Is this the worst chapter in DbD?



  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    LOL maybe but my files are still unreasonably large so that might be the tradeoff. :P

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Yup, everybody says they'd rather wait and have them optimize the chapter before release. But what happens every time they delay a new chapter? People flock to social media and the forums and complain. There's just no winning.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    Yes but when they release a chapter like this they deserve all the criticism they get while if they waited to optimize the game it would be undeserved. At least then most people would understand

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, there were a lot of issues with her kit. A lot of her addons were #########, which have been fixed later on. Mechanically she was okay, but without any decent addons, all her main ability was good for was camping.

    I dont think Nemesis is bad tho. Lots of killers are considered terrible on release because no one knows how to apply their abilities properly yet. Trickster was considered awful, yet, many have shown how effective he can be. He needed some slight alteration to truly shine, but that didnt make him terrible. Twins was considered awful, same reasoning, slight alterations allowing her to shine. The only good thing people used to praise PH for, was his ability to execute people. His main ability tho? Considered awful untill people found the faking exploit that guaranteed hits regardless of the situation and abused his ability to camp people. Blight? on release considered to be an awful killer, I expected him to have near Nurse levels of potential, yet people considered him to be worse than Legion. I can go on.

    Nemesis has a lot of potential that other killers dont. He needs slight alterations to truly make him shine. He's not S tier levels of strength, but given slight alterations, I'd say he's a solid A tier killer. All I'd change is buff the zombie movementspeed addons slightly and give his Stage 3 tentacle the ability to injure regardless of infection. Pretty much all he needs.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    I think the speed boost survivors get when infecting them is unecessary. He feels like a worse pyramid head. The only thing I like about him is the pallet break, but I have admitted I am new with him.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223
  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    I seriously doubt "most people" would understand, given the behavior of the dbd community. A lot of the criticism they get already is undeserved (imo). The smart ones might understand, but the ones who don't understand would just complain about the lack of new content. People are always going to be complaining regardless of what the devs do.

    So the game servers crashed. People aren't able to play for a little while. Big deal, things happen, servers have issues all the time. Does it really do any good to spend your time complaining about it? As if the dozens of other discussions haven't sent a clear enough message?

  • Spencerjnlouis
    Spencerjnlouis Member Posts: 117

    Trickster is worse than Legion so that is saying a lot

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223
  • MarioT6
    MarioT6 Member Posts: 25

    Nah. Nothing will ever top Binding of Kin as well as 4.5.0

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,570
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I honestly gotta say Darkness Among Us.

    I definitely still don't like how they handled the CGI reveal thingy for the Legion, it makes them look like an entirely different Killer power-wise.

    I also find it a bit disappointing that the 1 character itself is multiple people.

    This makes the Chmeric Horde outfit be very cool, but there's never actually multiple members on your screen aside from Archive memories.

    Wouldn't it be a cool kill animation if the other 3 members showed up and they all stabbed the Survivor multiple times?

    And Jeff looks pretty cool, and that's also kinda it.

    The Perks are blah.

    Can't say much more on him, don't play Survivor enough anymore, but he's definitely more at the bottom of the list for me.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956
    edited June 2021

    Twin chapter was worst, this one just had server issues, performance problem and a disable map,

    meanwhile Twin chapter, Legion was bugged randomly, hoarder was broken and they gave up on fixing it, Elody scream was borderline earape, the twin where super bugged, pretty sure the party bus exploit was born then.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Let's not forget that, not only did a bug remove your power, but if you lunged as Victor, it took away your GAMEPLAY, too.

    "Oh, okay. I didn't want to play the video games anyway."

  • akanadi
    akanadi Member Posts: 242

    hard no

    darkness among us

    nightmare on elmstreet

    binding of kin


    all much worse than this current chapter and if the optimization gets fixed it'll be one of the best DLC's because what is featured in the DLC is really good an A tier killer and overall decent perks

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    Binding of Kin and All kill were the worst due to the insane amount of bugs that came with the chapters

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, Nemmy is a bit unintuitive with his ability, his visuals dont match his mechanics properly.

    Also, food for thought: it might be possible for Nemesis to actually have an interesting play with his infection. I have no one to confirm my suspicions with yet, as my scientific dbd victims are on vacation atm, but I think Nemmy's infection might count as a protection hit regardless of it dealing damage, and there is a very interesting perk that works with protection hits that allows him to deal damage if they are still healthy.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Nope, legion's chapter is still worse, right now it is unplayable for console pips but darkness among us was still worse especially fun wise.

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    Trickster's chapter the worst thing that Dead by Daylight's ever done to this game other than the palate bug that is still going on by the way. Just a seriously not worth it cash grab!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,570

    I may agree with some of them, but A Nightmare on Elm Street was literally perfect on release. Mentioning it as one of the worst chapters is just wrong.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    It’s the worst release but not worst chapter. I like the chapter, but they butchered the release like I’ve never seen.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    The Legion update got me to stop playing for a bit

    This update has yet to do that

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    It is though.

    Lol I'm just messing with you, don't take it too hard.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    Worst chapter? Nah. All things considered game health is fine for this chapter outside of the god awful map.

    I'd say worst chapter was Halloween for it's horrible map, old Ds, old OoO, old Stbfl additions that made the game horrible for months.

    Worst patch? Yeah probably, several killers don't function and we've lost 2 maps already. Though I can see the argument for the twins patch being worse.

  • GrimmGaliard
    GrimmGaliard Member Posts: 258

    All-Kill was the chapter with the ineffective pallet stuns and horrible desync, right?

    Well honestly, I still give it to Legion's patch for the worst. AKA the update that made me stop playing

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    He has to with that atrocious walking speed oh no they are looping me around a rock🙄

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    I judge chapters on their content, not the bugs they were released alongside. So in those terms, it's maybe the best chapter so far.

