Iron will and stridor shouldn't affect spirit. Thoughts?

Okay let's be real this is something people always complain about. Survivors want a single perk to counter a killers power, spirits use stridor so they cant be countered by a single perk.
Both sides feel like the perk is needed at higher level of play so why dont we just make them void.
While spirit is phasing she hears at 50% (as if iron will and stridor are in play) however iron will and stridor does not affect it, no matter what it's set at 50% at all times.
This way people arent just complaining, stops iron will completely countering non stridor spirits and stops stridor spirits having a huge advantage over non iron will survivors.
This change makes spirit more skillful as the sounds will be more delicate and provide a consistent base for both sides to play around without perks hugely impacting either side.
(Both perks would work as normal when spirit isn't phasing, this change only affects the phasing period.)
I think it would be way too confusing to just have 2 perks not affect a killer.
It's more of a band-aid for the issue and not a solution.
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First question. Do you think people use Stridor on Spirit because it helps them to easier tracking Survivor's overall breathing. Or to counter Ironwill?
For me, make phasing has lightly distorted sounds. And volume adjust from Stridor & IW has no effect on phase realm (this can go with Nurse blink too).
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so its a buff for spirit then ? as i know spirit user use stridor to counter iron will from survivors
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We shouldn't change perks when it's clear the problem is the killer's power. The perks should be revisited but after her.
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I really hate Spirit and nerf her but that discuss is ridicilous sorry. No you can not ban any killer for any perk.
Spirit is just needs fair counterplays. You can not do that this to her, people paid for her and they can play her with any perks.
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So just make it so her only form of partial counter doesn't affect her? No.
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That sounds like more of a buff for spirit though, she no longer ever has to run stridor and wont ever be countered by iron will if she decides not to bring it. Lets be clear stridor counters Iron will more then Iron will counters stridor
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I know. I think when phasing she should see the survivors light up and they be insta down. It’s unfair I have to chase them at all. I saw one survivor today trying to do a gen at the very start of the match. I instantly tunneled them because that is gen rushing. Then once I hooked them, another survivor had the nerve to rescue them, so I camped them both. Killer should not be this hard!!!!
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Okay, then Calm Spirit shouldn't affect the Doctor. And BBQ should work through lockers. Oh! And Pyramid should be able to apply his torment to you while you're downed!
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Used to main spirit a decent while ago, used stridor once, didn't like it. Couldn't judge distance from survivors when the breathing and noises could be heard from farther away.
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I just don't think sound perks should exist, at least not the breathing/injured sound ones. Players should be able to rely on their ears, man.
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I'm guessing you people dont understand. Spirit currently hears at 100% so making it 50% that isn't affected by either perk isn't a buff? That's a straight out nerf, it also means survivors dont need iron will to try counter spirit. She will naturally be harder to hear survivors. Just removes the silly iron will and stridor debates.
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Yes you described stridor. Well it's not hard to re judge it's a matter of getting use to it. But a single perk shouldn't counter spirit, and at high level when people actually know how to play and manipulate their movements stridor is fair and useful. Some would argue its needed.
To counter iron will, if I knew no one had iron I wouldn't waste the perk slot. Id rather use it when I dont need it than not run it when I do. Good players with iron will can naturally cost you important time.
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Missing the survivor's point. They don't want Spirit to hear them at all.
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Except for the part where stridor isn't used outside of spirit where as iron will is used all the time and it basically nullifies it's use when it actually matters and 50% is still very manageable and this frees up the perk slot to never have to use stridor, this is definitely a buff to anyone who's actually good at spirit
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Nahh since release spirit was god tier and still is ,il probably say ,,Nerf Freddy hes so op .
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Said the biased killer.Survivors don't have any indication of wether she is phasing or faking.
Stridor is overkill on her,end of discussion.GOOD spirit with stridor?GL with that.
Stridor eliminates the only option survivors have by mindgaming her.
Get it?
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hearing at 50% is a buff, spirit didnt need to bring stridor again and survivor will be 100% #########, you know the problem of current spirit ? stridor with spirit coz it counters survivors iron will the only perk that has hope on escaping spirit
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That's not a nerf. IW survivors are easier to catch as stridor spirit, because they are easier to pinpoint
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There are those that complain about Spirit without Stridor.
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I don’t think they should ever made perks not work on certain characters. My way of balancing her is simply giving her a different, obvious animation when she’s phasing
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actually, her animation resets when she starts phasing, so take a look a her hair to know when she's faking it or not (I tried it with a friend and it's hard to notice in the heat of a chase, but it's possible)
Also, there are many ways that you can mind game a spirit during her phase, even by quickly changing your location to make it harder for her to know where you are, so mind gaming her is possible. It just takes A LOT of skill
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Did u read what i wrote?i have 2k hours i know how to mindgame.U can't mindgame a stridor spirit.
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That unironically wouldnt be a bad way to balance her, remove her ability to hear grunts of pain. Still wouldnt be a great solution either ig.
I'm starting to think she should just be reworked entirely though...
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Spirit don't should be able to hear survivors without an addon
Just as the blood one who delete the scratchmarks
There should be an addon who delete the scratchmarks but allow to hear them.
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Great idea. Also make the sounds while phasing slightly distorted, like Freddy's dream state. So while they're still directional, it's a little harder to gauge exactly what direction without 'triangulating' a little bit. As a Spirit player I'd be happy with this.
BTW as a Spirit player, I can't stand using Stridor.
Sure, it makes it easier to detect survivors from a greater distance, but up close, it becomes a lot harder to tell where the survivor is, as they have the same volume at anywhere from around 1-5 meters away, and 10-15 meters away sounds like 5-10 meters.
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Yes, or they need to increase the sound she hears while phasing. I mean the whooshing, make it loud like in her ptb.