Iron will and stridor shouldn't affect spirit. Thoughts?

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

Okay let's be real this is something people always complain about. Survivors want a single perk to counter a killers power, spirits use stridor so they cant be countered by a single perk.

Both sides feel like the perk is needed at higher level of play so why dont we just make them void.

While spirit is phasing she hears at 50% (as if iron will and stridor are in play) however iron will and stridor does not affect it, no matter what it's set at 50% at all times.

This way people arent just complaining, stops iron will completely countering non stridor spirits and stops stridor spirits having a huge advantage over non iron will survivors.

This change makes spirit more skillful as the sounds will be more delicate and provide a consistent base for both sides to play around without perks hugely impacting either side.

(Both perks would work as normal when spirit isn't phasing, this change only affects the phasing period.)
