Explain to me how I'm supposed to run from Nemesis.

Clearly I don't understand something here. Whipping over pallets and other objects? Whipping to break pallets? Random zombies being placed behind me in the direction I need to run and then mr FLASH comes zooming at me. I'm missing the trick here for this one.


  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    When looping he's like a Huntress. It's a mindgame of whether or not he will m1 or m2.

    Think he will m2? Do another lap, crouch if you have to. Think he will m1? Drop the pallet or vault.

    Plus his m2 takes 3 hits to down you through 2 speed bursts. As well as needing to build up to being able to break pallets with his m2.

    He really isn't that insanely oppresive at loops.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045


    He plays almost identically to Huntress at a pallet or window. You have to guess whether they're going to pull up the hatchet/tentacle or just run through it, and keep running / drop the pallet accordingly. He slows himself down when cancelling his power, just like Huntress.

    The only real differences at most tiles is that Nemmy is faster and doesn't need to fully charge his tentacle, but in exchange it has a very limited range, small hitbox, requires 3 hits to down and can break pallets at higher tiers.

    If Huntress is fun to play against, then Nemmy is. They are extremely similar in a chase. Comparisons to Punishment of the Damned aren't really accurate.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    Ok, i will give you my honest opinion on how to run nemesis, i have been playing him non stop since release, so here are the basics.

    Hitting the tentacle is relatively hard to do since the hitbox is very thin , so while in close quarters you can play him as you would a huntress, stay close to him, move sideways, if he is greedy he will try whiping making the chase superlong, if you get hit, congratulations! you get a free speed boost to run to the next tile,if he gets tired he m1s you and he gets to stay a normal killer with no power.

    while running to a pallet, try to listen or look back to see if he is reading the tentacle strike, if he is , dont drop the pallet and turn tightly behing cover , if he wiffs you get another loop, i he cancels to m1 you can either turn back and drop the pallet on him or get another loop. also crouching near obstacles can prevent his tentacle from hitting you, you can even crouch on dropped pallets and the hitbox will prioritize the pallet break over your hitbox.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited June 2021

    The direction his tentacle goes out is being broadcast continually by the red stain all killers emit (unless they've gained Undetectable from a perk for a brief window). This stain tells you exactly where the attack will go out. Ideally, you want to rotate your camera to be looking at the killer as you're running and when you're in range of his whip (roughly normal lunge distance), you simply juke to one side.

    Because he moves slower while his tentacle is out (3.8 instead of 4.6), he cannot keep the tentacle out all the time (survivors move at 4.0). So, he'll pull the tentacle out when he's roughly in range. You can just treat it exactly as you would a killer being in range to lunge attack you, and dive behind corners, duck under terrain, spin in circles, etc.

    It IS worth noting that his attack is SLIGHTLY better than PH's at hitting targets, as he does not have a severely reduced turn radius when his tentacle is out, while PH's turn radius is nearly non-existent. It is WAY easier to juke PH than Nemesis. But, of course, PH doesn't have to hit you with an initial shockwave just for the other shockwaves to hit, so... you know.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Shift + w seriously breaks him. Just do not use pallet or do not jump windows when he is using power. Run around pallet, that is like countering Huntress. When he try m1, use pallet. Or when he try to use m2, run and use A and D for dodge. And when he is miss, you are safe.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Bait out his tentacle attack bro. He has to feather it like Hillbilly with the chainsaw so he's slowed down.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    Agreed! He has no counter play and still tunnels off the hook. Bout as busted as can be IMO.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Just hold w he has no counter, looping? Fake a mind game then continue holding w waaaay more effective

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    You can crouch behind terrain to avoid the tentacle strike as long as what your crouching behind is taller than you

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    In my experience so far, people aren't using tentacle until you're already mid-animation for that guaranteed hit.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Fake the pallet drop, you can waste their time forever doing this. Windows are trickier though:

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Honestly shift + w is enough in most cases. His tentacle hitbox is so janked you can usually dodge it.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited June 2021

    His power is limited in range compared to everyone. It takes him a while for the tiers to upgrade and become more of a threat with long cooldowns until tier 3. And the differences rather small. And the biggest issue for him to get his power to down you it takes three tentacle hits. Otherwise he's a M1 killer. Not to mention the small and inconsistent hitbox. So juke do methods that will waste his time so Holding W will work since it takes him three hits and has no way to catch up until tier 3 shorter cooldown. The zombies are slow and very RNG to be consistent useful many games they'll be worthless. His tentacle can't hit over much. So it's very specific to the loop. So at many loops you're safe.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    Thanks for the advice everyone. It just seems like the looping is much more difficult for this killer. And if you even get a relatively small/narrow map, that increases by like 25% lol

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Play him like you would play against a Huntress that can´t aim any further than her arm length.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    stay unpredictable. You want to run towards pallets and windows then B line away from it last minute. Killers usually assume that when you are going for pallets, that you will commit but if you leave last minute, they will usually miss. If you think he's catching on, then commit. another method you can do is safe drop pallets. drop them early so he never has the opportunity to hit you, you usually do this instead of looping then move on to the next pallet. problem is that your gonna use a TON of resources. you'd want to use this when the game is coming to a near end (i.e. 1 generator or gates are powered already.) dont forget to get vaccinated late game if some are around, no point letting them go to waste if it can save you from a hit.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    bruh, Nemesis sucks lmao.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    Forwards, in a straight line.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    Unironically, shift+W. You have a free Mettle of Man for whenever he whips you (possibly due to his hindered maybe being bugged). You can easily abuse that fact and chain tiles. Outside of this, Nemesis has pitiful range on his whip. It's only slightly better than a lunge, and he can't hit windows through a sharp angle. Use that knowledge when looping him. He'll also have some trouble keeping up if you call his bluff on the whip VS pallet. Stuns also cancel his whip unlike Huntress and PH, so a pallet vacuum is strong against him. He honestly has more counterplay than average amongst ranged and psuedo ranged killers.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Loop a pallet like always, if he whips you Shift +w to the next pallet, he'll take like 15-20 seconds to catch up to you, repeat process, do that and you will run him longer than the average survivor out there who falls in 10 seconds flat.

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    I don't think it's more difficult, per se, just requires some adaptation as it's SIMILAR to what we're all used to but slightly different/a blend of what we already know. I feel like it's not tentacles that are the problem but just his speed without tentacle and using M1. Feels sometimes like by the time I hear his footfalls, he's already in range and punching.