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Nintendo Switch Major Bug! (Game closes/Crashes during matches of Both Survivor and Killer)

TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
edited June 2021 in Bug Reporting

Hey DBD Team.

Loving the new chapter and happy 5th anniversary!

I humbly request you look into this horrible major breaking bug that has been in the game since the All Kill chapter.

This issue is not ruining just mine but many Nintendo switch players.

And more since I play cross play.

During playing ether role survivor and killer, The game will crash and shut down for no reason on the Nintendo Switch.

Ending in a unfair dc penalty and this happens randomly it can span from 1hour of play or even 15 minutes of play.

Then boom crash for no dam reason “Sigh”

I know it’s not my internet connection since I have way over 150mbps.

Please can we get this sorted in the next patch I hope.

Thank you,

Kind Regards-


And Happy 5th anniversary!

You guys and girls continue to bring truly great content!

Post edited by TsukiYurei on
27 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • HeroOfTheSages
    HeroOfTheSages Member Posts: 3

    Yeah, its been extremely bad while playing. I can't even do matches because of it.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2021

    Yep I 100% agree, Not sure what is causing it? Since I have a pretty high quality memory card also for my Nintendo Switch.

    So I am aware I have no storage issues while running DBD.

    Hopefully this crashing bug shall get fixed before or for the 5th anniversary event next month on the 1st!

  • Djangersol
    Djangersol Member Posts: 6

    Any game with new characters seems to be a heightened crash risk, but playing as nemesis seems to crash the game more or less everytime on switch.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Lucky I was able to play one match as nemesis so far.

    The next one it crashed, but this has happened in both roles.

    It’s very discouraging, Since I just want to play and enjoy the chapter properly with everyone else.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Please can a developer acknowledge this and help to put a major patch fix in the works for this problem involving the crashing on Nintendo Switch during play on both roles Killer & Survivor.

    Thank you.

    kind Regards -


  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Please can the development team look into and address this issue.

    It happens multiple times during play even in one session on both roles Killer or Survivor.

    Can a developer kindly please acknowledge this major game breaking bug.

    And get this into work of a patch ASAP. If not fixed it’s going to turn many players old and new away from DBD.

    And I wouldn’t want that since this chapter is awesome on both sides!

    Thanks again I appreciate if a developer gets back to me on this.

    Kind Regards - Tsuki

  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    Hello friend, I can confirm everything you have said. It's still a problem and has NOT been directly addressed. Looking into "Performance issues" is not communicating ANYTHING to us other than a broad, blanket statement that could be entirely something else. Is this particular issue included in that? Why has NOTHING been acknowledged? Are there LEGAL reasons?? The fact that not one single representative has even SPOKEN to the player base about this is disturbing.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    The crashes are more common. Its irritating.

    Happens either on survivor or killer role but always nemesis as the killer. Usually happens after a Generator is completed OR gates are open. If it crashes does it crash for everyone ?

  • iceluui
    iceluui Member Posts: 4

    hello I have the same problem and I have identified that this occurs when the exit doors are opened and the murderer is nemesis. This has led to me being penalized without being able to play for time and has lost many ranking points. I was rank 8 and I'm on to 11. correct and restore our ranking points

    Below the image from de problem

  • ethonol
    ethonol Member Posts: 1

    Was just about to make a report on this. It is horrid! I lose items and get disconnection penalties just for playing the game!

    Fix this please, devs!

  • Yuretz
    Yuretz Member Posts: 23

    Agreed, stop opening new threads and just comment out the thread which has more time/views/replies.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2021

    Firstly not very constructive help nor advice.

    Honestly most reports say Nemesis is causing the issue if you play him.

    Thats what most the reports say about this issue!

    Mine does not, Others are sadly undermining the issue. It’s happening to both if you play as any Killer or Survivor during live play on the Nintendo Switch.

    (Cross play on or off still happens)

    (Doesn’t matter the Killer or Survivor you play it crashes so much it’s horrible)

    This has been occurring since the All Kill chapter.

    Not when you just play Nemesis, But all killers and survivors!

    So at least take that into consideration. Before commenting unhelpful information.

    I am giving a valid information about this horrible bug.

    Post edited by TsukiYurei on
  • KyloRen
    KyloRen Member Posts: 25

    I have this problem anytime I play Nemesis I haven't been able to play a full match with Nemesis because the game shuts down

  • sassomatice
    sassomatice Member Posts: 2

    I have this problem anytime the killer is Nemesis (which is a lot right now) and as soon as the last generator is complete, I get kicked with the error screen. I reported it and was told it was my firewall interfering with Steam or it's my internet connection. Seriously, LOL on the first and no on the second. My internet is fine and why would it only happen under these conditions if it was just me?

    Like so many, I paid to play this DLC and for the premium rift and we're dealing with a defective game that we get punished for playing.

