The MMR system is an indirect big buff to SoloQ, so will SWF be nerfed?

TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

Survivors with the MMR system will be paired with other survivors of the same level, which will greatly reduce the number of monkeys in games of decent level survivors.

This makes killer matches even more difficult, as there are people who don't understand that SoloQ isn't as bad as they think. 4 decent survivors, even if they don't communicate by voice, can have very good coordination, not at the level of a SWF, but it's still very high.

We've been asking for SWFs to be nerfed for years, and what we get is a buff to SoloQ. #########?

Don't get me wrong, I love that they buff SoloQ, my games when I'm playing alone will be so much easier, but I don't understand why they buff SoloQ without nerfing SWF first.

All this reminds me that they said a long time ago that they were going to make changes to the early game. When? Will they do it before they implement the MMR? Will SWF be nerfed before MMR?

I don't want to start with the debate on whether this game is survivor sided or killer sided, but with this change, anyone knows who it's aimed at...

TL;DR: MMR system is a buff to SoloQ and they still don't nerf SWF. SoloQ in itself with decent survivors is already good even if they don't communicate, but now it will be even better. They haven't even made the change to the early game that they said they would make a long time ago...


  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    I don't know what kind of buffs you would do to Killers, but leveling up SoloQ to SWF would make matches impossible to any killer except Nurse / Spirit. It's no longer a matter of buffing killers, it's simply too easy to loop most of them long enough for 3 survivors on different gens to repair 3 gens, since we are talking about it only takes 80 seconds to repair them.

    Unless they raised the base speed of the killers, I don't see what kind of buffs they could do so that a Trapper / Trickster / Clown / Pig / etc could beat SoloQ survivors that are at the SWF level.

    I don't know what nerfs could do to the SWF, but what they can't do is buff SoloQ without even making other changes to offset that buff.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Seem right. The existence of absurdly good SWFs scares me, but it's true that your argument is, so to speak, better explained than mine.

    The problem is that I doubt they will make so many changes to compensate for the implementation of the MMR system. The maps, although the vast majority no longer have infinities, are still problematic for many killers, there would be many perks that should buff, because right now there are very few that are meta/good enough...

    Although it sounds op, I would love to see what would happen if the speed of M1 killers were temporarily increased from 115% to 120% (in other words, from 4.6 m/s to 4.8 m/s), the chases would be shorter, survivors wouldn't be able to take advantage of the pallets / vaults as much, the killers would move faster across the map...

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I don't think it'll even affect SWF to begin with.

    Anyways, don't nerf SWF, horrible idea. Why punish survivors for playing with friends?

    Once MMR is perfectly ready to release, we'll have to buff killers to compensate.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2021

    Problem with a speed increase would be, a lot of tiles (shack, TL,) or a lot of pallets are balanced around a certain speed, so that mindgames are possible. I think those are the greatest tiles. The killer has to make mindgames, double back, fake to get an advantage, or at least to make the survivor drop a pallet earlier and the survivor has to try to read the killer. This interaction bringst me the most enjoyment in the game and is the reason i still play the game after thousand hours. It is also the reason why i dislike the bloodlust mecanic and perks/killer power that deny this interaction.

    I agree with you that the killer that lack mobility have a huge problem. Maybe they could try to make a new meta perk or even a new mecanic, like contrary to bloodlust, you gain movementspeed stacks if you are not in a chase for a certain amount of time (but you would lose them the moment a chase starts). It would help slower killers navigate around the map, finding a chase, but it not help them during a chase.

    Like you, unfortunatly, i am not optimistic about any big positive changes, and i have to admit, after the last 3 chapters, i have played the game a lot less.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    An MMR is a buff to killers, here is why:

    The skill difference between soloQ teams and SWF teams that killers face will become smaller. Killers will face stronger solo players and weaker swf players in most cases.

    In theory of course, we will see how it turns out in practice.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    I don't understand your logic. The killers will continue to face good SWFs and also now the SoloQ survivors will be much better. Why would we face off against worse SWFs?

