Trapper - 5 Gens in 4mins 20s, Is this the game that BHVR wants to create, the competitive one?

Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

Yes, I am playing trapper with very close to 5k hours, I am sure I have played without fail because I should be punished in this way? 1 player behind removing all the traps and 2 of them repairing or 3, the trapper can NOT do anything against this and the gens falling so fast is not fun.

They are forcing us to play strong killers and play boring games, tunneling and camping to avoid all this, AND I DON'T LIKE THE TYPE OF GAME.

I would like you to be civilized commenting, because I know that this does not happen "usually" but it happens normally ...

This is the game that you are focusing on doing BHVR? Well, I don't sign.