  • taimea
    taimea Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2021

    just think about all the new ps4 and xboxers people that my got the game on sale and since the new chapter was out and they like those game went to try this game out but now with lag spiks are most likely think how they play with this lag and what a wast of money... but has oneone even herd if the devs know about that lag?

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    Binding of Kin actually made me stop playing the game for 3 months so that sucked. All-Kill gave a fun to play and hard killer to learn how to do well with and all the Survivor perks from both Chapters and this one are really fun to run.

    This chapter we got a new Killer Meta perk which is nice and some other niche perks to use as well as a fairly weak killer who gives survivors 3 health states for some reason vs Trickster who can just down you quicker if you know what you're doing.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    yes, each strike took off an amount of the mend timer. Like the current Franks Mixed Tape

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Stabby Stab Stab

    Your screen fades to grey as the terror radius goes away.

    Stabby Stab Stab

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,570
  • eric_alrasid17
    eric_alrasid17 Member Posts: 119

    A Binding of Kin is totally the worst, imagine release victor on killer shack and he got stuck for entire trial.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    gameplay wise its fine, performance wise, its bad

    I think their problem was the entire game is only really run on the drive and storage alone not relying enough on other computer parts to do much of anything but demand that the storage does all the heavy lifting

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    Well, for me, this is my criteria on how I'd rate the Chapter experience, from a scale of 1 to 10:

    • Killer
    • Survivor(s)
    • Map
    • Performance and Technical
    • Balance

    As for my ratings and the explanations behind them, they are as follows:

    • Killer: The Nemesis
      • Rating: 2
      • The Nemesis is a very underwhelming and mediocre Killer who is the only Killer in the game whose Power requires that you hit the Survivor three times in a row, with no real benefit over using his M1, which reaches further and deals a health state.
      • Zombie AI and collision are also very awful and overall not a fun experience when they get stuck on unintended areas.
      • Nemesis' only saving grace are the fun Perks known as Eruption and Lethal Pursuer, both of which can lead into interesting games.
    • Survivor: Leon S. Kennedy
      • Rating: 10
      • Leon S. Kennedy is the best part of the chapter, not only due to his design, but his Perks. Rookie Spirit and Bite the Bullet are decent perks for new players to use and get used to the game, and Flashbang is probably the most fun Perk to play with and against.
    • Survivor: Jill Valentine
      • Rating: 1
      • Jill Valentine, on the other hand, encapsulates the worst of the Survivor experience by "blessing" us with the biggest anti-everything Perks in the entire game. Resurgence grants too significant an advantage to players being unhooked, Blast Mine is simply annoying and gets even worse with other Perks, and Counterforce is the single worst-implemented Perk of all time due to how overpowered it will show itself to be.
    • Map: Raccoon City Police Department
      • Rating: 1
      • As we currently cannot play on the Raccoon City Police Department, and due to the fact it had caused many crashes to players' games earlier, I cannot rate this any higher than a 1 since not only was I unable to experience the map, but also because it came with horrible technical issues.
    • Performance and Technical
      • Rating: 1
      • This is the single worst patch for performance and technical issues that this game has seen yet, and this game has seen a significant amount of bugs on other patches, including the dreaded Pallet bug that was in just a few patches ago.
      • FPS and performance issues, crashing with the R.P.D. map, collision issues in Red Forest, and an overall unfun experience as of late to the point where even the DC penalty has to be removed.
    • Balance
      • Rating: 1
      • Once more, the developers show their complete disregard for actually making the game fun by balancing things that currently need to be fixed. Instead, we just get a new chapter with little changes done that would make a good impact.
      • One of the more major changes of this patch was the significant nerf to Franklin's Demise, which now means that Keys have no counter, all because the developers couldn't hard code Nemesis' Vaccines to not break.
      • And then there's no changes to anything else that would really improve the Survivor or Killer experience. A shameful patch for balancing.

    Overall Chapter Rating: 2.6

    This chapter is an overall disappointment that failed to really live up to the expectations set for it, as well as introducing a significant amount of performance issues that will more than likely plague the game for weeks, if not months.

    This chapter is easily my second worst pick (the first being A Nightmare on Elm Street), and is definitely something I have complete buyer's remorse in getting, aside from Leon S. Kennedy and the Nemesis Perks. This chapter should have gone in another direction.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    The chapter is dope as hell, but the update itself seems kinda sus.

    In terms of worst chapter as in most boring chapter, for sure binding of kin.

    In terms of worst chapter as in most gamebreaking, definitely darkness among us. That chapter was the game's biggest mess, as this game has about 4000 messes.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2021

    The last two chapter were all really bad. Twins were a atrocious killer to go against once people started to slug and camp with them. The only exciting thing about this chapter was the perk smash hit, unfortunatly they introduced a pallet bug, so it was impossible to stun the killer for a really long time. No new map.

    Trickster chapter was underwhelming too. The concept was interesting but the killer was really lackluster. There were at least some interesting perks. No new map.

    Resident evil chapter there is a new map but it is bugged and the map is horrible in certain matchups. The last good map they made is saloon in my opinion. Midwich and the RE map look good but they have bad gameplay and are straight unfun to play in certain matchups.

    In my opinion the devs focus too little on what makes the game actually fun, the interaction between the killer and the survivor (they should always keep this in mind when designing perks, killer and maps)

    One really positive thing i like about this chapter are some of the perks. Flashbang and the mine are really fun, and you have to earn them by doing gen progress. Nemesis as a killer is ok in my opinion (i am happy that they finally manage to make a decent killer again after the twins and trickster disaster).

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    Um, no? Binding of kin was forgettable, WAY more buggy, and no one played them on release. At least with RE people play the killer, there is a map, and its mostly a decent-ish experience.