Killer Concept: The Haze

Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
edited June 2021 in Creations

Appearance: I'm too lazy to put something here. The weapon is a sickle.

Speed: 115% (4.6 m/s)

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Height: Tall

Power: Fog of Distain

Holding m2 will have the Haze hold up his left hand, with a swirl of black fog appearing around it. This can be held for any period of time. While being held, the Haze moves at 95% movement speed. It takes 1 second for this to be able to be used. Clicking m1 while this is being held will have the Haze fire a concentrated, swirling mass of fog covering a 2 degree cone infront of him and going up to a maximum distance of 18 meters. This can be cancelled by letting go of m2. For 1 second after using this, the Haze moves at 90% movement speed.

Hitting a Survivor with this projectile will afflict them with the Corrupted status effect.

Secondary Power: Contaminating Smog

Holding CTRL will start an animation for 1 second, where the Haze slowly dissipates into fog. Letting go of control will immediately cancel this, and the Haze will be able to move at normal speed immediately afterwards. While holding CTRL, the Haze cannot move. After the animation completes, the Haze will be invisible and granted the Undetectable status effect. While in this state, the Haze cannot see Survivors, but can see the auras of Corrupted Survivors within 40 meters of itself, also the Haze moves at 150% speed.

Holding CTRL for 1 second while using Contaminating Smog will have the Haze exit that state, slowing it down to 50% speed during that time. From a Survivor's point of view, black fog would swirl in the spot where the Haze is reappearing, where the Haze will reappear during this one second. Afterwards, the Haze can move and use its powers normally.

Corrupted: While Corrupted, windows vaulted by a Survivor will be immediately blocked for all Survivors for 20 seconds. Pallets vaulted by a Survivor who's Corrupted will also be blocked for the same amount of time. The auras of blocked objects are shown to all players in a white aura.

  • Slightly decreases the time it takes to charge Fog of Distain.
  • Slightly/moderately decreases the time it takes to enter Contaminating Smog.
  • Slightly/moderately decreases the time it takes to exit Contaminating Smog.
  • Slightly/moderately/considerably increases the range auras can be seen while in Contaminating Smog.
  • Slightly/moderately/considerably increases the movement speed of the Haze while in Contaminating Smog.
  • Slightly/moderately/considerably decreases the time to appear from a Survivor.
Iridescent Add-ons
  • Iridescent Fog: The fog of this land glows a brilliant red, as the lives of the captives are taken for sport. When Corrupted, a Survivor is inflicted with the Exposed status effect for 20 seconds, and are inflicted with Blindness for the time they are Corrupted.
  • Heavy Mist: The fog in a Survivor weighs them down greatly. When initially Corrupted, a Survivor is slowed down by 5% for 30 seconds. This stacks each time that Survivor is hit by Fog of Distain.



You're no stranger to making things not appear as they seem.

If your aura is revealed to a Survivor, the auras of 1/2/3 other Survivors are shown to them as your aura. You can see the auras shown to that Survivor as well.

Hidden Presence

The fog hides your intent.

When a Survivor fails a skillcheck within your terror radius, you gain the Undetectable status effect for 20 seconds. When a Survivor gets a good or great skillcheck within your terror radius, their aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds. Each effect of Hidden Presence can only activate once every 60/50/40 seconds (the first one to activate has its cooldown shown in white, the second having its cooldown shown in red).

Hex: In Darkness

Light fades and hope dies as long as your soul remains intact.

While this Totem remains standing, Survivors that are Cursed by the effect of another Hex Totem are inflicted with the Blindness and Oblivious status effects. If a Totem is broken while this Totem remains standing, all Survivors that are Cursed by the effect of another Hex Totem are Incapacitated for 20/25/30 seconds.

Thank you for reading this! Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!

Post edited by Critical_Fish on


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50


    Fog of Distain - I think survivors should also see the aura of blocked pallets/windows.

    Contaminating Smog - so kinda like spirit but only to track survivors, why would you do this? This is such a waste of time.

    1. You have to corrupt someone, which seems pretty hard.

    2. You have to do the whole animation.

    3. You have to actually find someone, because you can only see the aura of corrupted survivors in a 12m radius -> wastes more time (it should be a bigger range like 40m).

    4a. You have to appear back and then walk again to the survivor, while the survivor will hear your terror radius and run away. -> All this for nothing, because you still have to chase the survivor then.

    4b. If you teleport to a survivor you waste 6.5s of your time while the survivor gets a head start of 1.5sec (the head start is necessary, otherwise this would be a second spirit, but it still doesnt seem worth it) and you remove the Corrupted status effect from the survivor -> which makes you even weaker

    My suggestion: After you hit a survivor with Fog of Distain, they get Corrupted for 90s. If they vault any window/pallet while Corrupted, it gets blocked by the entity for 20s. Auras of affected objects are shown to all players. When using Contaminating Smog you get the undetectable status effect and you can't move, but see the auras of Corrupted survivors in a range of 40m. The starting animation takes 3s -> then you see the auras for as long as you want -> the ending animation takes 1s, after this animation is finished you stay undetectable for 20s. Hitting a corrupted survivor while put him in deep wounds.


    Unconformity - Do you see the aura of the other 3 survivor or is the survivor seeing the auras of the other survivors?!?!?

    Hidden Presence - okayish, useless on high ranks

    Hex: In Darkness - maybe too strong, because you can be Oblivious the whole match, cool idea

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    edited June 2021

    Corrupting someone isn't that difficult, kind of being more precise than, but also faster than, Plague's purges if I were to describe the projectile. I should allow Survivors to see the auras of the blocked objects as well, though.

    I might make it so you can reappear wherever you want, and remove that secondary action to appear out of a Survivor. If I were to update this, I would add a timer to how long the Corrupted status effect lasts.

    For Unconformity, the aura is only shown to the Survivor. Looking back at this, though, I should allow you to see the auras as well.

    I added the second effect (the aura reading) to Hidden Presence because of that. It's not gonna be meta defining, but it doesn't have to be.

    Hex: In Darkness' first effect is removed if either the Hex that is Cursing a Survivor is cleansed, or In Darkness is cleansed. With this I think it should be fair enough, though it is fairly strong for all Hex builds.

    Thank you for the feedback!

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50