the new bots

when i saw the new bots on the ptb, i thought it was only a test, play as only trapper or dwight on only 1 map so we can just test what the bots are like. now they hit live and its not changed in the slightest, as much as its better than nothing, its wasted opportunity when mobile is doing better than the main game regarding practice. let bots be in custom match, or at least just some practice mode where we can select more than 1 character and actually have perks.
Y'know that would be fun plus it allows us to try out the kilelr without being punished for it
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it might just be me, but as far as my mentality goes, its better to have fun while practicing new things instead of being discouraged by a group of "gg ez" t-baggers (granted not ALL survivors are like that, just the majority of them) but getting like 10k bloodpoints for it
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Yea, that was disappointing to say at least. First thing after downloading update I went on a trip around menu and went to tutorial section. I was like yea, finally some nice spot to check out different killers and survivors, their perks, learn proper flashlight timing and stuff.
NOPE, it's just Chuck Testa
Seriously, I don't see any reason for even beginners to play vs bots in this state unless you're about to become dunno, Trapper main. But then again, playstyles will change depending on perks and items which survivor bring to real match.
Tbh there is no reason to try out new techs/mechanics untill MMR goes live and you get to learn each killer individually against newbies and not getting stomped into the ground by high ranks (unless you're tilt proof and enjoy it you masochist)
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Small steps
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It was pretty clearly stated that the PTB was just a test of new upgrades to the tutorial using bots. The starter tutorial in its original form was only ever Dwight and Trapper with some basic here's how to fix/kick a gen and hook/unhook a survivor etc etc. The fact that there is now a mini game is now kinda great.
Its a definite step up and I hope its a precursor to custom game bots with difficulty scales or behavioural scales for both killer and survivor.
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I find it funny that those bots can waste your time as an M1 killer about as much or more than regular survivors. They're just bad at doing gens.
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I.... I just had the MegBot in the tutorial drop a pallet in dwightBot's face
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I would love the ability to put bots in a custom game when my friends aren't on or I don't have a lot of time. It would be fun to play as any killer against the bots. It also wouldn't hurt to do this when I just want to have fun without getting whining messages from toxic crybabies at the end of the match.