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    New mmr system is also a nerf to SWF since they'll play against sweaty killers exclusively

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Yeah, I’m feeling really buffed getting to play with rank 19’s cleansing dull totems when I’m dying on the floor next to them

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    We are crying for nerf keys and they nerfed Franklin. That was not perfect perk but it was only one counter of keys. And now it is gone.

    BHVR will not do anything for killers.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Killers will face survivors that have the same skill as the killer. This means most likely stronger solo players and a bit weaker swf players. If you lose you will gradually get weaker and weaker survivors.

    If you don't understand just wait until it gets activated. It makes little sense to discuss about it.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    This post makes no sense. If you're losing against good teams then the MMR system will eventually match you with monkeys of the appropriate skill level for you.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Raising the SoloQ level considerably and only slightly reducing the SWF level is not a buff to killers.

    I ask you what is the point of your logic because at least I can't find it.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Making killers move faster seems like a great idea for M1 killers (ranged killers like the Huntress would still move the same, but killers that can only use the M1 would be greatly improved).

    It seems to me a very good idea to be able to move quickly from one end of the map to another, this would improve both the early and the late, since there are many times that you simply cannot defend 3 nearby gens and you are in a situation in which all 3 gens are very far from each other.

    Bloodlust, if they increase the speed of the killers, I think it should be eliminated.

    I don't think it's bad to have base perks, but they have to be careful, for example Tinkerer would seem excessively op.

    More slots for perks also seems like a very good idea to me, the actual problem is that the killer faces 16 perks while he has only 4 (and on top of that some may be Hex or, like the new Nemesis perk or the Plague perk, which only activates at the beginning of the game and has no further use for the rest of the game). Putting a fifth slot for, for example, only Hex perks would seem like a good idea to me.

    I'd love to think of these ideas rolling into the game, but knowing BHVR, we'll only see more of the killer nerfs.

  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88

    This is the key point - a (working!) MMR system would ensure that killers were always matched against survivors (either solo or SWF) of a similar standard to themselves.

    So it has LITERALLY nothing to do with buffs or nerfs to Survivors or Killers in anyway.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256
    edited June 2021

    Your comment doesn't make sense. Only Nurse and Spirit will be able against good teams, either SWF or SoloQ. That doesn't make sense in a 24-killer game. Only two killers can play against good survivors?

    Well, if my post doesn't make sense, your comment shouldn't even exist lmao.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    A lot of players have this ''mindset'' that because they are matched against a SWF team then they surely are at a disadvantage, when most of the times SWF teams are casual players who want to have fun and sometimes ends up being detrimental to them when they are introducing their friend(s) to the game, so many times I have won a game with a 4k because the team was composed of 2 red ranks and 2 yellow ranks, basically a premade of 2 friends introducing their other 2 friends to the game and makes it easy for me to chase the 2 new players, but for some reason people always choose to think that they are always at a disadvantaje, most SWF teams are casuals who play for fun, SWF sweat squads are actually not that common.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    With that reasoning why punish killers for playing alone? I know not all survive with friends are complete sweatfest groups and I do love the absolutely altruistic swf as a killer. Also the ones who have a brand new player to the game, someone invited me to a voice chat on xbox a while ago, I thought here comes the flaming, but no. They were telling me how terrified their friend was as my myers just stared at her and they were shouting at her to run lol.

    I make that point because I agree some swf are just out to have fun but the sweatiest ones really ruin the killers fun and a game is about having fun, not raising your blood pressure and stress levels.

    I think killers should get a bp bonus dependent on how many people are in a swf group, 25% per player, and survivors should get 25% extra per solo queue survivors, including themselves.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    MMR won't gong to buff soloQ in any way. The balance of soloQ is simply broken too much and it can't be fixed with changing survivor ranks.

  • van9684
    van9684 Member Posts: 433

    They can’t nerf swf. Who wants to play a game you can’t invite friends? Their sales would rank. Most casual players like myself just want to do a few rounds with buddies on the weekend and have fun.