What are some Charms you want in the game?

With all the chaos that has been this chapter, why not settle down and ask a fun question. To my limited knowledge this hasn't been done on the forum, and even if it has it's been long gone drowned by other forums so why not ask it again if it already has.
I'll start first, considering there's a big time gap between Silent Hill 3 and Cheryl being taken by the fog, we could potentially see tome lore for her filling in some gaps. While we get her tome, a Portable Radio would be an excellent charm I would love to see.
(the portable radio as seen in Silent Hill 3)
Obviously it wouldn't work, but neither does Cheryl's Portable Flashlight on her vest so we can just say it's broken.
Also, considering how Ace's tome lore revolved around Ace's Lucky Alligator's tooth, it was an extremely missed opportunity to not have an Alligator Tooth Charm
What are some charms you'd like to see?
Ya know in case there any Demons around 👺👺
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Bi pride flag ❤️💜💙
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More pride flags in general 💜💜💜
Really vague, but I also want charms that relate to characters backstories. Like Adam's scooter. Not five squares that are exactly the same but ones brown and the other is red.
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Since we got the Shock Splinter, I wouldn't mind having the other Splinters.
I am still angry that they got removed, so I think this would be some sort of compensation.
It is not the same thing, but it is better than nothing.
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This comment helped spark an idea in me, we need more offerings to become charms in the game.
Obviously Splinters should be first, but imagine having a screaming/pained skull on the side of the hook (Ebony Mori), that'd be awesome
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Killer weapons, survivor items, and the one I'd want the most, a pan flag :3
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Banana 🍌
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For survivors:
Actual "Charms" like a lucky rabbits foot (not so lucky for the rabbit mind you), Dream Catchers, Horse Shoes, coins, etc.
For killers:
Macabre Trophies and viscera like Intestines, Eyes, Meat, Hearts, Fingers, Scalps, Tattooed cuts of skin, etc.
Basically, where the survivors want luck to carry with them, Killers want human trophies and gore to increase the terror they inspire. Can you honestly say getting put on a hook that has dangling entrails and skin decorating it wouldn't be intimidating? To the killers, that's their twisted version of "charms", And I would love it if both sides got these types of charms to better accentuate their their personalities in the trials.
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A radio from silent hill would be cool.
But the thing is: I would want an actual radio accessory on my character, NOT a miniature radio “charm” hooked to a keyring.
I think the charm system currently is really tacky and not well thought out.
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I want a Dwight charm. He's one of the original four survivors. He deserves one more than the likes of Kate and Yui.
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I want dolls of all the killers, like Wraith and Spirit currently have. Saddens me that survivors guaranteed get dolls in their tomes, but the graphic designers aren't convinced people want mini-killers too.
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Yeah, I think it would be nice. Especially those offerings that we, unfortunately, can't use anymore.
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I do not care about charms at all
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I would absolutely rock a broken radio charm on Cheryl, it'd be a permanent item on her, like the Seal of Metatron.
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If that's how we get an Ace figurine, I'll take it.
Yo, a charm that says you don't care about charms would be a great addition for people that don't care about charms, brilliant thinking. Really opened up possibilities for a portion of the community.
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A cham for Ash Williams that Says
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Nationality flag
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That would get the game banned in certain countries where recognizing the existence of other certain countries is a crime.
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Add them where possible obviously...
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I'd love one of Billy the Puppet from Saw.
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I would say that most players don't really care about charms.
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Not sure if you know this but there is actually a horseshoe charm in the game. It was in the third rift and it’s an uncommon charm. Sadly it is only a killer charm though :/
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I want a spine chill charm that all
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I would love to see the American flag as a charm and all other flags i think that would be cool.