It's time to delete the TL2x Walls


I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with the TL loop, it's increasingly one of the major headaches I have to deal with as killer. And it's on almost every original map. At least the imbalance in haddonfield is architecturally interesting, the TL loop is boring and also only solvable by the survivor making a mistake. If the killer doesn't know how to solve the loop it's functionally infinite. You should not be forced to look up youtube tutorials because of a single map tile in this game. It's bad enough playing killer with the insane amount of bully swfs in this game, but the TL loop gives them a huge tool to annoy killers with. It's literally stronger than the shack loop.

Please remake this map tile, it's the single most painful map tile to deal with as killer and it keeps showing up no matter where I go. At the very least quarantine it to coldwind since that's a lost cause anyway. I'm tired of solving this puzzle over and over.
