edge case where you would do this in an actual game.

    About survivors being more altruistic: If you're given the opportunity to be altruistic, like the one you prescribed, great — take your stacks! However, it will never be enough to gain all WGLF stacks unless you get a rare game where the situation always calls for you to be altruistic. Even if that's the case, the other survivors likely won't get any WGLF stacks since they probably didn't get any altruistic opportunities. Everyone should have an opportunity to get their stacks, not just whoever was altruistic in your team.

    Meanwhile I guarantee you, that (unless NOED is active) I'll come and unhook you, even when the killer camps. Just because I give more value to BBQ stacks than to the 5k survival points.

    Essentially, you would be throwing the game for yourself only just to get WGLF stacks since a camping killer would just allow the trade and sacrifice you insisted. You shouldn't have to throw the game for yourself just to get stacks. Picture this, image if BBQ required the killer to damage 5 generators. The killer won't always get the opportunity to kick a generator, sometimes it's best to not kick it at all since you would be giving distance to the survivor. If you kicked a generator when the situation doesn't call for it, you would be giving survivors such an easy game. That's the comparison with how current WGLF is, survivors can't always be altruistic and doing so when you're not supposed to will give the killer an easy game. We have to give both sides something they are always supposed to do — survivor's would be doing generators and killer's would be hooks. Simple as that.

    [The two situations you mentioned]

    Back to the beginning of my post, great — take your stacks! However, that alone won't be enough to get all WGLF stacks unless again, you're put in a game where the situation always calls for you to be altruistic. Actually, to save time... I'll just to a copy and paste:

    About survivors being more altruistic: If you're given the opportunity to be altruistic, like the one you prescribed, great — take your stacks! However, it will never be enough to gain all WGLF stacks unless you get a rare game where the situation always calls for you to be altruistic. Even if that's the case, the other survivors likely won't get any WGLF stacks since they probably didn't get any altruistic opportunities. Everyone should have an opportunity to get their stacks, not just whoever was altruistic in your team.

    To point out, on the second story you told me:

    Another match only 2 survivors left, 1 hooked, I'm on the gate. Went back for the rescue. Switched places, the other guy wasn't as altruistic as I. But I still got the WGLF stacks.

    You were altruistic when the situation didn't call for it and that got you sacrificed. Being altruistic won't always present itself in games and doing so will get either you or your teammates killed. This brings me back to my point were WGLF stacks are hard to obtain due to the fact you need to be altruistic and that always isn't possible unless you're willing to throw the game for either yourself and-or your teammates.

  • supersalty
    supersalty Member Posts: 1

    I think WGLF should be reworked to the same as it is now + you and possibly the unhooked survivor sees the killers aura for x seconds, sorta like bbq. I know theres babysitter that does something similar but then i'd think wglf would be way more helpful to run.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,027

    I would much rather prefer having control over stack accumulation as I do now. With this idea, I'd be depending way too much on my teammates.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Because killers get BBQ for just playing, while survivors have to stop doing gens to get WGLF.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    WGLF stacks have to be bound to altruism. If they would be bound to totems, then they would have to add more totems (and we both know, survivors are allergic to doing totems). If they would be bound to gens, then survivors would gen rush even more (no one wants that). So it has to be bound to altruistic actions.

    It isn´t actually throwing the game. Escaping is nothing more than 5k basepoints + an item if you found one during a match. You won´t pip more, or get any other benefits for escaping.

    Survivors can´t always be altruistic. Yet the matches either go like: everyone hook bombs or everyone stays where they are instead of going for the unhook. Currently there seems to be no in between. Thats why i think the point limit per category needs to be removed. That way, the people that want to go full altruistic can do that, and the people that want to be glued to gens, can also do that. Or as alternative, all the bonus bloodpoint perks/addons should give the points after the trial, instead of during the trial. Either way, people could get the much needed bonus points for their preferred action.

    I´d wish more people were as altruistic as i am. Because getting left behind, when we could make an easy escape, just sucks.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2021

    How about a compromise? Since survivors have many playstyles, we should reward all of them.

    We're Going to Live Forever

    When you have a goal for survival, you will make sure to accomplish it.

    When performing any of the following actions for the first time, gain a token:

    • Complete repairs on a generator [or repair the equivalent of one generator]
    • Safely rescue a survivor [I.E. Safe Unhook, Recover a Dying Survivor, Pallet / Flashlight Rescues, Protection Hit, Hook Sabotage, etc...]
    • Complete a heal on a survivor [or heal the equivalent of one health state]
    • Stun the killer by any means [I.E. Pallets, Perks, etc...]
    • Cleanse any totem [I.E. Hex, Boon, Dull totems]

    Once all generators have been completed, for each survivor that's alive, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token gives you 25% bonus bloodpoints post-trial.

    Gain the immortal status effect when close to death for 30 seconds.

    This would reward a variety of playstyles, not just a singular playstyle that might not always be possible. Survivors will be encouraged to be flexible, which by design, is healthy for the game. We want players to adapt, it's a key part to being a survivor and helps them get experience in all situations.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I have no Idea, but who plays survivor for the bloodpoints? Killer is basically Las Vegas in dbd.

    It takes your sanity if you aren't careful.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So basically try to play how the emblems are layered out?

    Not gonna happen. We have people that are altruistic, runners, gen jockeys and the flashlight clickers. You can´t expect them to do all things. Even if it would benefit them. People would completely stop using WGLF.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's why I added a backup in case you're stuck to doing one playstyle:

    If you're stuck to doing one playstyle and it keeps your team alive, then you're going to get the rest of your stacks regardless.

    Running a killer until the last generator is completed will give you maximum stacks since your teammates will obviously be alive.

    Unhooking / healing survivors will give you two stacks, then if the generators get done, you'll get the last of your stacks if at least 2 of your other teammates are alive.

    In situations where you get destroyed, that happens with both perks. If the survivors are destroying you, BBQ might not get all stacks and the same applies to the survivor's equivalent. You need to be successful in some capacity for both perks to reward you bonus bloodpoints.