Good nurse builds?

KingB Member Posts: 747
I'm learning nurse and just wondering what some good builds are. Like add-on combinations perks stuff like that.


  • Turtlesrock
    Turtlesrock Member Posts: 50

    The build I use on my nurse is Nurse's Calling, Hex: Ruin, Shadowborn, BBQ and Chili.
    This build lets you get better view from shadowborn (also affects when you fatigue)
    Ruin is such a needed perk IMO to slow the game down.
    Nurse's Calling so you can see where others are healing. Nurse doesn't need to tunnel people down, so if you see a 2nd person, you can change targets and find this other guy later since they have to heal.
    BBQ is basically busted on nurse.. hook someone, see them, teleport to them, down them, repeat.

    You can replace Nurse's Calling and Shadowborn with other things, i think BBQ and Ruin are a must have for just about any killer. Hex: Haunted Grounds is also a good perk too since everyone is looking for Ruin, this gives you an insta down

    Addons arent needed really on nurse. Adding extra blinks is nice.

    A FUN perk set up is "Ataxic Respiration" and "Catatonic Boy's Treasure" combined. They both let your range of blink go up, together they are super strong. If you put these 2 perks on with The Game map, you basically win since you can blink 1 side of the map to the next.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Yup, the build above is nice. About addons i like to combine the ones that reduce the fatigue duration. Pocket watch and the one that looks like a tooth.
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Vietfox @Turtlesrock Honestly combining Jenner's last breath and "Bad Man's" last breath is broken. I've yet to get anything less than a 3k. Seriously though thanks for the advice I'm gonna try it lol.
  • Turtlesrock
    Turtlesrock Member Posts: 50

    Just try 1 game with "Ataxic Respiration" and "Catatonic Boy's Treasure" combined. It's fun, trust

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Turtlesrock I Def will. I have been hoarding add-on for nurse and I have 10 ataxia respirations and 26 of the other one. Lol thanks for introducing me to this.
  • Scourge
    Scourge Member Posts: 145
    edited December 2018

    Toxic Nurse:
    BBQ, Make your choice, Hunted Grounds or Franklins(if they have flashlights) or Sloppy Butcher for the memes, Ruin. Watch them cry

    Meme Nurse:
    Bamboozle, Brutal Strength, Unnerving Presence, Ruin(just needed so you can atleast play the game a bit)

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Core: Whispers and BBQ
    Prolong: Sloppy Butcher or Ruin
    Supportive: A Nurses Calling, Monitor & Abuse

    I usually build my loadouts around those. Whispers and BBQ are core, then either Sloppy & Nurses or Ruin & Monitor & Abuse.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    You can run anything on Nurse and do well since she doesn't really rely on perks OR add-ons
    My Favorite build it Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, Spirit Fury and Fire Up, it's so OP that survivors have no chance. All Jokes aside though the best build for Nurse imo is BBQ and Chili, MYC, Nurses calling and a perk of your choice, normally its sloppy butcher or hex ruin. Addons aren't recommended because if you rely on 4 blinks then you won't learn her correctly because you won't always have those 4 blinks. Also add-ons normally hurt you more than they help

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883


  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    ruin,sloppy,hex toth,bbq and chili and for addons ataxic respiration and catatonic addons and once u become good with nurse this build will end match in few minutes just dont let them break ruin and toth

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    Literally run no add-ons and any perk that allows sight and map pressure, so bbq,ruin, and other 2 perks you want, no add-ons

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,534


    Can I ask, do either of these add-ons have any purpose? IMO these are a hindrance, but are Purple?!