    I'm really worried this is being ignored because it's a Nintendo Switch thing.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2021

    As I said it’s not just with Nemesis. This has been happening before since the All Kill chapter was introduced. This auto close software bug is happening way more frequently since the resident evil chapter on the Nintendo Switch. I’m going to say this again, This bug occurs doesn’t matter if your playing any Killer or Survivor it will happen. So please be aware before posting. I want clear evidence on this matter !

    Also can a developer please kindly acknowledge this horrible bug? So we are at least aware it will be patched please.

    I appreciate all the hard work the DBD team put in.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards -


    Post edited by TsukiYurei on
  • Yuretz
    Yuretz Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2021

    Do not take my comment in that way, my comment helps because the thread mentioned includes evidence of video/clips from streams where this issue occurs.

    I am Software developer and it helps a lot to know: 1) how the issue looks 2) on which conditions this happen. In this way developers can debug it and address it.

    Check the thread:

    This is the clip I am referring to:

    That's how the issue looks to me, also happens for almost all maps nearly the end game.

    I totally agree this issue must be addressed ASAP, it is very annoying when the Software closes for no reason at the very end of the match.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2021

    I didn’t mean for your opinion not to feel valid friend.

    I appreciate as much support this bug report thread gets. Because it’s frustrating and needs to be addressed ASAP.

    I don’t want people not to just look at one factor. Because it’s happening across both roles, any killer or survivor on the Nintendo Switch.

    Just a lot of people haven’t realised this close down/error gamebreaking bug has been around since the All Kill chapter was now introduced!

    (But now happens way more frequent and worse than before)

    As I’ve said this has happened to me as any Killer or Survivor. This bug just pops up outta nowhere game crashes/closes software and ruins the match for everyone.

    It really sucks and I hope a developer please acknowledges this soon. So a hot fix can be put into place for the 5th anniversary at the very least.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited June 2021

    Still happening after today’s Patch.

    Can a developer please acknowledge this hideous bug. This nonstop crashing during games on the Nintendo Switch is ruining the game for everyone.

    Please show us your aware and trying to solve the issue, Your going to lose a lot of the player base if this keeps up.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    I'm on PC and I started having this issue starting this patch. Previous patch was fine. 5.0.1. is when it started happening for me.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Unlucky friend, This issue has been around for Nintendo Switch since the All Kill chapter was introduced.

    And since 5.0.0 and the new hot fix 5.0.1 it’s gotten way way worse!

    I hope they fix this for the 5th anniversary event or a lot people shall be sadly disappointed.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Could a developer please show us your listening to us here on this Crash/Bug issue for Nintendo Switch.

    This occurs randomly nonstop in a play session while in live game playing ethier side Killer or Survivor.

    Please Behaviour fix this horrible issue and get a hot fix in place for the 5th anniversary event, thank you.

    Kind regards -


  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Needs bump for acknowledgment please.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Needs bump for acknowledgment please.

  • Gabriel1970
    Gabriel1970 Member Posts: 8

    that happens to me too. I have even sometimes it just freeze and disconnects me from the server (it may be my Internet)

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Trust me it’s not your internet, This problem has been around for the switch since the All Kill chapter was introduced.

    But since resident evil chapter was introduced and even more with 5.0.1 update the crashing is way frequent on the Nintendo Switch.

    No matter what role you play.

    Hope they acknowledge this soon!

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    The crash bug is still happening on Nintendo Switch.

    I was playing Killer as Legion and the game crashed as survivors ran trough the exit gate.

    I hope this gets resolved soon!

    At the very least the stability on Switch as made playing a lot smoother and the crash happens little less frequently.

    But even after patch 5.0.2 the crash bug is still happening no matter which role you play.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Crash bug still occurs after patch 5.0.2 I was playing as Pyramid Head today

    on the Racoon City map and it crashed here.

    Yes I’m aware it looks like a screenshot but I can assure you this is how it crashed for me since the 5.0.2 update it completely froze sadly.

    It was my first time on the new map too. The bitter thing was it eaten up one of my 5th anniversary cakes because of the crash.

    Please can a developer acknowledge these crashes on the Nintendo Switch.

    Its making playing both roles unplayable when this occurs.

    The only good thing since the stability adjustment on Switch it seems to happen little less.

    Kind Regards -


  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    edited July 2021

    Thank you to the developer that acknowledge the problem!

    I hope this crash bug that has been happening since the All Kill chapter finally gets resolved on the Nintendo Switch.

    I appreciate all the hard work you guys and girls put in.

    And Happy 5th anniversary to you all,

    I know you shall get this 100% stabilise soon and resolve the crash bug.

    kind regards -


    PS thank you to all the players that came fourth providing there evidence for this bug report.

    Nothing would get resolved without you too appreciate it!